Zone1 The White Affirmative Action Program

Africa has nothing to do with 246 years of American white affirmative action.
There's no such thing as white affirmative action. Do you even understand what affirmative action is? It seems not.
There was no dilemma because test scores are not really all that is taken into account. Your argument in this regard is bs.
I said there was a dilemma is lowering the REQUIREMENTS, and that included both scores and GPAs. If you lower the cut-off for blacks TOO much, then yes….it creates other issues.
What you say didn't happen. White squabbling has led to 2 world wars while white greed has created global instability. Those are facts, what you posted doesn't hunt.
So you’re allowed to talk about “white greed,” and if we talk about lower entry requirements for blacks, WE are the racist ones? You seem very comfortable spewing all sorts of negativity toward whites, but call racist when someone providea accept statistical facts as they relate to blacks and admissions requirements.
I created this thread to show how long whites have got AA. Secondly you claimed nobody today is responsible for Jim Crow, when in fact people today are living who were alive during jim crown and people like you who were influenced or mentored by people alive during Jim Crow. You want to dismiss the black experience but we cannot ever forget what happened to Jews.
The difference is that Jews are not blaming the horrific bigotry for failure. As a group, we do exceedingly well.
Wrong. You have been shown that such testing doesn't prove anything and the fact you lock on to the blacks are inferior srgument, you don't mention that womrn score lower on those tests even as they get higher grades in school. You continue a one way argument and that argument has no merit in the face of evidence.
You have been shown, by a PROFESSIONAL in the field, that it is much easier for blacks with specific grades and scores to get admitted than whites with the identical grades and scores.

You have many intelligent people in this forum trying to show you how wrong you’re thinking is, but you refuse to see reason. You must have been an extremely difficult subordinate in the workplace, always telling the boss - who had experience in the field - how you knew better than he or she did. (I’ve had know-it-alls report to me before.)

The original intent of AA - which was to prevent decision-makers from discriminating according to race - has been perverted to the point that all sorts of gymnastics are done to favor blacks over whites. The problem is, it’s illegal to discriminate that way - and the latest case, with Harvard trying to justifying rejecting superior Asians on the grounds they’re “not likeable,” went way too far

SCOTUS hears the case next month.
Everything that doesn't flatter whites from the past is irrelevant, but we must return America to the intent of the founders. I have to laugh at this denial of proven truth. The AA whites have received and still get is why whites have what they do today.
Whites today have what they do because during high school they studied their butts off while other guys were playing stickball, won tuition-paid college, took classes all day and then took the subway to their part-time jobs in the afternoon, got home in the evening, and then studied until 1 am. And all this was done while living in a fourth-floor walkup tenement apartment.

After that, they moved to where they could get a job, rented a room in a house, and worked their way up.

At least that was how it was with my parents. And before you jump into to say that blacks didn’t have that advantage, there were LOTS of blacks in my parents’ colleges,

it’s time for you to stop playing victim and move into the 21st century.
The fairy tale many whites tell about how whites have accomplished things in America is just not true. Whites have been provided direct economic stimulus from the government on several occasions while others were denied. Whites of all ethnicities and faiths have received such help from the government. For now 246 years, America has operated a system of white favoritism. Even programs that were designed to create equal opportunities for all non whites, such as AA, have benefitted whites. This is the cold, hard, documented, inconvenient truth and in 2022 and beyond it's time to face this truth.
You have been shown, by a PROFESSIONAL in the field, that it is much easier for blacks with specific grades and scores to get admitted than whites with the identical grades and scores.

You have many intelligent people in this forum trying to show you how wrong you’re thinking is, but you refuse to see reason. You must have been an extremely difficult subordinate in the workplace, always telling the boss - who had experience in the field - how you knew better than he or she did. (I’ve had know-it-alls report to me before.)

The original intent of AA - which was to prevent decision-makers from discriminating according to race - has been perverted to the point that all sorts of gymnastics are done to favor blacks over whites. The problem is, it’s illegal to discriminate that way - and the latest case, with Harvard trying to justifying rejecting superior Asians on the grounds they’re “not likeable,” went way too far

SCOTUS hears the case next month.
You are no professional. You have been shown that SAT scores are not the only qualification and furthermore you have been shown that SAT scores are used to try to predict only the first year of college. You have been shown that according to your own flawed logic that white women with lower SAT scores are admitted into college. Simply put, your argument has no merit.
Whites today have what they do because during high school they studied their butts off while other guys were playing stickball, won tuition-paid college, took classes all day and then took the subway to their part-time jobs in the afternoon, got home in the evening, and then studied until 1 am. And all this was done while living in a fourth-floor walkup tenement apartment.

