The Women's March in Boise - Pics as Promised!

Lovely to see so many strong-hearted women standing up to useless dick-worshipers. We will prevail.
I didnt say that. I thought the bigots wearing pussy hats was especially cute.

Riddle us genius: How is wearing a pussyhat a proclamation of bigotry?
Wearing a pussyhat is the only way you can distinguish the women from the men in those marches.

REALLY? Then why did I spot minimally 300 men wearing pussyhats?


Well you spotted something that looked like men anyway.
Awesome turn out. It looks like a great day.
It looks like women are now a bigger threat to the county than the NFL.
Some of you RW jackhammers didn't believe I was gonna go yesterday. Lemme tell ya - it was AWESOME. Perfect morning - crisp and cold in the high 30s but no wind and plenty of pussyhats! Just an awesome vibe in every manner imaginable. Not quite the crowd as our Boise High School ladies and original organizers got last year, but very VERY close surpassing their expectations minimally x5. Enjoy!! -Dr "Snowflake" Love :cool-45:

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Great pics.
Apparently, there were many situations like this across the country, and even in some parts of the world where they broke even last year's numbers.
I’m sure that collection of useless c*nts had some really thought provoking things to say.

Indeed the entirely USEFUL pussyhats had MANY thought provoking things to say.
Boise is turning into a sea of blue - Please don't come here.
"Entirely USEFUL pussy hats had thought provoking things to say?"
Like it's NORTHERN Idaho in WINTER you fucking idiot?
What you attended and took pictures of were idiots standing in the cold.
Nothing more.
Please tell me we get another video of Ashley Judd telling us what a "nasty woman" she is... of course while keeping her mouth shut about Harvey Weinstein. smh

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