The Warmergate Scandal

why even bother responding to chris

the guy is a fucking idiot

he doesn't want to accept the fact that yes there are some glaciers melting but there are also glaciers growing!

just ignore him

He is a remarkable example of uneducated hubris to be sure...
I know the right is really putting a spin on what is basically pretty obvious.

The poles and the glaciers are melting, and the temperatures are rising, and we have doubled CO2.

No question about it.
No they're not, you lying sack of shit.

Numerous links were posted last night, and you refuse to accept the facts.

Numerous links to what?

Your imagination?

Fuck you, idiot.
I know the right is really putting a spin on what is basically pretty obvious.

The poles and the glaciers are melting, and the temperatures are rising, and we have doubled CO2.

No question about it.
No they're not, you lying sack of shit.

Numerous links were posted last night, and you refuse to accept the facts.

Numerous links to what?

Your imagination?

Fuck you, idiot.

Don't mean to intrude on the domestic dispute here but how about you start with the two he just posted you dickless wonder ..........
Numerous links to what?

Your imagination?

Fuck you, idiot.
Getting all up in this "green" thing, positioning themselves to make TRILLIONS off of it.

The irony is that green energy can very easily be made at home.

Each of us could produce our own energy.

Then the big companies would be out of the loop.
When you show me where it's cost beneficial and truly carbon neutral, I'll stop laughing.

However, cap and trade will artificially inflate everyone's utility bills, making "green" solutions for the home almost look viable! :rofl:

Insulated homes....cost efficient and carbon neutral.

Solar panels...cost efficient and carbon neutral.

Small wind mills...cost efficient and carbon neutral.
The irony is that green energy can very easily be made at home.

Each of us could produce our own energy.

Then the big companies would be out of the loop.
When you show me where it's cost beneficial and truly carbon neutral, I'll stop laughing.

However, cap and trade will artificially inflate everyone's utility bills, making "green" solutions for the home almost look viable! :rofl:

Insulated homes....cost efficient and carbon neutral.
^^^This does not CREATE energy.
Solar panels...cost efficient and carbon neutral.

Small wind mills...cost efficient and carbon neutral.
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Insulated homes....cost efficient and carbon neutral.

Solar panels...cost efficient and carbon neutral.

Small wind mills...cost efficient and carbon neutral.
You're such a fucking deluded idiot, I don't know why I am wasting my time but here goes:

"Cost efficient" over how long of a term of payout? 10? 15? 20-25 years?

The up-front capital invested is amortized out over time, by supposedly lower utility bills, tax breaks and incentives. You're telling ME that with my monthly electric bill of $100 a month average that I'm really gonna see a return on solar panels, batteries, controls and a windmill in under 20 fucking YEARS?

It is NOT cost effective!
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Such towering irony, this post. :rofl:

So instead of trying to answer my legitimate question, you're a dick about it. No surprise.
You failed to see the towering irony of YOU calling others moonbats, in the same post where you blathered more moonbattery with a bullshit rhetorical question. No surprise.

My pointing it out isn't being a "dick" it's being a good citizen of the board. If you don't like it, go fuck yourself.

You actually said, paraphrased, "I am trying to keep up with this topic but all the moonbats on both sides make it hard" then said, again paraphrasing, "But what about THIS glacier that is MELLLLTED!!!!"

You fucking moron. You have not kept up with the topic because 1.) You're essentially lazy and 2.) you don't really care if the leading scientists in the AGW field are lying, falsifying data, stonewalling FOIA requests and then "losing" the requested data, as they SAID IN THE EMAILS THEY MIGHT DO!

You should be PISSED OFF about it.
You failed to see the towering irony of YOU calling others moonbats, in the same post where you blathered more moonbattery with a bullshit rhetorical question. No surprise.

My pointing it out isn't being a "dick" it's being a good citizen of the board. If you don't like it, go fuck yourself.

You actually said, paraphrased, "I am trying to keep up with this topic but all the moonbats on both sides make it hard" then said, again paraphrasing, "But what about THIS glacier that is MELLLLTED!!!!"

You fucking moron. You have not kept up with the topic because 1.) You're essentially lazy and 2.) you don't really care if the leading scientists in the AGW field are lying, falsifying data, stonewalling FOIA requests and then "losing" the requested data, as they SAID IN THE EMAILS THEY MIGHT DO!

You should be PISSED OFF about it.

How is it a bullshit rhetorical question? I guess you aren't well informed about what's going on up there.

You're not being a good citizen.

I asked both sides for an answer. I never said moonbats in this thread, I was speaking in general terms.

And by the way?

1.) I'm not essentially lazy. I don't have the time to commit to learning everything about this situation. I don't know if you're retired, but if you are, some of us aren't.

I think the mere fact that I'm on here almost daily wanting to learn about politics, current events, and issues facing our world today is the opposite of being lazy. But once again, all you are is full of put downs.

2.) I do care if they are lying. I'm not jumping to conclusions quite yet, and you shouldn't either. I figured after that whole suicide fed thing that everyone on here would slow down on jumping to conclusions to this level at the very least. But I suppose not. :eusa_eh:
You failed to see the towering irony of YOU calling others moonbats, in the same post where you blathered more moonbattery with a bullshit rhetorical question. No surprise.

My pointing it out isn't being a "dick" it's being a good citizen of the board. If you don't like it, go fuck yourself.

