The Wheel Is Turning But The Rat Is Dead

I'm not going to participate in a thread of crap. Either you have logical, reasoned explanations or you are full of hot air and just participating in "spin" Negative for all concerned, even the Hillary haters. Don't we all want to find the great leader for our country? Partison crap will not get us there. Be real, be honest. Let us evaluate based on truth.
I'm not going to participate in a thread of crap. Either you have logical, reasoned explanations or you are full of hot air and just participating in "spin" Negative for all concerned, even the Hillary haters. Don't we all want to find the great leader for our country? Partison crap will not get us there. Be real, be honest. Let us evaluate based on truth.
I think the bits of her past I posted were quite relevant. And as you are NOT putting up ant those so called "high points" you are blubbering about you must now run and hide.
RWR did it, so it's possible BUT age takes abilities sometimes as you see in Hillary.

It escapes me, where the evidence of this may be, She still appears to be on top of her game.

Oh, by the way , I am a dedicated *****INDEPENDENT**** I pursue Truth rather than party bullcrap.
She has never had a top of her game moment. Shes always been 4th string and lost.
Watergate....FIRED for lying.
Rose Law Firm......The Tyson Chicken scandal.
First Lady......Travelgate
Sec. of State......emails.

She has a truly LONG list of failures and deception. She has NEVER had a "top of her game."

Well no. The idiots who made all the accusations that you listed have a long list of failure. Not a single one of those claims has slowed her down even a little bit. I'll admit those claims are red meat for the crazies, but nobody cares what the crazies think anyway.
RWR did it, so it's possible BUT age takes abilities sometimes as you see in Hillary.

It escapes me, where the evidence of this may be, She still appears to be on top of her game.

Oh, by the way , I am a dedicated *****INDEPENDENT**** I pursue Truth rather than party bullcrap.
She has never had a top of her game moment. Shes always been 4th string and lost.
Watergate....FIRED for lying.
Rose Law Firm......The Tyson Chicken scandal.
First Lady......Travelgate
Sec. of State......emails.

She has a truly LONG list of failures and deception. She has NEVER had a "top of her game."

Well no. The idiots who made all the accusations that you listed have a long list of failure. Not a single one of those claims has slowed her down even a little bit. I'll admit those claims are red meat for the crazies, but nobody cares what the crazies think anyway.
So YOU would trust YOUR money and YOUR life in the hands of that woman? Because that IS what you are asking Americans to do.

I MYSELF do not trust a liar or a thief. And she LIES and she STEALS. I do not hire OR vote for THAT kind of person.
RWR did it, so it's possible BUT age takes abilities sometimes as you see in Hillary.

It escapes me, where the evidence of this may be, She still appears to be on top of her game.

Oh, by the way , I am a dedicated *****INDEPENDENT**** I pursue Truth rather than party bullcrap.
She has never had a top of her game moment. Shes always been 4th string and lost.
Watergate....FIRED for lying.
Rose Law Firm......The Tyson Chicken scandal.
First Lady......Travelgate
Sec. of State......emails.

She has a truly LONG list of failures and deception. She has NEVER had a "top of her game."

Well no. The idiots who made all the accusations that you listed have a long list of failure. Not a single one of those claims has slowed her down even a little bit. I'll admit those claims are red meat for the crazies, but nobody cares what the crazies think anyway.
So YOU would trust YOUR money and YOUR life in the hands of that woman? Because that IS what you are asking Americans to do.

I MYSELF do not trust a liar or a thief. And she LIES and she STEALS. I do not hire OR vote for THAT kind of person.

Of course you won't vote for her. Fortunately, there are enough people that will vote for her, or possibly some other Democrat, till you can throw your vote away for which ever clown car occupant that suits your fancy. You planning on saying she is from Kenya too?
RWR did it, so it's possible BUT age takes abilities sometimes as you see in Hillary.

It escapes me, where the evidence of this may be, She still appears to be on top of her game.

Oh, by the way , I am a dedicated *****INDEPENDENT**** I pursue Truth rather than party bullcrap.
She has never had a top of her game moment. Shes always been 4th string and lost.
Watergate....FIRED for lying.
Rose Law Firm......The Tyson Chicken scandal.
First Lady......Travelgate
Sec. of State......emails.

