The Whole Mueller Probe is Disgracefully Partisan and Incestuous

So now some are calling for a Special Counsel to investigate the Special Counsel? Does that mean that down the road we'll need a Special Counsel to investigate the Special Counsel that's investigating the Special Counsel?
Look who’s calling for it.
Now this: Wife of demoted DOJ official worked for firm behind anti-Trump dossier.

“A senior Justice Department official demoted last week for concealing his meetings with the men behind the anti-Trump ‘dossier’ had even closer ties to Fusion GPS, the firm responsible for the incendiary document, than have been disclosed, Fox News has confirmed: The official’s wife worked for Fusion GPS during the 2016 election.”

Yes how dare actual investigation be done. Oh nooooooooook. Must have another hack fest and go after dems.

Anyone who doesn't question why Donald surrounded himself with Russian operatives is delusional
Mueller has several folks on the payroll who are connected to Clinton and Democrats. I can't support this 'investigation.' Time to wrap it up.

Pretty much everyone is connected either to the Dems or to the Repubs. It would be impossible to field a team in DC of people that were not connected to one side or the other.

Being connected to one side or the other does not mean you cannot do your job correctly.
And you'd be saying that if EVERYONE on the Mullier team was known to have donated to Trump's campaign?
SUUUUURE you would you lying POS!
His name is Mueller you imbecile. Get used to spelling it correctly because he will go down as an American hero who took down the totally corrupt Trump Crime family.
17 mostly Republican lead Investigations say you’re lying.
Everything I posted - as you already know - has been proven.
You have also already been PROVEN to be a liar with no credibility on this.
Your continued parroting / repeating your lies continues to make you look desperate, pathetic, and like the Hillary-Worshipping Snowflake Troll you are.

Did you get that from RT or one of its fronts?
If only Trump’s people hadn’t promised so much to Russia, and Russia worked so hard to get Trump elected, you guys wouldn’t even have to be thinking about this. Oh well :itsok:

Wins the thread ^ ^ ^ :cool:

No... no Russian influence in this administration.


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Thanks for the week old non-news. Yes, the dude was a partisan and Mueller let him go. Which to normal people would mean that Bob is running a tight ship. Give it up, questioning Mueller's integrity is a loser for Republicans.
Bob should not be running the investigation.
Bob is a Russian Enabler who hid Russian crimes, as the evidence shows, back in 2009. Bob's entire team, including himself, is rife with Conflicts of Interest and biased members.

'NORMAL' people see THIS.
Trump sure is working very hard to try to discredit those investigating him. He must be very worried about what they’ll find.

Casting aspersions on Mueller, Comey, the entire FBI and the DOJ, attacking the MSM every day as “fake news”, and levelling false allegations at Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party on a daily basis makes Trump look guilty as hell.

Funny how the Clintons didn’t go around calling the 17 investigations against them “witch hunts”. Nor did they call Ken Starr a partisan hack, or try to discredit the investigations against them. They just went about their business and waited for the system to clear them of wrong doing.

The last President who bitch whined about an investigation being a witch hunt, who fired those investigating him and who disparaged the media reporting on the investigation was Nixon. And he was guilty.

Coincidence? I think not.

Well done Dragonlady! Yeah, if these characters aren't guilty as hell then why do they ACT guilty as hell and why did all 9 Trumplings who met with Russian spies deny (some under oath) it and/or fail to disclose it initially?

Wonder if Trump has an "enemies list" like Milhous? :)
Trump sure is working very hard to try to discredit those investigating him.

I agree.

All he has to do is just sit back and do nothing.

After a year of multiple investigations by Obama-employed, Hillary-worshipping, DNC-Donating, Clinton-employees, Liberals, and snowflakes the Democrats have NOTHING...

...while Democrats from Obama, Hillary, Mueller, Comey, Holder, Lynch, Clapper, Brennan, Koskinen, etc have been exposed through provided evidence to have committed a veritable plethora of crimes ranging from
Hiding crimes committed by Russia
Illegal possession, handling, transportation, destruction of classified
Aiding / Abetting Russian Crimes
Violations of both Federal Records and FOIA Acts
Leaking Classified
Illegal Unmasking
Felony Perjury
Obstruction of a Federal Investigation
Violating a Federal Subpoena
Illegal spying on Americans, reporters, the media, the US Senate, and USSC...

and many, many more...

The media has publicly sabotaged and surrendered every ounce of credibility it has ever had, continuously retracting / correcting their fake news stories...

Mueller has had to fire 2 of his team members for (MORE) evidence his team is extremely biased and riddles with conflicts of interest - most, including him, need to be investigated by Special Counsels...

Trump is working WAY HARDER than he has to. The corrupt / criminal / fake news / seditious Liberals are destroying themselves from within....
Trump sits on his fat ass each day watching 8 hours of TV a day when binging on junk food.
The fact you said Trump is working hard is hilarious.
Your whole post is directly from the mouth of that demagogue Sean Hannity.
Your programming is complete.

Keep trying to wish away that there are already 2 guilty pleas and 2 indictments directly within Trump’s orbit.
As oon as the sentencing phase happens by all means let us know. HAAA HAAA
A CNN legal 'expert and a Trump-hater said yesterday that the chances Manafort and Gates would actually would ever be sentenced to any crimes except for not filling in a couple of forms is ZERO!!!!!
But you keep jerking off to your wet dream fantasy pal.
17 mostly Republican lead Investigations say you’re lying.
Everything I posted - as you already know - has been proven.
You have also already been PROVEN to be a liar with no credibility on this.
Your continued parroting / repeating your lies continues to make you look desperate, pathetic, and like the Hillary-Worshipping Snowflake Troll you are.