After that, they moved to where they could get a job, rented a room in a house, and worked their way up.

At least that was how it was with my parents. And before you jump into to say that blacks didn’t have that advantage, there were LOTS of blacks in my parents’ colleges,

it’s time for you to stop playing victim and move into the 21st century.
Incorrect. You have been shown that too. Nothing you say has any merit when examined by the facts. Your argument is sorry and I can't call it what it really is because this is zone 1. And you use zone 1 for protection.
Dude, where you even alive when all this was happening? Good grief
That excuse is dead. Whites have gotten Affirmative Action for all 246 years America has been in existence. That tired tactic you tried doesn't seem to apply when you guys talk about returning t some mythical past. So it doesn't now.
That excuse is dead. Whites have gotten Affirmative Action for all 246 years America has been in existence. That tired tactic you tried doesn't seem to apply when you guys talk about returning t some mythical past. So it doesn't now.
You are no professional. You have been shown that SAT scores are not the only qualification and furthermore you have been shown that SAT scores are used to try to predict only the first year of college. You have been shown that according to your own flawed logic that white women with lower SAT scores are admitted into college. Simply put, your argument has no merit.
So you keep telling me, but you’re wrong.
Incorrect. You have been shown that too. Nothing you say has any merit when examined by the facts. Your argument is sorry and I can't call it what it really is because this is zone 1. And you use zone 1 for protection.
How can you say “incorrect” when I just told you how hard my parents worked to achieve what they did? Nothing was given to them because they were white….just the opposite, obstacles were placed in front of them because they were Jewish.

You really need to get out of the past and appreciate all the opportunities given you for being black. If you are college graduate, and went to a good school, the odds are 2 out of 3 that you were accepted due to your race. You should be grateful that you, or if not you, thousands of other blacks, got into schools that they would have been rejected from if they were white. Same with your kids, if you have any. But two generations of favoritism is enough.

And I would say Zone 1 has been created for YOUR protection.
The fairy tale many whites tell about how whites have accomplished things in America is just not true. Whites have been provided direct economic stimulus from the government on several occasions while others were denied. Whites of all ethnicities and faiths have received such help from the government. For now 246 years, America has operated a system of white favoritism. Even programs that were designed to create equal opportunities for all non whites, such as AA, have benefitted whites. This is the cold, hard, documented, inconvenient truth and in 2022 and beyond it's time to face this truth.
There are white ghettos. Growing white ghettos where the males are not giving the opportunities of African American males. Biden knows this. But he is shanty pig shit Irish and a traitor. Corrupted to the bone and you just love it. The ghettos will never end. Get it.
History doesn't stop and the damage caused by a continuing history has not been fixed. That excuse is tired. Find a new one. Whites have received AA for all 246 years this country has existed. This claim includes the present.

So yes, it's 2022 and whites still get AA.
So do Black's IM2, and it really sounds like you are for reparations where you are owed none.
There are white ghettos. Growing white ghettos where the males are not giving the opportunities of African American males. Biden knows this. But he is shanty pig shit Irish and a traitor. Corrupted to the bone and you just love it. The ghettos will never end. Get it.
Yada. Yada. Yada.
How can you say “incorrect” when I just told you how hard my parents worked to achieve what they did? Nothing was given to them because they were white….just the opposite, obstacles were placed in front of them because they were Jewish.

You really need to get out of the past and appreciate all the opportunities given you for being black. If you are college graduate, and went to a good school, the odds are 2 out of 3 that you were accepted due to your race. You should be grateful that you, or if not you, thousands of other blacks, got into schools that they would have been rejected from if they were white. Same with your kids, if you have any. But two generations of favoritism is enough.

And I would say Zone 1 has been created for YOUR protection.

No Lusa, zone 1 protects you. Because the filth you post can't be called what it is. And stop lying about me being in the past. Your posts show that there are people with the same problem living right now. Whites have got AA for 246 years. My college entrance scores on the ACT was in the top 15 percentile of the country. I no doubt scored higher than you. If anyone has been given anything because of their race, it's you. And your sex. You are part of the group who has benefitted the most from AA. The job you got, is probably due to AA. The black favoritism you talk about doesn't exist. And if you think so, buy an afro wig, get some tan in a can and try to live 2 years before you quit.