She has a truly LONG list of failures and deception. She has NEVER had a "top of her game."

Well no. The idiots who made all the accusations that you listed have a long list of failure. Not a single one of those claims has slowed her down even a little bit. I'll admit those claims are red meat for the crazies, but nobody cares what the crazies think anyway.
So YOU would trust YOUR money and YOUR life in the hands of that woman? Because that IS what you are asking Americans to do.

I MYSELF do not trust a liar or a thief. And she LIES and she STEALS. I do not hire OR vote for THAT kind of person.

Of course you won't vote for her. Fortunately, there are enough people that will vote for her, or possibly some other Democrat, till you can throw your vote away for which ever clown car occupant that suits your fancy. You planning on saying she is from Kenya too?
Nope American born former 'Goldwater Girl" who AFTER meeting Bill became just white trash.
RWR did it, so it's possible BUT age takes abilities sometimes as you see in Hillary.

It escapes me, where the evidence of this may be, She still appears to be on top of her game.

Oh, by the way , I am a dedicated *****INDEPENDENT**** I pursue Truth rather than party bullcrap.
She has never had a top of her game moment. Shes always been 4th string and lost.
Watergate....FIRED for lying.
Rose Law Firm......The Tyson Chicken scandal.
First Lady......Travelgate
Sec. of State......emails.

She has a truly LONG list of failures and deception. She has NEVER had a "top of her game."

Well no. The idiots who made all the accusations that you listed have a long list of failure. Not a single one of those claims has slowed her down even a little bit. I'll admit those claims are red meat for the crazies, but nobody cares what the crazies think anyway.
So YOU would trust YOUR money and YOUR life in the hands of that woman? Because that IS what you are asking Americans to do.

I MYSELF do not trust a liar or a thief. And she LIES and she STEALS. I do not hire OR vote for THAT kind of person.

Of course you won't vote for her. Fortunately, there are enough people that will vote for her, or possibly some other Democrat, till you can throw your vote away for which ever clown car occupant that suits your fancy. You planning on saying she is from Kenya too?
She's from Arkenyasas
RWR did it, so it's possible BUT age takes abilities sometimes as you see in Hillary.

It escapes me, where the evidence of this may be, She still appears to be on top of her game.

Oh, by the way , I am a dedicated *****INDEPENDENT**** I pursue Truth rather than party bullcrap.
She has never had a top of her game moment. Shes always been 4th string and lost.
Watergate....FIRED for lying.
Rose Law Firm......The Tyson Chicken scandal.
First Lady......Travelgate
Sec. of State......emails.

She has a truly LONG list of failures and deception. She has NEVER had a "top of her game."

Well no. The idiots who made all the accusations that you listed have a long list of failure. Not a single one of those claims has slowed her down even a little bit. I'll admit those claims are red meat for the crazies, but nobody cares what the crazies think anyway.
So YOU would trust YOUR money and YOUR life in the hands of that woman? Because that IS what you are asking Americans to do.

I MYSELF do not trust a liar or a thief. And she LIES and she STEALS. I do not hire OR vote for THAT kind of person.

Of course you won't vote for her. Fortunately, there are enough people that will vote for her, or possibly some other Democrat, till you can throw your vote away for which ever clown car occupant that suits your fancy. You planning on saying she is from Kenya too?
Nope American born former 'Goldwater Girl" who AFTER meeting Bill became just white trash.

I don't care if you are a former Goldwater Girl. Your political ideas are nuts.
RWR did it, so it's possible BUT age takes abilities sometimes as you see in Hillary.

It escapes me, where the evidence of this may be, She still appears to be on top of her game.

Oh, by the way , I am a dedicated *****INDEPENDENT**** I pursue Truth rather than party bullcrap.
She has never had a top of her game moment. Shes always been 4th string and lost.
Watergate....FIRED for lying.
Rose Law Firm......The Tyson Chicken scandal.
First Lady......Travelgate
Sec. of State......emails.

She has a truly LONG list of failures and deception. She has NEVER had a "top of her game."

