The Warmergate Scandal

Now, all the data is mysteriously "gone."

All of this over -- egads -- a freedom of information request.

And for some reason, this doesn't bother the chrissys, Jay Cumsucks, Old Crocks' and Ravis of the world.

Now, had this same bit happened with let's say, BLACKWATER with "hacked" emails, then data conveniently "disappearing," all because of a little FOIA request, they would be pissing all over themselves...
Remember a private phone call between Gingrich and Boehner that "accidentally-on-purposely" got recorded and turned over to the NYT and Jim McDermott?

Didn't hear any of the usual suspects playing the "this was obtained illegally" card back them.
the "we have nothing but inuendo" card

Your delusion knows no bounds. Neither does your knee-jerk, instinctive defense of anything negative towards your AGW religion!

You have no problem at all with these scientists "losing" raw data? Is that at the very least, incompetence?
and I'm not defending anyone....just trying to get the facts straight about this huge conspiracy.
just how many scientists are involved in this conspiracy again?


Phil Jones
Phil Jones? - gasp!!!..... this is even bigger than I imagined.

Jay, are you retarded? I know it's not the polite PC way of asking, but you seem to be a nitwit and I don't want to be too cruel if the problem is some genetic defect and not that you're just a total fucking moron.
is Phil Jones the evil ringleader of the biggest scientific conspiracy ever perpetrated on mankind?....he does look dangerous with those wee beady eyes and unbuttoned 70's collar!
is Phil Jones the evil ringleader of the biggest scientific conspiracy ever perpetrated on mankind?....he does look dangerous with those wee beady eyes and unbuttoned 70's collar!

He's the George Washington of the AGW movement.

Clue: get one today
Well for many of us we knew this was all BS but now the others that was taken for a ride has to open their eyes if not then they are without a doubt on a different planet.

The Jig is up!

You can't tell religous zealots that the religion they believe in is wrong.

Try telling a Muslim that there is no Allah and Mohammed never existed.
Try telling a catholic GOD isn't real and Jesus was just some lucky dude who everyone said was the non-existant GOD's child.

Go ahead, even with proof to the contrary or a lack of back up evidence they will still tell you God/Allah and the prophets are real.

Same with Global Warming (Man Made) zealots, its their religion, its the thing they believe in and will not give it up.
and I'm not defending anyone....
Yes, you are. Attempting to defend via deflection and ridicule. Except you're the only dumbass clod who can't see it's not working.
just trying to get the facts straight about this huge conspiracy.
You have no interest whatsoever in facts, never have. Otherwise you would be ready to savage these sons of bitches for "losing" ALL the raw data!

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