The Warmergate Scandal

I want Chris to answer another questions. Lots of pictures of glaciers melting.

What's the problem? We lost glaciers from the ice age. Do we need to get them back? I fail to see this as a crisis.

and of course, it's still not our fault even if it IS a problem. Adapt or die.

We've had what... 4 or 5 ice ages?

Chrissy is an idiot apologist.
Well for many of us we knew this was all BS but now the others that was taken for a ride has to open their eyes if not then they are without a doubt on a different planet.

The Jig is up!

You can't tell religous zealots that the religion they believe in is wrong.

Try telling a Muslim that there is no Allah and Mohammed never existed.
Try telling a catholic GOD isn't real and Jesus was just some lucky dude who everyone said was the non-existant GOD's child.

Go ahead, even with proof to the contrary or a lack of back up evidence they will still tell you God/Allah and the prophets are real.

Same with Global Warming (Man Made) zealots, its their religion, its the thing they believe in and will not give it up.
And global warming deniers are exactly the same...two sides of the coin.

But this conspiracy is the most amusing one I've seen in a while.
and what exactly did Phil do?



Jay. Have you read anything at all in any ClimateGate thread or do you just post because you like the attention?
He's not reading at all, because he really doesn't care. His mind is made up, and he has zero interest in anything that goes against his stance. This is called, "closed minded."

He's merely soooo afraid that if he doesn't defend this, even as weakly as he is, that he might get kicked out of the cult!

He doesn't realize it's okay to just ignore this stuff, or even let one honest statement creep out such as, "this is really bad, a black eye for science" and move on.

He CAN'T move on, because he so greatly fears getting kicked out of the cult!
lost data = conspiracy?....hmmmmmm!
Raw data which is mysteriously "lost" after this story broke, which is the SAME raw data requested in the FOIA request that started all of this.

I suppose it's better for these scientists to claim incompetence than to turn over the data.
I love this right wing love fest over a small university in England that no one has ever heard of.

How desperate are you?
Yeah....Small university.

The University of East Anglia - in particular its Climatic Research Unit - is the only university to be included in a list of the key bodies that have set the environmental agenda in the UK over the past 30 years.

CRU key to setting environmental agenda - University of East Anglia (UEA)

Speaking of desperate......

Critical theory.

It was a small town in Alaska too. :lol:

Same shit, different lib.
Well for many of us we knew this was all BS but now the others that was taken for a ride has to open their eyes if not then they are without a doubt on a different planet.

The Jig is up!

You can't tell religous zealots that the religion they believe in is wrong.

Try telling a Muslim that there is no Allah and Mohammed never existed.
Try telling a catholic GOD isn't real and Jesus was just some lucky dude who everyone said was the non-existant GOD's child.

Go ahead, even with proof to the contrary or a lack of back up evidence they will still tell you God/Allah and the prophets are real.

Same with Global Warming (Man Made) zealots, its their religion, its the thing they believe in and will not give it up.
And global warming deniers are exactly the same...two sides of the coin.

But this conspiracy is the most amusing one I've seen in a while.

Show me the inarguable facts that prove, without a doubt, that man is causing the earth to warm and I wont deny it.

But when we have the data being destroyed and erased (o wait i mean "lost") if it contradicts the religous zealots belief that global warming is a man made occurance i find it hard to believe that it is indeed man made warming. Especially with the climate data showing no increase in temps over the last 10 years.
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And global warming deniers are exactly the same...two sides of the coin.

But this conspiracy is the most amusing one I've seen in a while.
Now, all the data is mysteriously "gone."

All of this over -- egads -- a freedom of information request.

And for some reason, this doesn't bother the chrissys, Jay Cumsucks, Old Crocks' and Ravis of the world.

Now, had this same bit happened with let's say, BLACKWATER with "hacked" emails, then data conveniently "disappearing," all because of a little FOIA request, they would be pissing all over themselves...
lost data = conspiracy?....hmmmmmm!
Raw data which is mysteriously "lost" after this story broke, which is the SAME raw data requested in the FOIA request that started all of this.

I suppose it's better for these scientists to claim incompetence than to turn over the data.

this does sound like a mystery!:eek: - where is Scooby when you need him?
lost data = conspiracy?....hmmmmmm!
Raw data which is mysteriously "lost" after this story broke, which is the SAME raw data requested in the FOIA request that started all of this.

I suppose it's better for these scientists to claim incompetence than to turn over the data.

We can prove it but we discarded the data. Us super double extra smart scientists don't know how to back up data.


Holy fucking jeebus. :lol:
so this is quite a mysterious conspiracy indeed! ..... I am so intrigued! tell me more !!!!!!!!
so some lost data totally refutes the general agreement among a vast majortity of the worlds scientists that man-made climate change is a reality?

You can't "lose" data that is a matter of public record. Wherever the original data came from still exists.

Untrue. They didn't 'share' any or much with any outside people. The data they published was all 'adjusted' using questionable, meaning people couldn't figure out how or what they were adjusting for. See Ravi, that's a big part of the problem. Now the adjustments were made, then changed, which is where the code comes in. You would have to go and find prior discussions on that.

You can't "lose" data that is a matter of public record. Wherever the original data came from still exists.

Untrue. They didn't 'share' any or much with any outside people. The data they published was all 'adjusted' using questionable, meaning people couldn't figure out how or what they were adjusting for. See Ravi, that's a big part of the problem. Now the adjustments were made, then changed, which is where the code comes in. You would have to go and find prior discussions on that.
I saw them. The data that was adjusted had to do with tree ring declines after 1960. I've read whatever has been posted on this topic and I am skeptical to say the least. I made my position clear early in the thread and it hasn't changed because there has been nothing to change it.
I found half dozen of simlar articles to this one. Mobile

Still waiting for the smoking gun. If there is one, I would love to see it. Laymen seem to be making a lot to do about nothing, but I have an open mind.

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