Well no. The idiots who made all the accusations that you listed have a long list of failure. Not a single one of those claims has slowed her down even a little bit. I'll admit those claims are red meat for the crazies, but nobody cares what the crazies think anyway.
So YOU would trust YOUR money and YOUR life in the hands of that woman? Because that IS what you are asking Americans to do.

I MYSELF do not trust a liar or a thief. And she LIES and she STEALS. I do not hire OR vote for THAT kind of person.

So YOU would trust YOUR money and YOUR life in the hands of that woman? Because that IS what you are asking Americans to do.

Absolutely not!, I am Asking myself to evaluate fairly and do not be swayed by partisan baloney. Is she too old? I don't think so. That is your 1st primary premise. Is she liberal, oh yeah, be honest, that is your rubbing point. Sometimes the country needs a conservative and other times we need a liberal. Which time is this. It appears to me that the conservatives are still a bit over self centered and willing to walk all over anyone who stands in the way of their profit motive. What do you think?
She has never had a top of her game moment. Shes always been 4th string and lost.
Watergate....FIRED for lying.
Rose Law Firm......The Tyson Chicken scandal.
First Lady......Travelgate
Sec. of State......emails.

She has a truly LONG list of failures and deception. She has NEVER had a "top of her game."

Well no. The idiots who made all the accusations that you listed have a long list of failure. Not a single one of those claims has slowed her down even a little bit. I'll admit those claims are red meat for the crazies, but nobody cares what the crazies think anyway.
So YOU would trust YOUR money and YOUR life in the hands of that woman? Because that IS what you are asking Americans to do.

I MYSELF do not trust a liar or a thief. And she LIES and she STEALS. I do not hire OR vote for THAT kind of person.

Of course you won't vote for her. Fortunately, there are enough people that will vote for her, or possibly some other Democrat, till you can throw your vote away for which ever clown car occupant that suits your fancy. You planning on saying she is from Kenya too?
Nope American born former 'Goldwater Girl" who AFTER meeting Bill became just white trash.

I don't care if you are a former Goldwater Girl. Your political ideas are nuts.
You might want to think of getting a passport then. The world is moving right {except Greece} and the country is moving right.
Maybe Mexico so you can have some of that FINE Socialist healthcare OR Canada where you can try those GREAT Socialist tax rates.
Well no. The idiots who made all the accusations that you listed have a long list of failure. Not a single one of those claims has slowed her down even a little bit. I'll admit those claims are red meat for the crazies, but nobody cares what the crazies think anyway.
So YOU would trust YOUR money and YOUR life in the hands of that woman? Because that IS what you are asking Americans to do.

I MYSELF do not trust a liar or a thief. And she LIES and she STEALS. I do not hire OR vote for THAT kind of person.

Of course you won't vote for her. Fortunately, there are enough people that will vote for her, or possibly some other Democrat, till you can throw your vote away for which ever clown car occupant that suits your fancy. You planning on saying she is from Kenya too?
Nope American born former 'Goldwater Girl" who AFTER meeting Bill became just white trash.

I don't care if you are a former Goldwater Girl. Your political ideas are nuts.
You might want to think of getting a passport then. The world is moving right {except Greece} and the country is moving right.
Maybe Mexico so you can have some of that FINE Socialist healthcare OR Canada where you can try those GREAT Socialist tax rates.

That may be what you hope but most of the people haven't even started to think about the election yet. The money grubbers have already shown their hand by racking up the energy prices when supply is spilling over the bins.
RWR did it, so it's possible BUT age takes abilities sometimes as you see in Hillary.

It escapes me, where the evidence of this may be, She still appears to be on top of her game.

Oh, by the way , I am a dedicated *****INDEPENDENT**** I pursue Truth rather than party bullcrap.
She has never had a top of her game moment. Shes always been 4th string and lost.
Watergate....FIRED for lying.
Rose Law Firm......The Tyson Chicken scandal.
First Lady......Travelgate
Sec. of State......emails.

She has a truly LONG list of failures and deception. She has NEVER had a "top of her game."

Well no. The idiots who made all the accusations that you listed have a long list of failure. Not a single one of those claims has slowed her down even a little bit. I'll admit those claims are red meat for the crazies, but nobody cares what the crazies think anyway.
So YOU would trust YOUR money and YOUR life in the hands of that woman? Because that IS what you are asking Americans to do.

