The Title was a Lie.
The title was not a “lie”. The Supreme Court did in fact uphold President Trump’s policy on detaining illegals.

I know that “triggers” you. Hang in their snowflake. :itsok:

It had nothing to do with trumps policy. It had everything to do with the improper application of one person under the dreamer act. Stop lying, donkey's ass.
It had nothing to do with trumps policy. It had everything to do with the improper application of one person under the dreamer act. Stop lying, donkey's ass.
The Supreme Court did in fact uphold President Trump’s policy on detaining illegals.

I know that “triggers” you. Hang in their snowflake. :itsok:
Whatever these Leftist Assholes Want Give Them The Exact Opposite. Fuck them! Three Years of this shit.

I hope a plague is sent upon all of them.
It had nothing to do with trumps policy. It had everything to do with the improper application of one person under the dreamer act. Stop lying, donkey's ass.
The Supreme Court did in fact uphold President Trump’s policy on detaining illegals.

I know that “triggers” you. Hang in their snowflake. :itsok:

It's the same detaining that was under Obama, donkey ass.
It's the same detaining that was under Obama, donkey ass.
Hahahahaha! Exactly, you dumb shit. And you leftists never complained once. It was only after Donald Trump became President that your tears started flowing and the lawsuits were filed.

I love when ignorant dillholes like Duh-rly trip over themselves. :lmao:
It's the same detaining that was under Obama, donkey ass.
Hahahahaha! Exactly, you dumb shit. And you leftists never complained once. It was only after Donald Trump became President that your tears started flowing and the lawsuits were filed.

I love when ignorant dillholes like Duh-rly trip over themselves. :lmao:

You just got caught in another lie, that's all. I already gave you the donkey's ass award. Wear it proudly.
It's the same detaining that was under Obama, donkey ass.
Hahahahaha! Exactly, you dumb shit. And you leftists never complained once. It was only after Donald Trump became President that your tears started flowing and the lawsuits were filed.

I love when ignorant dillholes like Duh-rly trip over themselves. :lmao:
You just got caught in another lie, that's all.
Actually, I just agreed with you. So if that is a “lie”, it’s your lie. :lmao:
So. Much. Winning.
The nation continues to boast an almost record low unemployment rate and rising wages for workers.
Thank you, President Trump.

The US Economy Beat the Experts by Nearly 20,000 Jobs in March

Let's take a look at those figures.

  • Health care: +49,000 jobs.
Most CNAs around here work Part Time and there are always openings. One of the biggest training programs is the CNA program. MOST CNAs work in homecare. Yes, the money per hour is good but you don't work every day and you don't work 8 hours a day. Part time is counted just like full time
  • Professional and Technical Services: +34,000 jobs.
See Health Care
  • Food Services and Drinking Places: +27,000 jobs.
Food Service has a ton of jobs here. And MOST are part time jobs. The ones with the full time jobs never leave. So if you do get hired, it's probably going to be for one of the part time positions for the peak hours.
  • Construction: +16,000 jobs.
Yes, one of the many Jobs I have worked. In the Northern Tier, you are going to get paid well, work long hours when you do work. But you may only work 8 or 9 months out of the year due to the seasons. You won't be out of work long enough to draw unemployment probably. And that is if your company is one of the lucky ones to get the contracts. You are not guarenteed to have employment and your wages will fluctuate according to the contract needs. Older Workers need not not apply.

  • Mining: +2,000 jobs.
Wow, +2000 jobs. Where did they get that figure form. Certainly not from the coal areas. Not from West Virginia, or any of the Western Coal Producing States that produce the majority of the coal. But it might be correct since the coal industry has picked up from almost zero to just above zero. Not something to brag about.
  • Manufacturing: -6,000 jobs.
And it's going to keep going down until it's on par with mining.

Trump has nothing to do with any of this except for where Agriculture has taken a severe nose dive. So stop with this "Still Winning" Crap. We are losing and losing every single day and have been for the last 40 or so years.
Trump has nothing to do with any of this except for where Agriculture has taken a severe nose dive.
Gotta love Duh-ryl! President Trump has nothing to do with the unprecedented prosperity we are experiencing, BUT, he is solely responsible for any imaginary dip. Can you say partisan hack? :laugh:
Trump certainly hit the ground running. Leveraging Executive Orders (constitutionally - unlike Obama) to defund International Planned Parenthood Foundation, to build the wall between the U.S. and Mexican border, he pulled the U.S. out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, put a freeze on federal government hiring, and restored the Keystone Pipeline.

And then there is this: already starting to defeat "sanctuary cities". It's looking like Trump was right - maybe we are going to get so tired of winning!

Trump declares victory as city revokes ‘sanctuary city’ policies
The only one "whining" right now is your boy... whining over transparency... over his promised tax returns and the full Mueller Report.

Frankly, I think your boy is running out of rope before the Opposition (metaphorically) hangs him.
We couldn’t have asked for a better president. :)
Too bad your boy doesn't "execute" all his Big Ideas effectively... all Talk... very little Action...

Not exactly the King of Deal-Makers, eh?

He wrote a book on the subject...

Too bad he can't execute well, or consistently, in the Big Leagues, where it really counts.


Great Presidents don't need to tell the Public that they're great, at 2:00 in the morning, seven days a week.

Unless, of course, they're delusional narcissists, with no small measure of OCD in their psych-profiles.
Trump certainly hit the ground running. Leveraging Executive Orders (constitutionally - unlike Obama) to defund International Planned Parenthood Foundation, to build the wall between the U.S. and Mexican border, he pulled the U.S. out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, put a freeze on federal government hiring, and restored the Keystone Pipeline.

And then there is this: already starting to defeat "sanctuary cities". It's looking like Trump was right - maybe we are going to get so tired of winning!

Trump declares victory as city revokes ‘sanctuary city’ policies
The only one "whining" right now is your boy... whining over transparency... over his promised tax returns and the full Mueller Report.

Frankly, I think your boy is running out of rope before the Opposition (metaphorically) hangs him.
It can’t be easy being on the side of losers. :itsok:
We couldn’t have asked for a better president. :)
Too bad your boy doesn't "execute" all his Big Ideas effectively... all Talk... very little Action...

Not exactly the King of Deal-Makers, eh?

He wrote a book on the subject...

Too bad he can't execute well, or consistently, in the Big Leagues, where it really counts.
We know you’re going through a tough time.
Your boy provides enough material for an entire nationwide mental healthcare symposium.

Not to mention...

He makes Richard Nixon look like an honest man, and Ronnie Reagan look like the epitome of lucidity and attentiveness.

Coming, as he does, from a long line of whorehouse keepers and robber barons, we should expect what we now see.
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