The West: Russia has lost momentum in Ukraine

The West and NATO says Russia has lost momentum in the war inflicted on Ukraine. Russian thought that going would be easier in the east, but that has not happened.
---------etc etc If one of the goals of NATO was to weaken the military of the Russian nation, the objective has been reached. And Putin is talking about opening another front on his war in Finland? He can't even finish his war in Ukraine.
How will NATO get these pieces to the front lines ?

Every route from Poland is known and internally there are no trains .

All the required 200 ton weight transformers are made in Russia and there is a two year lead time for replacements .

Will they float everything in by rivers ( rofl ) or try high altitude precision parachute drops ?

The German imaginary assistance is as fanciful as your posts .

bad news ivan :thup:

“Russia has lost the war” | MR Online

"What some media have considered as a defeat and a withdrawal of the Russian army in Kherson, has been in reality a tactical withdrawal to avoid exposing a significant part of its troops who could have been surrounded in a compromising situation, and thus to better defend themselves.

"It has been sold that the Ukrainians had defeated the Russians and that this meant that they had practically won the war.

"The reality is that the Russians have temporarily ceded ground to regroup and organize themselves.

"They have abandoned the city, transforming it into a ghost town without electricity or water and with a population, albeit a very small one, which the Ukrainian troops will have to feed.

"At the same time, they have moved, in a successful operation, to the other bank of the Dnieper, turning the river into a natural line of defense very difficult to cross, since at this time, its width is about two kilometers."
More nonsense from this site's war commentary comedian -- our own pale imitation of coke clown Zelensky .

Russia has actually increased its working capacity in these areas by around 100 vessels and revenues continue to boom .

Litwin is now well and truly embedded in his own life example of being part of a mass formation psychosis and he is increasingly finding it more and more difficult to keep in touch with the real world .

Ignore the very low grade mis and dis information coming out of Langley and see if you can come up with something clever and witty, even if is rooted in distorted gibberish in terms of hard facts .Then we can at least give you some sort of mark for trying .
Litwin is now well and truly embedded

Moscow Soldier Realized He Won’t Return Home From Ukraine - INTERCEPTIONS​

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Haven't you yet used up all of your soppy Langley fifth rate pieces of cartoon nonsense -- always the last resort from those lacking the ability to engage in rational discussion ?

Come on . I asked for style and wit .

Not some buffoonery about Bulgaria sending a few catapults , bows and arrows -- in return for some gas .

In actual fact
" Bulgaria would not deliver weapons, it was decided. Instead, the country would provide military-technical support, which would include repairing and maintaining military equipment and weaponry. "

Should be interesting to see how these Bulgarians repair the wrecked sub stations and transformers which take two years to replace .
Sorry to introduce facts . Most unfair .

The West and NATO says Russia has lost momentum in the war inflicted on Ukraine. Russian thought that going would be easier in the east, but that has not happened.

Britain’s Defense Ministry said in its daily intelligence update Sunday that the Russian army had lost up to one-third of the combat strength it committed to Ukraine in late February and was failing to gain any substantial territory.

“Under the current conditions, Russia is unlikely to dramatically accelerate its rate of advance over the next 30 days,” the ministry said on Twitter.

The assessments of Russia’s war performance came as Russian troops retreated from around Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second-largest city, which was a key military objective earlier in the war and was bombarded for weeks. The regional governor said there had been no shelling in the city for several days, though Russia continued to strike the wider Kharkiv region.

If one of the goals of NATO was to weaken the military of the Russian nation, the objective has been reached. And Putin is talking about opening another front on his war in Finland? He can't even finish his war in Ukraine.
You clowns turds know so much that isn't true. Media fed idiots.

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