The White House is Full of Vermin


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 12, 2007
It's pretty obvious that the White House is full of human vermin, but apparently the kind with more legs are rather plentiful as well. Perhaps this is why the Obamas have so many vacations.

Love this comment about a cockroach: "It was the size of a small drone."

And here is Jimmy Carter's Epic "War On Mice":

None was more frustrated than Jimmy Carter, who battled mice from the start of his administration. To his dismay, he found the bureaucracy unresponsive. GSA, responsible for inside the White House, insisted it had eliminated all "inside" mice and contended any new mice must have come from the outside, meaning, the New York Times reported at the time, they were "the responsibility of the Interior Department." But Interior, wrote the Times, "demurred" because the mice were now inside the White House.

To make matters worse, GSA and Interior refused to use traps, claiming humane groups had protested that in the past. But when mice started scampering across his office in daylight and when his meeting with the Italian prime minister was conducted amid the distinct smell of a dead mouse, Carter erupted.

His fury was captured in his diary entry for Sept. 9, 1977. Carter that day summoned top officials from the White House, the Department of Interior and the GSA to the Oval Office to unload on them about the mice overrunning the executive offices – including the dead ones rotting away inside the walls of the Oval Office and giving his office a very unpleasant odor. "For two or three months now I've been telling them to get rid of the mice," Carter wrote. "They still seem to be growing in numbers, and I am determined either to fire somebody or get the mice cleared out – or both."

Now more scared for their jobs than at any possible reaction from humane groups, the bureaucracy responded. According to the Associated Press, daily battle updates were sent to the highest levels of the White House, complete with body counts and descriptions of the weapons being deployed. On Sept. 12 – three days after the meeting with Carter – GSA reported 48 spring traps in the White House, including five in the Oval Office and four in Carter's study. Six more "Ketch All" traps were placed in the crawl space under the Oval Office. Peanut butter, bacon and cheese were the favored baits. By Sept. 13, the number of traps deployed in the West Wing was up to 114. On Sept. 15, the body count was up to 24. By Sept. 19, it was 30; then 38 by the end of the month.

Finally, on Nov. 4th, the GSA declared victory, reporting officially "the problem (is) under control." The final "confirmed catch" was 61; the final count of traps was 296 spring traps and 141 GSA "bait stations."...

Bugged: Obama's Roach Problem -
The white house is full of vermin. But, we get a chance to vote them out in 2014 and 2016. After that, the white house will have to be disinfected.

If obama wouldn't be throwing them chicken bones on the floor, it wouldn't be so bad.

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