The Wheels Are Coming Off the DC Gravey Train


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
The not so hidden, but long ignored, secret of the DC Establishments power is their use of Tammany Hall style politics to reward their supporters, and it goes on in both parties. Romney has kids making huge money with Ukrainian companies too.

But the Democrats have long mastered the art of the Political Machine, which is why they control most of our large cities, with graft from the federal as well as the local level. The criminality is so severe that Democrat run cities are regularly in the vast majority of major crime stats and anyone that has read the numbers knows this, whether they actually admit to the facts or not. Conners got $1.8 BILLION given to his 'Ballmer' district in two years, and nothing got to his districts people if they were not connected to the 'Ballmer' political machine.

President Trump is an existential threat to this crime infested way of doing politics. That is why the Democrat political machines are in complete 100% unity in trashing him at every opportunity and even when there is no news to report on, they just make things up.

This impeachment is the last gasp of the Democrats to rid themselves of this horrible man who wants to enforce the law. But they are so devoid of honest, intelligent, creative thinking people that the best they have to lead the impeachment is Naddler and Shiff. Think about that for a moment; Naddler and Shiff and Joe Quid Pro Quo, Fauxkahauntuss and Bernie Sanders are the BEST THE DEMS HAVE TO OFFER THE NATION.


In this article, John Nolte lays out the most distressing facts for Democrats that show the Political Machine era is coming to a close.

Americans are tuning out the impeachment hearings in droves, while President Trump’s job approval rating hits all new highs.

Let’s start with the funniest part first…

Impeachment Audience Shrinks as First Week of Trial Winds Down

As House Democrats make their impeachment case against President Donald Trump, Americans are increasingly tuning out.

TV ratings of the proceedings slipped on Thursday afternoon, marking the second straight day of declines. ABC, NBC and CBS collectively drew about 3.8 million viewers, according to Nielsen data shared by Fox Corp., down more than 20% from the trial’s first day on Tuesday.

Fox News, CNN and MSNBC attracted about 4 million viewers together, a 32% plunge from Tuesday.

According to TV Newser, a total of 7.83 million tuned in on Thursday, a drop of 12 percent from Wednesday and 29 percent from Tuesday, which was opening day.

Naturally, far-left CNN attracted fewer viewers than any of the other six networks covering impeachment. Get this… CNN was only able to attract an average of 991,000 viewers. The President of the United States is on trial and CNNLOL can’t even average a million viewers.

Fox News beat everyone, with 1.531 million viewers.​

So, the primary Mass Media tools the Establishment uses to manipulate the people of this country are in collapse. Fox is pulling half the audience that the top three media broadcasters are pulling. That is scary stuff to our Oligarchs.

And still more:

A Gallup poll taken at the time showed 71 percent of the public watched Nixon’s Watergate hearings. A new Emerson polls shows “about one-third of voters (33%) are watching almost all or a lot of the impeachment trial, while 36% are watching hardly any or none of the trial. 31% said they are watching some of it.” But even that’s a lie. The ratings prove it. If 33 percent were, in fact, watching almost or all of the trial, ratings would be ten times higher. People are just saying they are watching; then, they obviously are not.

Keep in mind that these evermore dismal TV ratings are coming after the media elite attempted to juice interest in the trial with all that fake gushing over Pencil Neck’s opening statements on Wednesday.​

The People just are not as stupid and malleable as the Oligarchs wish we were.

And on the political impact of this manipulation fiasco:

Trump’s job approval rating just hit a new high in, of all places, a far-left Washington Post poll.

Among registered voters, Trump enjoys 47 percent support, with 50 percent disapproving.

Trump sits at about even with independents: 47 percent approve, 48 percent disapprove.

A blazing 58 percent of registered voters approve of the job Trump’s doing with the economy, with only 36 percent disapproving.

Oh, and…

A majority of registered voters oppose Trump’s removal from office, 51 to 45 percent.

Even among all adults — meaning not screening out registered voters, meaning a bigger pool of Democrats — a plurality of 49 to 47 percent oppose removing Trump from office; Trump’s job approval number hit a new high of 44 percent approve (51 percent disapprove); and 56 percent approve of his handling of the economy, a ten-point bump from September.

