The Winning Message on Abortion: Boldly and Courageously Defend/Promote Human Life

Clarence Thomas wants to stop that. But abortion isn't just about that. There are circumstances where abortion is necessry because the child won't live after birth, is dead inside of the womb, or the female is pregnant as result of dirty deeds by family members or because of rape.
The things you mentioned are special circumstances or are medical issues that any hospital would deal with. That includes the woman who had an ectopic pregnancy that was screaming on social media that if Trump was in office, she would have died. It's all propaganda bullshit. Just as states determine their own course of action with marijuana, the same it is with abortion. If you are in a state where people don't want to pay for your stupidity, then use your head and don't get pregnant, or catch a bus to the next state over...
They're coming to exterminate black children. Let's please be smart enough not to help them do it.
Look, you racists need to get your lies straight. One day you're telling me how blacks have too many unwed births, now they're coming to exterminate back chidren. Pick one lie and stick with it white boy.
Look, you racists need to get your lies straight. One day you're telling me how blacks have too many unwed births, now they're coming to exterminate back chidren. Pick one lie and stick with it white boy.
There's a way to do both. Get married, then have kids. As a black, I know the solution is for blacks is to stop having sex outside wedlock. Why can't you admit the truth that that's the biggest problem?
Again, whats wrong with IVF? What is this crazy bullshit?
This is a thread on abortion. Several of you have tried to derail it with the IVF stuff. So I'll answer once. IVF is immoral because human dignity is best respected when a child is conceived through the sexual union of two people, not in a laboratory. It distorts the meaning of the sexual act between a husband and wife, it involves the destruction of human life at the embryonic stage, and establishes technology as the dominant force in determining the origin and destiny of a human person.
There's a way to do both. Get married, then have kids. As a black, I know the solution is for blacks is to stop having sex outside wedlock. Why can't you admit the truth that that's the biggest problem?
You ain't black. So like I said, get your lies straight.
This is a thread on abortion. Several of you have tried to derail it with the IVF stuff. So I'll answer once. IVF is immoral because human dignity is best respected when a child is conceived through the sexual union of two people, not in a laboratory. It distorts the meaning of the sexual act between a husband and wife, it involves the destruction of human life at the embryonic stage, and establishes technology as the dominant force in determining the origin and destiny of a human person.
Some people can't have kids like you want them to but want children. Deal with it.
There's a way to do both. Get married, then have kids. As a black, I know the solution is for blacks is to stop having sex outside wedlock. Why can't you admit the truth that that's the biggest problem?
You think only black people have sex "outside wedlock"?
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You ain't black. So like I said, get your lies straight.
I'm 4% black, so I'm black. Kamala isn't very black, yet she claims to be black. And you. You're picture shows you are not totally black like someone from, say, Uganda. So you have some white in that woodpile. I guess that makes you the white boy.
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I'm 4% black, so I'm black. Kamala isn't very black, yet she claims to be black. And you. You're picture shows you are not totally black like someone from, say, Uganda. So you have some white in that woodpile. I guess that makes you the white boy.
You're not black. Harris is half black and half Indian. You see, unike you, I've knew about Harris when she wasn't famous, long before trump tried the white boy race hustle. I've been consider black by racists like you in America all my life. And since whites live in Uganda, then there is some white in Ugandans. So like I said white boy, get your lies straight. Either we're having too many babies out of wedlock, which means unmarried women having abortions is a responsible thing, or they're trying to exterminate black chidren. Figure it out. Meanwhile I will continue supporting a womans right to her individual choice whether I agree with it or not.
You're not black. Harris is half black and half Indian. You see, unike you, I've knew about Harris when she wasn't famous, long before trump tried the white boy race hustle. I've been consider black by racists like you in America all my life. And since whites live in Uganda, then there is some white in Ugandans. So like I said white boy, get your lies straight. Either we're having too many babies out of wedlock, which means unmarried women having abortions is a responsible thing, or they're trying to exterminate black chidren. Figure it out. Meanwhile I will continue supporting a womans right to her individual choice whether I agree with it or not.
Harris isn't half black. She has some Irish ancestry. And you ain't 100% black. So if I'm a white boy, you're a white boy. But it seems like I'm the only one of the three of us who is willing to tell the truth about what causes black problems.

As for Ugandans, I'm talking about the ones who are blacker than black. And that ain't you.
Democrats love a dictatorship where the federal government dictates policy about killing the unborn. They hate it when voters can can choose their own policy.

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