The white house is on a "Downward spiral" claims senator Bob Corker


Active Member
Apr 19, 2017
Call me crazy but isn't it about time the limp a-holes in the GOP grows some cajones and goes after the left for all the slanderous BS they've keep dishing out? Still NO COLLUSION has been found or reported with Russia and yet the Democrats and their biased corrupt media keep that BS alive just to smear the president. That while giving the real culprits guilty of espionage on the other side a complete pass. Everyone from Obama, Loretta Lynch, James Comey, the Clinton's to Huma Abedin and virtually all of Hillary's aids should have been investigated and indicted for treason and yet all we hear about is Trump's POSSIBLE collusion with Russia with literally no evidence to support any of it.

This government is a disgrace alright but not Trump and his cabinet. All Trump has done is good things to try and save this dying Venezuela bound country while the Democrat liberal hacks keep trying to bring him down just so they can regain power and finish where they left off.

If I was running the show I'd form a committee to investigate the left including George Soros the billionaire backer of all of this crap.

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