Other polls reflect the same.

Since the impeachment hoax, Gallup’s poll of all adults shows Trump’s job approval rating climbing from 39 percent to 44 percent. Among independents, approval climbed eight points, from 34 to 42 percent.

Currently, a majority of 51 percent oppose removing Trump from office, while only 46 percent support removal. Independents oppose removal by a 49 to 46 percent margin.

The breakdown of American voters is around 20-25% liberal, 30-35% moderate, and 40-45% conservative.


When a conservative Republican gets his message out and motivates the rank and file to go out and vote, Democrats need to pull at least 80% of moderates to win. And even the liberal polls that over sample liberals based on the 2018 election turnout are showing that this is nowhere near what is actually happening.

Welcome to the Age of Trumpism.


Reality bites.

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Chris Murphy: It's 'Possible' Some Democrats Vote to Acquit Trump

Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) said Saturday it is “certainly possible” some Senate Democrats will vote to acquit President Donald Trump when the Senate impeachment trial concludes.

The Connecticut Democrat said that the Senate Democrat conference will likely vote for additional witnesses; however, he added that he cannot guarantee all Democrats will vote to convict the president.

Sen. Murphy said Saturday morning:

I don’t have any reason to think there are Democrats that aren’t with us on procedural votes. It’s certainly possible there are Democrats that are going to vote no on one of the articles, two of the articles. And I don’t have a sense where everybody is on the articles. We haven’t talked about it.

“Schumer may know, but nobody has done public or private whipping on this,” he added.

The mainstream media have focused on the possibility of Senate Republicans voting for allowing additional witnesses to testify during the impeachment trial, although it remains possible that some Senate Democrats will end up voting to acquit the president after the trial wraps up.

Politico suggested Saturday that Sens. Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) are the most likely Democrats to consider voting to acquit the president.

Several Senate Republicans have suggested that as many as three Senate Democrats may vote to clear Trump.

Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) said in December, “I think we might have a couple. I don’t want to speculate on who — obviously that puts too much pressure on them — but I really think we have people on both sides that are trying to get to a reasonable, nonpartisan answer.”

Other Senate Democrats, such as Gary Peters (D-MI) and Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), may also vote to acquit the president.​
Analysis of the Pew 2018 survey


Party...... Conservative.. Moderate ......Liberal ...Total
Lean GOP........51..................39..................8..........98
lean Dem........14..................45................39..........98
Prcnt Total .(37.6)............(37.5)..........(24.8)

Just look at the deltas here; Republicans are 72% conservative, while only 47% of Democrats are liberal. And this is using voter stats from 2018, when 12 million GOP voters did not show up while the Dems only had a 1.5 million shortfall from 2016. So the numbers are even worse for Dems when you consider that, and now the Impeachment fiasco is just disastrous.
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Joe Manchin (D-WV) will be committing political suicide if he votes to convict Trump.
It still won't be enough to prompt a change in their strategy or their agenda. They'll keep charging ahead relentlessly in their efforts to undermine the country and our way of life, even to the point of a civil war. Nothing means more to them than power.
The not so hidden, but long ignored, secret of the DC Establishments power is their use of Tammany Hall style politics to reward their supporters, and it goes on in both parties. Romney has kids making huge money with Ukrainian companies too.

But the Democrats have long mastered the art of the Political Machine, which is why they control most of our large cities, with graft from the federal as well as the local level. The criminality is so severe that Democrat run cities are regularly in the vast majority of major crime stats and anyone that has read the numbers knows this, whether they actually admit to the facts or not. Conners got $1.8 BILLION given to his 'Ballmer' district in two years, and nothing got to his districts people if they were not connected to the 'Ballmer' political machine.

President Trump is an existential threat to this crime infested way of doing politics. That is why the Democrat political machines are in complete 100% unity in trashing him at every opportunity and even when there is no news to report on, they just make things up.