You actually said, paraphrased, "I am trying to keep up with this topic but all the moonbats on both sides make it hard" then said, again paraphrasing, "But what about THIS glacier that is MELLLLTED!!!!"

You fucking moron. You have not kept up with the topic because 1.) You're essentially lazy and 2.) you don't really care if the leading scientists in the AGW field are lying, falsifying data, stonewalling FOIA requests and then "losing" the requested data, as they SAID IN THE EMAILS THEY MIGHT DO!

You should be PISSED OFF about it.

How is it a bullshit rhetorical question?
By definition it's a question the one asking already knows the answer to, or already has a position or opinion on. And when it's off-topic, it's also called deflection.
I'm on here almost daily wanting to learn
No, you're not. You are here wanting to pose as a non-partisan while at the same time regurgitating and parroting the far-left position, and trolling and attempting to derail threads such as this one.

Just shut up, little boy Robert. You haven't the candlepower, experience, patience or the wherewithal to stand up in a real debate. You need to use the time you spend blathering on message boards, BACK IN SCHOOL actually getting the education you desperately need.
2.) I do care if they are lying. I'm not jumping to conclusions quite yet, and you shouldn't either. I figured after that whole suicide fed thing that everyone on here would slow down on jumping to conclusions to this level at the very least. But I suppose not. :eusa_eh:
This scandal involves more than 60 gigs of e-mails written in English and over 70 gigs of FORTRAN code yet to be deciphered, not just a chunk of paper with three letters scrawled on it.

But I suppose you're still waiting for Michael Mann to come out and declare "I'm not a crook", huh?
Insulated homes....cost efficient and carbon neutral.

Solar panels...cost efficient and carbon neutral.

Small wind mills...cost efficient and carbon neutral.
You're such a fucking deluded idiot, I don't know why I am wasting my time but here goes:

"Cost efficient" over how long of a term of payout? 10? 15? 20-25 years?

The up-front capital invested is amortized out over time, by supposedly lower utility bills, tax breaks and incentives. You're telling ME that with my monthly electric bill of $100 a month average that I'm really gonna see a return on solar panels, batteries, controls and a windmill in under 20 fucking YEARS?

It is NOT cost effective!

Of course it is...

In a country that ranks among the world’s highest for average number of sunny days per year, solar energy has long been seen as a key natural resource here.

All the more fitting that on the eve of its Independence Day Israel launched what it said was the first solar farm of its kind, billed as a breakthrough that will make it affordable to reduce reliance on fossil fuels.

The technology, a system of rotating dishes made up of mirrors, is capable of harnessing up to 75 percent of incoming sunlight – roughly five times the capacity of traditional solar panels. In addition, using mirrors to reduce the number of photovoltaic cells needed, it makes the cost of solar energy roughly comparable to fossil fuels.

In Israel, solar power that won’t need subsidies |
2.) I do care if they are lying. I'm not jumping to conclusions quite yet, and you shouldn't either.
Hey, stupid fuck. I have READ all the emails, and studied the codes released. I have read and bookmarked almost every media and print article on this, and also a couple of dozen blog posts. Have you even attempted to study this?

Didn't think you had.

Bone up on the subject, perchance to be able to have useful and meaningful dialogue on it.
By definition it's a question the one asking already knows the answer to, or already has a position or opinion on. And when it's off-topic, it's also called deflection.

No, you're not. You are here wanting to pose as a non-partisan while at the same time regurgitating and parroting the far-left position, and trolling and attempting to derail threads such as this one.

Just shut up, little boy Robert. You haven't the candlepower, experience, patience or the wherewithal to stand up in a real debate. You need to use the time you spend blathering on message boards, BACK IN SCHOOL actually getting the education you desperately need.

Except I don't know the answer to or any opinion on it. I know about it because my state was brought up when it happened.

As for me, I am wanting to learn. Maybe you're too much of a dick to have an actual conversation who doesn't hop in agreeing with you, but I get along with plenty of people on here who do not hold the same views I do.

Feel free to bring up my age, please do so some more, you only show your needing to take a refuge in more personal attacks against me. Once again, you show us all what you're full of, which by the way is shit.
Insulated homes....cost efficient and carbon neutral.

Solar panels...cost efficient and carbon neutral.

Small wind mills...cost efficient and carbon neutral.
You're such a fucking deluded idiot, I don't know why I am wasting my time but here goes:

"Cost efficient" over how long of a term of payout? 10? 15? 20-25 years?

The up-front capital invested is amortized out over time, by supposedly lower utility bills, tax breaks and incentives. You're telling ME that with my monthly electric bill of $100 a month average that I'm really gonna see a return on solar panels, batteries, controls and a windmill in under 20 fucking YEARS?

It is NOT cost effective!

Of course it is...

In a country that ranks among the world’s highest for average number of sunny days per year, solar energy has long been seen as a key natural resource here.

All the more fitting that on the eve of its Independence Day Israel launched what it said was the first solar farm of its kind, billed as a breakthrough that will make it affordable to reduce reliance on fossil fuels.

The technology, a system of rotating dishes made up of mirrors, is capable of harnessing up to 75 percent of incoming sunlight – roughly five times the capacity of traditional solar panels. In addition, using mirrors to reduce the number of photovoltaic cells needed, it makes the cost of solar energy roughly comparable to fossil fuels.

In Israel, solar power that won’t need subsidies |
You move the goalposts again.... This time from home use to industrial use.

See what a hack you are yet?

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