Nothing you ever post is "proven". But it's so cute you try to pretend.
His name is Mueller you imbecile. Get used to spelling it correctly because he will go down as an American hero who took down the totally corrupt Trump Crime family.

He's rolling them up like he would the Gambino Family :)
If only Trump’s people hadn’t promised so much to Russia, and Russia worked so hard to get Trump elected, you guys wouldn’t even have to be thinking about this. Oh well :itsok:
Wins the thread

In your Hillary-worshipping wet dream. If only Hillary had not been the most corrupt, Russia-colluding, national security-jeopardizing, self-serving, Influence Peddling, scandal-plagued criminal who bought / cheated her way into being the DNC candidate in US history she might have won and we would not be seeing any of this.

Had Obama not left the DNC $24 million in debt, allowed Hillary to BUY the DNC, and had the DNC had any candidate worth a sh!t and not been stuck with a Socialist Party Member and an old white criminal politician, maybe the DNC could have found an actual candidate who could have beaten Trump. All they needed was a moderate (appearing) politician who had no scandals, & was not corrupt (that the public knew of)...and in the entire DNC they could not find ONE!
Mueller has several folks on the payroll who are connected to Clinton and Democrats. I can't support this 'investigation.' Time to wrap it up.

Pretty much everyone is connected either to the Dems or to the Repubs. It would be impossible to field a team in DC of people that were not connected to one side or the other.

Being connected to one side or the other does not mean you cannot do your job correctly.

Anyone connected to the Clintons, should have never been allowed to take part in the investigation. Period, end of story. The investigation is compromised. Time to wrap it up.

The only person who would say “wrap it up” are those who know Don the Con is guilty but just don’t care.

Those who truly believe in his innocence would want Mueller to look under every rock and clear his fat ass of wrong-doing.
No one is doing anything to prevent Mullier from conducting his investigation. The FACT that he hired a 100% Trump-hate group of DEMs knowing FULL WELL about their backgrounds is Mullier's problem.
You can't be so fucking ignorant as to believe Mullier wakes up and reads about how fucked up his investigation is and says "that's it! I can't go to work today because there are people out there who think I'm doing a terrible job".
The only person who would say “wrap it up” are those who know Don the Con is guilty but just don’t care.

Those who truly believe in his innocence would want Mueller to look under every rock and clear his fat ass of wrong-doing.

The only thing that's gonna be "wrapped up" in the near future are the pea brains who say "wrap it up".

They may look a little something like this :D

[As oon as the sentencing phase happens by all means let us know. HAAA HAAA
A CNN legal 'expert and a Trump-hater said yesterday that the chances Manafort and Gates would actually would ever be sentenced to any crimes except for not filling in a couple of forms is ZERO!!!!!
Tax Evasion Charge Dating Back to 2006
- 'Scooter Libby' Conviction, attempt to justify 'Witch Hunt'
-- Reporting 'Rumor' says Manafort may walk due to Mueller F*-up with the warrant / took things not on the warrant

Tax evasion charge dating back to 2006
- 'Scooter Libby' Conviction, attempt to justify 'Witch Hunt'

Lying to FBI

So now some are calling for a Special Counsel to investigate the Special Counsel? Does that mean that down the road we'll need a Special Counsel to investigate the Special Counsel that's investigating the Special Counsel?

That is precisely where they are going - Idiots
Thanks for the week old non-news. Yes, the dude was a partisan and Mueller let him go. Which to normal people would mean that Bob is running a tight ship. Give it up, questioning Mueller's integrity is a loser for Republicans.
Are you seriously trying to tell us that Mullier didn't know the backgrounds of the 'Blue Chip' DEM Trump-hating lawyers before he hired them? If that's the case Mullier is a fucking MORON OR a Trump-hater. In either case he should NEVER been given the job!
For fuck sakes! Mullier and these lawyers have been in and out of eachother's law offices and cocktail parties for YEARS!!!!!!!!
Most of them have banged each others wives for Christ sake!
They all go skiing at Aspen every year!
They've all got 'time shares' together!
So what? It is asinine and childish to think that people must be 100% unbiased to do their job correctly.
Tell that to your hero Bob Mullier.......asshole!
He's the one that fired the Trump-hater.
So far Mullier has charged the 'coffee-boy' camp-follower wanna-be who even his girlfriend admitted he was "not smart enough to know he was talking to a russian spy" with lying about when he had a bowl of Pho.
Mullier has charged Manafort and Gates with fuck all to do with Trump. Mullier has charged Flynn for jay walking.
And Mullier has spent 6.7 million taxpayer dollars.

When Muller gets to 80 million come talk to me, till then he is just a light weight compared to Starr.
In your Hillary-worshipping wet dream. If only Hillary had not been the most corrupt, Russia-colluding, national security-jeopardizing, self-serving, Influence Peddling, scandal-plagued criminal who bought / cheated her way into being the DNC candidate in US history she might have won and we would not be seeing any of this.

Had Obama not left the DNC $24 million in debt, allowed Hillary to BUY the DNC, and had the DNC had any candidate worth a sh!t and not been stuck with a Socialist Party Member and an old white criminal politician, maybe the DNC could have found an actual candidate who could have beaten Trump. All they needed was a moderate (appearing) politician who had no scandals, & was not corrupt (that the public knew of)...and in the entire DNC they could not find ONE!

You have many interesting conspiracy theories ..

Believing that I am a Hillary supporter is an awesome new one - do continue!


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