I MYSELF do not trust a liar or a thief. And she LIES and she STEALS. I do not hire OR vote for THAT kind of person.

So YOU would trust YOUR money and YOUR life in the hands of that woman? Because that IS what you are asking Americans to do.

Absolutely not!, I am Asking myself to evaluate fairly and do not be swayed by partisan baloney. Is she too old? I don't think so. That is your 1st primary premise. Is she liberal, oh yeah, be honest, that is your rubbing point. Sometimes the country needs a conservative and other times we need a liberal. Which time is this. It appears to me that the conservatives are still a bit over self centered and willing to walk all over anyone who stands in the way of their profit motive. What do you think?
I like money and the FIRST best way to have some is to keep others hands off of it. And democrats want way to much of it to ever trust them with my wallet.

I like secure borders and by secure I MEAN secure. Democrats who shout OPEN BOARDERS should take the front doors OFF their homes and SEE how long that idiot idea works.
Well no. The idiots who made all the accusations that you listed have a long list of failure. Not a single one of those claims has slowed her down even a little bit. I'll admit those claims are red meat for the crazies, but nobody cares what the crazies think anyway.
So YOU would trust YOUR money and YOUR life in the hands of that woman? Because that IS what you are asking Americans to do.

I MYSELF do not trust a liar or a thief. And she LIES and she STEALS. I do not hire OR vote for THAT kind of person.

Of course you won't vote for her. Fortunately, there are enough people that will vote for her, or possibly some other Democrat, till you can throw your vote away for which ever clown car occupant that suits your fancy. You planning on saying she is from Kenya too?
Nope American born former 'Goldwater Girl" who AFTER meeting Bill became just white trash.

I don't care if you are a former Goldwater Girl. Your political ideas are nuts.
You might want to think of getting a passport then. The world is moving right {except Greece} and the country is moving right.
Maybe Mexico so you can have some of that FINE Socialist healthcare OR Canada where you can try those GREAT Socialist tax rates.

I'm fine right here, even if the crazies are making all kinds of silly predictions. There has always been a crazy with a sign saying "The End is Near" and there always will be. You just happen to be the one now.
So YOU would trust YOUR money and YOUR life in the hands of that woman? Because that IS what you are asking Americans to do.

I MYSELF do not trust a liar or a thief. And she LIES and she STEALS. I do not hire OR vote for THAT kind of person.

Of course you won't vote for her. Fortunately, there are enough people that will vote for her, or possibly some other Democrat, till you can throw your vote away for which ever clown car occupant that suits your fancy. You planning on saying she is from Kenya too?
Nope American born former 'Goldwater Girl" who AFTER meeting Bill became just white trash.

I don't care if you are a former Goldwater Girl. Your political ideas are nuts.
You might want to think of getting a passport then. The world is moving right {except Greece} and the country is moving right.
Maybe Mexico so you can have some of that FINE Socialist healthcare OR Canada where you can try those GREAT Socialist tax rates.

I'm fine right here, even if the crazies are making all kinds of silly predictions. There has always been a crazy with a sign saying "The End is Near" and there always will be. You just happen to be the one now.
I predict Ol' Rotten Crotch Clinton won't be running very much longer.
RWR did it, so it's possible BUT age takes abilities sometimes as you see in Hillary.

It escapes me, where the evidence of this may be, She still appears to be on top of her game.

Oh, by the way , I am a dedicated *****INDEPENDENT**** I pursue Truth rather than party bullcrap.
She has never had a top of her game moment. Shes always been 4th string and lost.
Watergate....FIRED for lying.
Rose Law Firm......The Tyson Chicken scandal.
First Lady......Travelgate
Sec. of State......emails.

She has a truly LONG list of failures and deception. She has NEVER had a "top of her game."

Well no. The idiots who made all the accusations that you listed have a long list of failure. Not a single one of those claims has slowed her down even a little bit. I'll admit those claims are red meat for the crazies, but nobody cares what the crazies think anyway.
So YOU would trust YOUR money and YOUR life in the hands of that woman? Because that IS what you are asking Americans to do.

I MYSELF do not trust a liar or a thief. And she LIES and she STEALS. I do not hire OR vote for THAT kind of person.

