We couldn’t have asked for a better president. :)
Too bad your boy doesn't "execute" all his Big Ideas effectively... all Talk... very little Action...
Too bad you prefer propaganda over facts. He's been possibly the most effective leader the U.S. has ever had. Ever. He has produced on every campaign promise.
  • Renegotiate trade agreements to favor the U.S. Check!
  • Implement tariffs to level the playing field and help U.S. companies. Check!
  • Secure the border. Check!
  • Build a wall. Check!
  • Lower taxes. Check!
  • Create jobs. Check!
  • Give power back to the people. Check!
  • Implement policies to make us a world leader in energy. Check!
  • Nominate true constitutional justices to the Supreme Court. Check!
And, he's done all of that with the Dumbocrats working 24x7 to obstruct everything. Do you have any idea how absurd you sound claiming the man is "all talk...very little action"? In fact, can you name ONE thing he's failed to deliver? He's only had a measly two years and total obstruction by the Dumbocrats, and he's still delivered big time.
Your boy provides enough material for an entire nationwide mental healthcare symposium.
Trump is working hard to help those with mental health problems. Chelsea Handler recently talked about that....

“I had to pay a psychiatrist to listen to me b---- about Donald Trump for about the first three weeks,” Handler told Maher. “And then once when we got past that and got to the real stuff, I realized the parallel there was my world becoming unhinged when I was a little girl, my brother died when I was nine years old. I had never related the two, but for me, as I can imagine it must have been for so many people, it was an emotional trigger of everything being destabilized and I realized how spoiled and privileged I had been all my life and realize to be this upset and this on-a-ten every day and the outrage and the anger, I just wanted to f---ing fight people, you know? And I was like, ‘I have to go see a psychiatrist.’”

The liberal comedian also spoke about having “white guilt” and how she realized in therapy that she had believed she didn’t have “the right to be in pain” because she hadn't been raped or molested.
Chelsea Handler says Trump's 2016 win sent her to a shrink, hooked her on marijuana

We’re here to listen, Kondor3. Feel free to share any underlying problems you might have.
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Trump has nothing to do with any of this except for where Agriculture has taken a severe nose dive.
Gotta love Duh-ryl! President Trump has nothing to do with the unprecedented prosperity we are experiencing, BUT, he is solely responsible for any imaginary dip. Can you say partisan hack? :laugh:

LOL, is that best you got? Here is a new hat you can wear that comes closer to your old hat.
...Too bad you prefer propaganda over facts. He's been possibly the most effective leader the U.S. has ever had. Ever. He has produced on every campaign promise...
Every campaign promise?

1. where are his tax returns?

2. when does Mexico send us their payment for our Wall?

3. when will North Korea dismantle their nuclear arsenal?

...Renegotiate trade agreements to favor the U.S. Check!...
Still a work in progress... still threatening tariffs... jobs still overseas... not here... no check-box yet.

...Implement tariffs to level the playing field and help U.S. companies. Check!...
Where is the evidence that paying more for materials and assemblies and goods are helping US companies? No check-box yet.

...Secure the border. Check!...
That's why 100,000+ crossed illegally in March 2019 alone... worst ever. No check-box yet.

...Build a wall. Check!...
Show us where substantive new construction has begun. All he's managed so far is pocket-change for repairs. No check-box yet.

...Lower taxes. Check!...
For Big Business and the One Percent maybe... yeah... but most Common Folk are paying more. No check-box yet.

...Create jobs. Check!...
Even a broken clock is right twice a day. You win one.

...Give power back to the people. Check!...
There is no substantive change in the political power of the American Voter since his coronation. No check-box yet.

...Implement policies to make us a world leader in energy. Check!...
Which is why I'm paying more at the pump today than I have over the past 3-4 years. No check-box yet.

...Nominate true constitutional justices to the Supreme Court. Check!
All Supreme Court justices are 'true constitutional justices'. Your boy just installed Pub-centric ones. No check-box yet.

...And, he's done all of that with the Dumbocrats working 24x7 to obstruct everything...
Rather like the Pubs did when Obumble was in office, eh? Payback's a bitch, I guess.

...Do you have any idea how absurd you sound claiming the man is "all talk...very little action"?...
Not as absurd as you sounded (above) when claiming successes that do not exist.

...In fact, can you name ONE thing he's failed to deliver?...
See my (1) thru (3), above... for starters.

...He's only had a measly two years and total obstruction by the Dumbocrats...
Two years... with control of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches... is more than enough to get started.

So much for "The Art of the Deal", eh?