This impeachment is the last gasp of the Democrats to rid themselves of this horrible man who wants to enforce the law. But they are so devoid of honest, intelligent, creative thinking people that the best they have to lead the impeachment is Naddler and Shiff. Think about that for a moment; Naddler and Shiff and Joe Quid Pro Quo, Fauxkahauntuss and Bernie Sanders are the BEST THE DEMS HAVE TO OFFER THE NATION.


In this article, John Nolte lays out the most distressing facts for Democrats that show the Political Machine era is coming to a close.

Americans are tuning out the impeachment hearings in droves, while President Trump’s job approval rating hits all new highs.

Let’s start with the funniest part first…

Impeachment Audience Shrinks as First Week of Trial Winds Down

As House Democrats make their impeachment case against President Donald Trump, Americans are increasingly tuning out.

TV ratings of the proceedings slipped on Thursday afternoon, marking the second straight day of declines. ABC, NBC and CBS collectively drew about 3.8 million viewers, according to Nielsen data shared by Fox Corp., down more than 20% from the trial’s first day on Tuesday.

Fox News, CNN and MSNBC attracted about 4 million viewers together, a 32% plunge from Tuesday.

According to TV Newser, a total of 7.83 million tuned in on Thursday, a drop of 12 percent from Wednesday and 29 percent from Tuesday, which was opening day.

Naturally, far-left CNN attracted fewer viewers than any of the other six networks covering impeachment. Get this… CNN was only able to attract an average of 991,000 viewers. The President of the United States is on trial and CNNLOL can’t even average a million viewers.

Fox News beat everyone, with 1.531 million viewers.​

So, the primary Mass Media tools the Establishment uses to manipulate the people of this country are in collapse. Fox is pulling half the audience that the top three media broadcasters are pulling. That is scary stuff to our Oligarchs.

And still more:

A Gallup poll taken at the time showed 71 percent of the public watched Nixon’s Watergate hearings. A new Emerson polls shows “about one-third of voters (33%) are watching almost all or a lot of the impeachment trial, while 36% are watching hardly any or none of the trial. 31% said they are watching some of it.” But even that’s a lie. The ratings prove it. If 33 percent were, in fact, watching almost or all of the trial, ratings would be ten times higher. People are just saying they are watching; then, they obviously are not.

Keep in mind that these evermore dismal TV ratings are coming after the media elite attempted to juice interest in the trial with all that fake gushing over Pencil Neck’s opening statements on Wednesday.​

The People just are not as stupid and malleable as the Oligarchs wish we were.

And on the political impact of this manipulation fiasco:

Trump’s job approval rating just hit a new high in, of all places, a far-left Washington Post poll.

Among registered voters, Trump enjoys 47 percent support, with 50 percent disapproving.

Trump sits at about even with independents: 47 percent approve, 48 percent disapprove.

A blazing 58 percent of registered voters approve of the job Trump’s doing with the economy, with only 36 percent disapproving.

Oh, and…

A majority of registered voters oppose Trump’s removal from office, 51 to 45 percent.

Even among all adults — meaning not screening out registered voters, meaning a bigger pool of Democrats — a plurality of 49 to 47 percent oppose removing Trump from office; Trump’s job approval number hit a new high of 44 percent approve (51 percent disapprove); and 56 percent approve of his handling of the economy, a ten-point bump from September.

Other polls reflect the same.

Since the impeachment hoax, Gallup’s poll of all adults shows Trump’s job approval rating climbing from 39 percent to 44 percent. Among independents, approval climbed eight points, from 34 to 42 percent.

Currently, a majority of 51 percent oppose removing Trump from office, while only 46 percent support removal. Independents oppose removal by a 49 to 46 percent margin.

The breakdown of American voters is around 20-25% liberal, 30-35% moderate, and 40-45% conservative.


When a conservative Republican gets his message out and motivates the rank and file to go out and vote, Democrats need to pull at least 80% of moderates to win. And even the liberal polls that over sample liberals based on the 2018 election turnout are showing that this is nowhere near what is actually happening.

Welcome to the Age of Trumpism.


Reality bites.

That occultist's ceremony that they has performed before they announced the verdict, which it proves whom they are.




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