The Wisdom of Al Gore and Bob Geldof: We're in End Times

I saw the other thread where of course our regular asshole libs are bashing the crap out of Bachmann for believing we are in end times.

What's the difference though in her belief in end times and Gore/Geldof believing that we are end times?

Michelle thinks its due to arms sales to terrorists in Syria and Gore/Geldof believe that we're in end times because of global warming.

Geldof claiming we'll all be dead by 2030. Gore well he's been predicting weather events that are actually found in Revelations as well as in IPCC reports. :lol:

So the cause for their beliefs may be different.

But what makes Michelle bat shit crazy as compared to Gore or Geldof?

Michelle believes in an interpretation of 2000 year old Bronze Age Fairy Tales.

Al and Bob believe in something that 95% of scientists who are experts in such things think is a real problem.
Al Gore has a new scarey movie coming out called "24hrs of Climate Reality - The cost of Carbon" He is going to knock us out with more of his hot air.

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