...and he's still delivered big time.
Only in the opinion of deep-draught Drumpf Kool-Aid drinkers.
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YOu show we lost 6000 jobs. That wasn't a plus sign, that was a minus sign. We watch factories shut down and ship jobs overseas at an alarming rate like GM, and many others and you don't see me giving blame to Trump. Yet you want to lie about the Vunderjobs that Trump is creating? He isn't creating shit. You seem to leave out the ones leaving and only mention the ones that increase. A President has almost zero affect either way. I don't give a rats ass about his ego claims about how affective he is. He isn't doing a damned thing on this. If he wants to have an effect he needs to role the laws back to before 1980 when there were protections against Corporations doing what they have done for the last 40 years. But that would also mean getting Congress to change those laws as well.
Implement tariffs to level the playing field and help U.S. companies. Check!...
Where is the evidence that paying more for materials and assemblies and goods are helping US companies? No check-box yet.
You mean other than the record low unemployment, record high market, highest manufacturing in decades, record high employment, and increased wages? You mean other than that? Gee...none, I guess.

Is hard being wrong every sentence you type in every post? I’m just curious. :dunno:
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This must be really embarrassing, uh Kondor3? I can’t even imagine being proven this wrong. You made up a dumb lie. You got smacked with indisputable links (from CNN no less). Ouch.
Renegotiate trade agreements to favor the U.S. Check!...
Still a work in progress... still threatening tariffs... jobs still overseas... not here... no check-box yet.
Your ignorance is absolutely astounding. Astounding. Swallow these, snowflake...

China to allow US beef exports after deal on trade issues with US - CNNPolitics

Trump hails new trade deal and his own negotiating tactics - CNNPolitics

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
Secure the border. Check!...
That's why 100,000+ crossed illegally in March 2019 alone... worst ever. No check-box yet.
This one is really going to sting, Kondor...
One of President Donald Trump’s central (and most controversial) campaign promises was to shut down the flow of immigrants illegally crossing into the United States, especially from Mexico. Newly released figures show Trump appears to be making good on his promise.
Box checked (again)! How embarrassing for you.

New illegal immigration numbers reveal Trump’s incredible impact on the border
Secure the border. Check!...
That's why 100,000+ crossed illegally in March 2019 alone... worst ever. No check-box yet.
This one is really going to sting, Kondor...
One of President Donald Trump’s central (and most controversial) campaign promises was to shut down the flow of immigrants illegally crossing into the United States, especially from Mexico. Newly released figures show Trump appears to be making good on his promise.
Box checked (again)! How embarrassing for you.

New illegal immigration numbers reveal Trump’s incredible impact on the border
Southern border at 'breaking point' after more than 76,000 illegal immigrants tried crossing in February, officials say

From Fox News, no less... :21:
Lower taxes. Check!...
For Big Business and the One Percent maybe... yeah... but most Common Folk are paying more. No check-box yet.
Ok...well now you’re just being dick. I know you’re ignorant as hell, but nobody could be that ignorant. It is common knowledge that middle and lower income families received huge tax cuts. More for you to swallow...

White House Report Hails Tax Cuts Spurring Economic Growth
The WHITE HOUSE says...? :21:

Few Americans see savings from Trump's tax reform: Reuters/Ipsos poll - Reuters


You're prolific, alright, but you aren't very good at this.

Like shootin' fish in a barrel...
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Lower taxes. Check!...
For Big Business and the One Percent maybe... yeah... but most Common Folk are paying more. No check-box yet.
Ok...well now you’re just being dick. I know you’re ignorant as hell, but nobody could be that ignorant. It is common knowledge that middle and lower income families received huge tax cuts. More for you to swallow...

White House Report Hails Tax Cuts Spurring Economic Growth
The WHITE HOUSE says...? :21:

Few Americans see savings from Trump's tax reform: Reuters/Ipsos poll - Reuters

Fake news.
Even Reuters has succumbed!
Lower taxes. Check!...
For Big Business and the One Percent maybe... yeah... but most Common Folk are paying more. No check-box yet.
Ok...well now you’re just being dick. I know you’re ignorant as hell, but nobody could be that ignorant. It is common knowledge that middle and lower income families received huge tax cuts. More for you to swallow...

White House Report Hails Tax Cuts Spurring Economic Growth
The WHITE HOUSE says...? :21:

Few Americans see savings from Trump's tax reform: Reuters/Ipsos poll - Reuters

Fake news.
Even Reuters has succumbed!
That's OK... yours was from a fake White House...:21:
I voted for Trump.
I will again.
I'm winning!
I recognize WINNING when I see it!!
It feels fantastic!!!
What "winning" might that be?

My taxes cut in half.
SCOTUS well intact.
Democrats remain desperate and in disarray.
My investments thriving.
Fellow Americans can find a job if need one.
Unemployment at historical lows.

Life is GOOD!

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