Renegotiate trade agreements to favor the U.S. Check!...
Still a work in progress... still threatening tariffs... jobs still overseas... not here... no check-box yet.
Your ignorance is absolutely astounding. Astounding. Swallow these, snowflake...

China to allow US beef exports after deal on trade issues with US - CNNPolitics

Trump hails new trade deal and his own negotiating tactics - CNNPolitics

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Allowing cooked poultry to come from china to the US? Are you out of your freaking mind? That's like allowing China to bring in Medicine. AFter a bunch of deaths, the US learned better on the Medicine. BTW, are you aware where the poultry originates from in the first place? The US. Guess you want to see Tyson and companies like that go under by importing in poisonous cooked chicken.
Trade agreements are (and I quote) “still a work in progress”, uh Kondor3? :lmao:
Renegotiate trade agreements to favor the U.S. Check!...
Still a work in progress... still threatening tariffs... jobs still overseas... not here... no check-box yet.
Your ignorance is absolutely astounding. Astounding. Swallow these, snowflake...

China to allow US beef exports after deal on trade issues with US - CNNPolitics

Trump hails new trade deal and his own negotiating tactics - CNNPolitics

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
Like shootin' fish in a barrel...
Um....snowflake? You just got owned in this thread. So apparently you miss every shot, even when shooting at “fish in a barrel”. :laugh:
Only in your twisted Drumpf Kool-Aid -drinking mind, Sparky. Your boy talks big but delivers very little of lasting value.

Rather like you, and your self-declared, nit-picking little pseudo-victories, which are, in fact, sheer fantasy.
Your boy talks big but delivers very little of lasting value.
Speaking of "big", do you have any idea how immature it is to think you'll get better noticed and be taken more seriously by typing in larger font than everyone else? Grow up junior. :rolleyes:
I'm Kondor...I post misinformation and propaganda (it's been proven) but I still want to get noticed so I type every post in the largest font I can find. Look at me! Look at me! Please notice me! I want attention.
So...much...winning. Just as President Trump promised.
In fact, according to Express UK, Queen Elizabeth II will honor Trump with a state dinner at Buckingham Palace — but Khan is not on the guest list.
Nothing better than watching radicals having to sit down and shut up.

London Mayor Sadiq Khan says Trump not 'worthy' of state dinner — but look what Queen Elizabeth just did

Why would a mayor be invited to a dinner for heads of state?

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President Trump has been absolutely phenomenal...
In the past year, wage growth was 6.6% for the 10th percentile of workers with the lowest incomes. That’s double the 3.3% growth rate for workers at the top of the income distribution.
Creating jobs for everyone, especially minorities. Increasing wages for everyone, especially the lower class.

Poorest Americans Are Benefiting Most From Strong Economy

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