The Whoopie Cow Incident On The View.Well,Should ABC Fire Her?

I swore if Hillary won, I was moving to Costa Rica. I can still be an American for now.

Kinda cool, too, because I'm 7th generation American.

When they reference "cracker" it's people like me they're talking about.
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Now, lets say something like this happened on "Outnumbered". A Conservative Host gets into a Pow-wow over President Trump with a liberal guest, the argument reaches "Defcon-Five" and in the end the host tells the liberal to get the F off the set.
Now, do you think all of the other networks would be demanding Fox to fire that host?
But with ABC, it's no big deal. That's Just Whoopie.
Why? Because Pirro is a screamer? Everyone knows that.
ABC is owned by Disney, that should tell you all you need to know!
I’m sure later on both of them looked in the mirror and were disappointed in the way they acted
She did it on the air, but no I don't think she should be fired unless she has made a habit of it, but I don't really know what the guide lines for the show are. Maybe they allow that stuff.
I’m good with people seeing how absurd democrats are these days. It’s one of the reasons why democrats are losing support.
Now, lets say something like this happened on "Outnumbered". A Conservative Host gets into a Pow-wow over President Trump with a liberal guest, the argument reaches "Defcon-Five" and in the end the host tells the liberal to get the F off the set.
Now, do you think all of the other networks would be demanding Fox to fire that host?
But with ABC, it's no big deal. That's Just Whoopie.
What she did was much worse than what they claimed Roseanne Barr said.

She deserved a knuckle-sandwich.
Instead she claimed that the judge called her a N****r.
Everyone knows Whoopie's lying.
But whenever a black person is caught red-handed doing something wrong they always throw the race-card.
I swore if Hillary won, I was moving to Costa Rica. I can still be an American for now.

Kinda cool, too, because I'm 7th generation American.

When they reference "cracker" it's people like me they're talking about.
That's my excuse! My people have been here way too long to let a flash in the pan miserable politician force me to leave my heritage behind. Actually, it wasn't because of Lepage, it was because I didn't want to share space with all the morons that ELECTED him.
I got over it, though.
Now, lets say something like this happened on "Outnumbered". A Conservative Host gets into a Pow-wow over President Trump with a liberal guest, the argument reaches "Defcon-Five" and in the end the host tells the liberal to get the F off the set.
Now, do you think all of the other networks would be demanding Fox to fire that host?
But with ABC, it's no big deal. That's Just Whoopie.
What she did was much worse than what they claimed Roseanne Barr said.
? Claimed? Wasn't she on Twitter or something? Or television?
I swore if Hillary won, I was moving to Costa Rica. I can still be an American for now.

Kinda cool, too, because I'm 7th generation American.

When they reference "cracker" it's people like me they're talking about.
That's my excuse! My people have been here way too long to let a flash in the pan miserable politician force me to leave my heritage behind. Actually, it wasn't because of Lepage, it was because I didn't want to share space with all the morons that ELECTED him.
I got over it, though.

Difference between you and me: I knew that if Hillary won, it was time to get out of Dodge. I could still take a boat back and visit.
I swore if Hillary won, I was moving to Costa Rica. I can still be an American for now.

Kinda cool, too, because I'm 7th generation American.

When they reference "cracker" it's people like me they're talking about.

I am still waiting for all those that claimed they were moving to Canada after Bush got elected..
I swore if Hillary won, I was moving to Costa Rica. I can still be an American for now.

Kinda cool, too, because I'm 7th generation American.

When they reference "cracker" it's people like me they're talking about.
That's my excuse! My people have been here way too long to let a flash in the pan miserable politician force me to leave my heritage behind. Actually, it wasn't because of Lepage, it was because I didn't want to share space with all the morons that ELECTED him.
I got over it, though.

Difference between you and me: I knew that if Hillary won, it was time to get out of Dodge.
Canada looks better all the time, but I know someone who is seriously considering moving there, and they wouldn't have me. I'm not rich enough.
Now, lets say something like this happened on "Outnumbered". A Conservative Host gets into a Pow-wow over President Trump with a liberal guest, the argument reaches "Defcon-Five" and in the end the host tells the liberal to get the F off the set.
Now, do you think all of the other networks would be demanding Fox to fire that host?
But with ABC, it's no big deal. That's Just Whoopie.
What she did was much worse than what they claimed Roseanne Barr said.
? Claimed? Wasn't she on Twitter or something? Or television?
Yup.....but that never stopped you fuckers from making shit up.
Roseanne didn't know Valerie Jarrett had any black blood.
But that never stops you fuckers from accusing her of racism.
If you end up losing the election you only have yourselves to blame for being the same lying assholes you always prove to be.

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Well. I don't really turn the television on much, but I've seen Judge Jeanine. She seems to me to be just another nationalist talking head. I saw that Ingraham woman on television a while back. I turned her off after like 2 minutes. Holy moly, if that's not a blatant nationalist propagandist trying to brainwash the masses, I don't know what is. lol. I felt like I was watching one of the estalishment's robots sent to indoctrinate the masses.

Ever see that movie "They Live"? Ha. That's what they remind me of.


Anyway. Yeah. Whoopie shouldn't have treated her that way, regardless. That's not how we're supposed to treat our fellow man. Or woman, in this case.

I think that the cultural Marxist types are just really hot about Trump getting elected. Heh heh. It's obvious.
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Now, lets say something like this happened on "Outnumbered". A Conservative Host gets into a Pow-wow over President Trump with a liberal guest, the argument reaches "Defcon-Five" and in the end the host tells the liberal to get the F off the set.
Now, do you think all of the other networks would be demanding Fox to fire that host?
But with ABC, it's no big deal. That's Just Whoopie.
No, she shouldn't be fired, but your thread should be merged with the one I just replied to not an hour ago.

BTW, I see heated arguments like that on Fox and CNN all the time. Whoopi made a rant. If she weren't a black liberal who gets under your thin skins all the time for speaking the truth, this wouldn't be "newsworthy." Just another heated political argument.
Pirro asks for it with her highly confrontational style. So she got it. Big deal.
O come on!
Pirro said we need open discussions, and the libtards just shouted her down, would not allow her to finish a thought and acted like the self serving bitches that they are.
You have NEVER, I repeat NEVER have seen a liberal thrown off because of their opinion.
She wasn't thrown off. She stalked off, cursing at all and sundry, when Whoopie walked off to cool off.
Not the version i heard. Whoopi f bombed ber out of the building.
I’m good with people seeing how absurd democrats are these days. It’s one of the reasons why democrats are losing support.
Sure they are....:71:
Ahh... I can see you haven’t been paying attention..... lol
Barack Obama Won The White House, But Democrats Lost The Country

Yes Obama was loved that he lost 1000 seats across the nation.

He left the DNC bankrupt and filled his own coffers..

And you see they still see him as a Messiah for that!

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