The White Perspective On Protest


Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2013
Lately there have been several incidents of protest by high profile Black athletes that have seemed to give white people a severe case of the booty tickles/butt hurts. Closer to home i was proud of a young lady that I know who took a knee during a volleyball game. White people flipped the fuck out along with at least 1 uncle tom that I know of. The question I have for white people is this. When is it american for a Black person to exercise their first amendment right of free speech? I know I will get the usual white boy deflections so for those people please be aware that i wont be responding to you on this thread. I am looking for intelligent whites that can answer the question without talking about anything other than the point.
Any American is within their Constitutional rights to take a knee, raise a fist or make some other symbolic gesture against the American flag, and therefore America. And any American regardless of color including your "Uncle Tom" are within their Constitutional rights to call out these people for being attention grabbers and prima donnas. Free speech works both ways.
Lately there have been several incidents of protest by high profile Black athletes that have seemed to give white people a severe case of the booty tickles/butt hurts. Closer to home i was proud of a young lady that I know who took a knee during a volleyball game. White people flipped the fuck out along with at least 1 uncle tom that I know of. The question I have for white people is this. When is it american for a Black person to exercise their first amendment right of free speech? I know I will get the usual white boy deflections so for those people please be aware that i wont be responding to you on this thread. I am looking for intelligent whites that can answer the question without talking about anything other than the point.

I am white and I wouldn't salute the corporate banner that is USA.INC's symbol at gun point and even if I haven't banked 100 million FRNs like Colin, the mulatto benched QB has (that has become irrelevant after losing his job to someone with less talent)...but I digress. If you work for Wal-Mart, should you be expected to salute their corporate banner? Same thing when it comes to the ":Stars and Stripes" since it was incorporated and taken into receivership by the IMF.
Does this answer your question? I am here to help and you seem to need the kind of guidance only I can provide....don't be shy.
Any American is within their Constitutional rights to take a knee, raise a fist or make some other symbolic gesture against the American flag, and therefore America. And any American regardless of color including your "Uncle Tom" are within their Constitutional rights to call out these people for being attention grabbers and prima donnas. Free speech works both ways.
I agree. However why do whites get so angry and other races actually applaud the protest?
I can't get in the heads of other people. I think it probably comes down to every Americans' experience. I don't see it as a White - Minority divide. Some of the most passionate Americans I know are immigrants that grew up in a truly f**d up country i.e. Cuba and Iran and know first hand how lucky we all are living here. If they were at a game and they saw someone take a knee, I guarantee you what they would say wouldn't be pretty and the two guys I'm thinking of are Cuban and Iranian.
I can't get in the heads of other people. I think it probably comes down to every Americans' experience. I don't see it as a White - Minority divide. Some of the most passionate Americans I know are immigrants that grew up in a truly f**d up country i.e. Cuba and Iran and know first hand how lucky we all are living here. If they were at a game and they saw someone take a knee, I guarantee you what they would say wouldn't be pretty and the two guys I'm thinking of are Cuban and Iranian.
There are some Blacks that would get angry but those are one offs. i am talking in general. Most whites flip out where as other races could care less.
This kneeling may have started with someone of color, but that doesn't mean it's exclusive to race. Since Kaepernick started this, there are many of both races now doing it.
Standing either with hand over heart or saluting, has been so ingrained into the American people, that it was quite a shock and to many like a slap in the face, for him to kneel.
This kneeling may have started with someone of color, but that doesn't mean it's exclusive to race. Since Kaepernick started this, there are many of both races now doing it.
Standing either with hand over heart or saluting, has been so ingrained into the American people, that it was quite a shock and to many like a slap in the face, for him to kneel.
Yes. The young lady I spoke about is 1 of 3 Black girls on the team. The rest of her teammates are Filipinos and Mexicans and they all did it.
Lately there have been several incidents of protest by high profile Black athletes that have seemed to give white people a severe case of the booty tickles/butt hurts. Closer to home i was proud of a young lady that I know who took a knee during a volleyball game. White people flipped the fuck out along with at least 1 uncle tom that I know of. The question I have for white people is this. When is it american for a Black person to exercise their first amendment right of free speech? I know I will get the usual white boy deflections so for those people please be aware that i wont be responding to you on this thread. I am looking for intelligent whites that can answer the question without talking about anything other than the point.

Disrespecting the flag or the pledge to make a point about abuse or the murder of innocent people is not going to work. It is obvious this approach will not work, in fact it has only made the problem worse. I do not blame anyone who is black or hispanic or white for being angry when law enforcement or authority figures abuse or murder innocent people, no matter their ethnicity.

There are many things in life that go wrong, do we solve them by protest or rioting or looting? No, all these actions promote is more hate. The events involving the death of Keith Scott in Charlotte are disturbing and they should be to all Americans. The videos released today are in no way going to provide any proof he had a gun.

I find it odd a black police chief is going to defend his officers based on those videos if he didn't have some proof of a gun.

The shooting in Tulsa is just as bad and what I do not understand is why didn't they sit still? Why did Terence Crutcher hold up his hands and continue walking?

I learned at a very early age to respect the police and follow their instructions. A few years ago I was pulled over in my own driveway by an arrogant Hispanic County Constable for an expired registration on my sons truck. I couldn't believe how he treated me in my own driveway, but I did follow his instructions and didn't ignore his commands.
Asslips generalizes (again) that all whites get unhinged but when it comes to black folks it's a one-off. Par for the course I guess when your view is from the porch.
I can't get in the heads of other people. I think it probably comes down to every Americans' experience. I don't see it as a White - Minority divide. Some of the most passionate Americans I know are immigrants that grew up in a truly f**d up country i.e. Cuba and Iran and know first hand how lucky we all are living here. If they were at a game and they saw someone take a knee, I guarantee you what they would say wouldn't be pretty and the two guys I'm thinking of are Cuban and Iranian.
There are some Blacks that would get angry but those are one offs. i am talking in general. Most whites flip out where as other races could care less.

lol at whites flipping out

I can't get in the heads of other people. I think it probably comes down to every Americans' experience. I don't see it as a White - Minority divide. Some of the most passionate Americans I know are immigrants that grew up in a truly f**d up country i.e. Cuba and Iran and know first hand how lucky we all are living here. If they were at a game and they saw someone take a knee, I guarantee you what they would say wouldn't be pretty and the two guys I'm thinking of are Cuban and Iranian.
There are some Blacks that would get angry but those are one offs. i am talking in general. Most whites flip out where as other races could care less.

lol at whites flipping out

Yes whites flipping out over pumpkins and sports.




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