The Warmergate Scandal

I love this right wing love fest over a small university in England that no one has ever heard of.

How desperate are you?

Climate change: this is the worst scientific scandal of our generation - Telegraph

Professor Philip Jones, the CRU's director, is in charge of the two key sets of data used by the IPCC to draw up its reports. Through its link to the Hadley Centre, part of the UK Met Office, which selects most of the IPCC's key scientific contributors, his global temperature record is the most important of the four sets of temperature data on which the IPCC and governments rely – not least for their predictions that the world will warm to catastrophic levels unless trillions of dollars are spent to avert it.
Dr Jones is also a key part of the closely knit group of American and British scientists responsible for promoting that picture of world temperatures conveyed by Michael Mann's "hockey stick" graph which 10 years ago turned climate history on its head by showing that, after 1,000 years of decline, global temperatures have recently shot up to their highest level in recorded history.
Given star billing by the IPCC, not least for the way it appeared to eliminate the long-accepted Mediaeval Warm Period when temperatures were higher they are today, the graph became the central icon of the entire man-made global warming movement.

lol..yes a little place no one has heard rbeing such a global warming hack Chris you sure as hell don't know shit about where the IPCC gathers their info

fucking moron
What is this? A pissing contest of blogs?

Normally, I would say only peer-reviewed research should be considered when attempting to discuss science.

OK, I'll still say it. Irrespective of the insult that some grossly dishonest 'scientists' have delivered to science and the peer-review process, there is still good research out there.
Global Warming Fraud!!! Emergency Viral: ClimateGate Fraud Exposes Dirty Tricks Agenda For Global Government..Globalist minion Al Gore and the United Nations climate change shysters led by Phil Jones are in trouble..

Last week hackers uncovered a pile of email and documents revealing what many of us already knew — the climate change agenda is based not only on easily debunked junk science, but outright lies and deception.

In the wake of the damning revelations exposed by these anonymous hackers, the climate change snake oil salesmen Gore and his complaisant entourage of now discredited scientists are in full retreat. Even the corporate media — guilty of peddling the fabrication of man-made climate change for years with the best propaganda money can buy — are desperately scrambling to put the best spin possible on the emerging travesty.

Ok people is it finally setting in??? they use us, they lie to us… they destroy our dreams… why believe anything they ever say???
Nothing new, I see. A bunch of hysterical rightwingnuts are still trying to claim gw is a hoax perpetuated by scientists world wide with out any evidence.

What is this? A pissing contest of blogs?

Normally, I would say only peer-reviewed research should be considered when attempting to discuss science.

OK, I'll still say it. Irrespective of the insult that some grossly dishonest 'scientists' have delivered to science and the peer-review process, there is still good research out there.

Problem is, how much of what is passing for 'good science' in favor of that theory, relies on the data from U of A?

Climate change data dumped - Times Online

From The Sunday Times
November 29, 2009
Climate change data dumped
Jonathan Leake, Environment Editor

SCIENTISTS at the University of East Anglia (UEA) have admitted throwing away much of the raw temperature data on which their predictions of global warming are based.

It means that other academics are not able to check basic calculations said to show a long-term rise in temperature over the past 150 years.

The UEA’s Climatic Research Unit (CRU) was forced to reveal the loss following requests for the data under Freedom of Information legislation.

The data were gathered from weather stations around the world and then adjusted to take account of variables in the way they were collected. The revised figures were kept, but the originals — stored on paper and magnetic tape — were dumped to save space when the CRU moved to a new building.

In a statement on its website, the CRU said: “We do not hold the original raw data but only the value-added (quality controlled and homogenised) data.”...

Flip side, considering the known comments via email, how successful were these men and women at preventing alternative studies to be considered in 'peer reviewed' journals? This week the strongest 'defense' postings of these scientists have come via Realclimate which Jones said that he and others could control which posts appear, meaning they have/had administrative controls themselves or by proxies.
We've heard of the IPCC, Penn State, the Universities of Arizona and Colorado, NASA and NOAA....All of whom were circle jerking with the East Anglia CRU.

Next dopey comment?

You really have nothing.

The poles are melting, the glaciers are melting, the temps are increasing, and all you have are some hacked emails from a small university in England.


How pathetic!
And mankind has nothing to do with it even if it was happening.

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