I say you are incorrect because you are. Your parents got things my parents couldn't because of their race, and my parents did not play when it came to us and school. Everything you say is wrong and your opinion is based in something I'm not allowed to say in zone one no matter how overt you are in expressing it. You are full of malarkey, your arguments ate based in delusion, not fact. You've been shown the facts. Accept that your opinion is wrong.
So do Black's IM2, and it really sounds like you are for reparations where you are owed none.
We are owed reparations. And whites have been given direct economic stimulus on at least 4 occasions by the government. Blacks have not. You argue from a position of ignorance go do some research because your feelings don't mean anything.
We are owed reparations. And whites have been given direct economic stimulus on at least 4 occasions by the government. Blacks have not. You argue from a position of ignorance go do some research because your feelings don't mean anything.
You are owed nothing more than what Whites are owed.
There is some equity for you.
So you keep telling me, but you’re wrong.

Undergraduate Admissions Tests​

Colleges have relied on the SAT and ACT despite limited predictive validity connected to educational outcomes and their inherent economic, gender, racial and cultural biases. Fortunately, the landscape has shifted to more holistic admissions practices. Learn about specific issues concerning the SAT and ACT as proponents attempt to modify their format and maintain their relevance.

Undergraduate Admissions Testing – Fairtest

What does the SAT claim to measure?​

The SAT was designed to predict first-year college grades – it has not historically be researched reguarding or validated to predict grades beyond the freshman year. Little information exists about the relationship between the test and graduation rates, pursuit of a graduate degree, or for placement or advising purposes. This makes sense given that the further beyond the test predictions are made the more factors beyond the students knowledge or performance on a test are influencing those those outcomes.

SAT – Fairtest

Does the SAT accurately predict success?​

If one looks beyond college grades, information from The Case Against the SAT by James Crouse and Dale Trusheim actually points to the SAT I’s poor utility in forecasting long-term success. Data they analyzed demonstrated that using the high school record alone to predict who would complete a bachelor’s degree resulted in “correct” admissions decisions 73.4% of the time, while using the SAT and high school GPA forecast “correct” admissions in 72.2% of the cases.
Further, according to research done by the tests’ manufacturers, high school grades on their own are consistently better predictors of college performance than the SAT. The combination of test and grades only add marginal increases to predictions of first year performance.

SAT – Fairtest

What impact does the SAT have on educational equity?​

The SAT consistently under-predicts the performance of females in college and over-predicts the performance of males. Although females earn higher grades in high school and college, their SAT scores were 26 points lower in 2006. College Board research has shown that both the Critical Reading and Math portions of the test under-predict girls’ college performance. A 1994 ETS study found that, on average, males scored 33 points higher on the SAT-Math than females who earn the same grades in the same college math courses. Analyses of SAT gender bias cite several causes including the test’s emphasis on speed over sustained reasoning and its multiple-choice format. Mathematics tests in other countries that require solutions to long problems appeared unbiased with respect to gender.

African American, Latino, new Asian immigrant and many other minority test-takers score significantly lower than white students. Rigid use of SATs for admissions will produce freshman classes with very few minorities and with no appreciable gain in academic quality. The SATs are very effective at eliminating academically promising low-income and under-represented minority students who apply with strong academic records but relatively low SAT scores. Colleges that have made the SAT optional report that their applicant pools are more diverse and that there has been no drop off in academic quality.

SAT – Fairtest
So according to you women are being admitted into college with lower scores than men. Using your argument, universities would be exclusively male and white.

How is the SAT misused?

Several states impose SAT minimum score requirements on students hoping to qualify for taxpayer-funded scholarships. Using cut-off scores for such high-stakes decisions is a clear violation of not only the test-makers’ guidelines but also the joint standards for educational testing provided by the leading education (AERA), psychology (APA), and measurement (NCME) associations. This practice disproportionately impacts minority students who as a group tend to score lower than white students on the SAT. The result is these students lose out on millions of dollars in financial assistance.

National Merit Scholarships use Preliminary SAT scores as the sole criterion to select semifinalists. The resultant pool has historically been predominantly male because boys score higher on the PSAT even though girls earn higher grades in high school (and college). In 1993, FairTest filed a complaint with the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) charging the test-makers with illegally assisting gender bias. As part of a settlement with OCR, ETS and the College Board agreed to add a new multiple-choice “writing” component to the PSAT. This simple change in test format significantly increased the percentage of National Merit semifinalists who are female, but girls are still cheated out of a fair share of awards by bias in the unreformed portions of the exam.

Gifted and Talented Programs:
Many special programs for the “gifted and talented,” such as the Johns Hopkins Center for the Advancement of Academically Talented Youth, use the SAT or similar tests to select participants. Not surprisingly, girls and minorities are often underrepresented in these accelerated programs.

SAT – Fairtest
So you see Lisa, your argument is a bunch of malarkey. And it's apparent what your argument is based on. There are now 1,700 colleges and universities who have made the ACT/SAT optional. So your argument based only on the SAT is worthless and should not be considered in any serious discussion of AA and/or college admissions.

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