So YOU would trust YOUR money and YOUR life in the hands of that woman? Because that IS what you are asking Americans to do.

Absolutely not!, I am Asking myself to evaluate fairly and do not be swayed by partisan baloney. Is she too old? I don't think so. That is your 1st primary premise. Is she liberal, oh yeah, be honest, that is your rubbing point. Sometimes the country needs a conservative and other times we need a liberal. Which time is this. It appears to me that the conservatives are still a bit over self centered and willing to walk all over anyone who stands in the way of their profit motive. What do you think?
I like money and the FIRST best way to have some is to keep others hands off of it. And democrats want way to much of it to ever trust them with my wallet.

I like secure borders and by secure I MEAN secure. Democrats who shout OPEN BOARDERS should take the front doors OFF their homes and SEE how long that idiot idea works.

Did you actually hear somebody shout "OPEN BOARDERS", or did rush just tell you that somebody did?
So YOU would trust YOUR money and YOUR life in the hands of that woman? Because that IS what you are asking Americans to do.

I MYSELF do not trust a liar or a thief. And she LIES and she STEALS. I do not hire OR vote for THAT kind of person.

Of course you won't vote for her. Fortunately, there are enough people that will vote for her, or possibly some other Democrat, till you can throw your vote away for which ever clown car occupant that suits your fancy. You planning on saying she is from Kenya too?
Nope American born former 'Goldwater Girl" who AFTER meeting Bill became just white trash.

I don't care if you are a former Goldwater Girl. Your political ideas are nuts.
You might want to think of getting a passport then. The world is moving right {except Greece} and the country is moving right.
Maybe Mexico so you can have some of that FINE Socialist healthcare OR Canada where you can try those GREAT Socialist tax rates.

I'm fine right here, even if the crazies are making all kinds of silly predictions. There has always been a crazy with a sign saying "The End is Near" and there always will be. You just happen to be the one now.
It's a shift in direction NOT the end. The country HAS done it before. The Republicans had post Nixon and democrats had post Carter. Now it's post Obama. Just a shift.

It will be the end of Hillary and other older democrats but times change. Reid is out and McCain likely to follow. Pelosi is 75 so she at her last as well.

A lot of democratic supporters are getting older as well. Would you really be surprised if Sharpton or Jackson dropped dead?
NO, because like the party they have become just a breath away from not being here.

Republicans and Libertarian and Tea party members infused NEW blood in the off year. Democrats? NADA.
She has never had a top of her game moment. Shes always been 4th string and lost.
Watergate....FIRED for lying.
Rose Law Firm......The Tyson Chicken scandal.
First Lady......Travelgate
Sec. of State......emails.

She has a truly LONG list of failures and deception. She has NEVER had a "top of her game."

Well no. The idiots who made all the accusations that you listed have a long list of failure. Not a single one of those claims has slowed her down even a little bit. I'll admit those claims are red meat for the crazies, but nobody cares what the crazies think anyway.
So YOU would trust YOUR money and YOUR life in the hands of that woman? Because that IS what you are asking Americans to do.

I MYSELF do not trust a liar or a thief. And she LIES and she STEALS. I do not hire OR vote for THAT kind of person.

So YOU would trust YOUR money and YOUR life in the hands of that woman? Because that IS what you are asking Americans to do.

Absolutely not!, I am Asking myself to evaluate fairly and do not be swayed by partisan baloney. Is she too old? I don't think so. That is your 1st primary premise. Is she liberal, oh yeah, be honest, that is your rubbing point. Sometimes the country needs a conservative and other times we need a liberal. Which time is this. It appears to me that the conservatives are still a bit over self centered and willing to walk all over anyone who stands in the way of their profit motive. What do you think?
I like money and the FIRST best way to have some is to keep others hands off of it. And democrats want way to much of it to ever trust them with my wallet.

I like secure borders and by secure I MEAN secure. Democrats who shout OPEN BOARDERS should take the front doors OFF their homes and SEE how long that idiot idea works.

Did you actually hear somebody shout "OPEN BOARDERS", or did rush just tell you that somebody did?
I am north of the border by about 150 miles. Don't need Rush. I have eyes.

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