The Word 'Negro' On New York Juror Form Upsets A Negro

Yes, to me it does not make much sense ... do you still say "aught" instead of "O"?

Do you still flush a water closet? None of it makes sense by my reckoning - just trying to save your life.
The difference is saying aught rather than zero will not provoke a violent attack from a mob of bottom-feeders who hate themselves.

Negro is a valid scientific designation. It is as benign as are the words Caucasian, or Asian. Being angered by use of the word which designates one's race is an expression of rejection of or hatred of one's reality.

Just as murder is sometimes the suicidal impulse turned outward, violence toward others is sometimes rage against one's own reality turned outward.


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Evidently you skipped vocabulary in school. Show me where 100% of Black people voted for anything.
Pretty f-ing close to 100%, and far more than any other race.

Pretty close does not make your argument. Its the difference between hitting a towering homerun and striking out like a stupid clown. :lol:
Yes it does. When only 6% wander off the plantation, you can't claim you don't all vote and do as you're told.
Person of color is not derogatory. Colored is and actually it is very misleading. Whites should be called colored not Blacks.

None of the terms I mentioned are derogatory. The only "derogatory" term I've read so far is a reference to a nigga but negroids love that term as they call each other that continually.

I just said they were derogatory. What is confusing about that? Nigga among Black people could be construed as being negative but the people that usually use that term dont use it in a negative manner. White people don't get to call us ****** or nigga in person without getting their asses beat.
Only if you overwhelmingly outnumber them or if they are in their 90's.
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The blacks get upset if you refer to them as 'colored'.

Yet, the oldest and most revered African American organization is the NAACP

Go figure........ :cool:

White people founded that and it really is pretty irrelevant now.
And still today the NAACP is the most powerful African America political organization. ... :cool:
And what is an "African American?" Last I knew Africa was a continent all to itself, and there is no Africa in America. So where do "African Americans" come from? Is that some fictional place? How can you be born on two different continents simultaneously?

You're EITHER African, or you're American, you can't be BOTH.

American society has doubled over backwards to coddle and accommodate blacks, yet they turn around and play games "knocking out" whites, elderly, Asians, they're responsible for more violent crime by average than all the other races put together, and although they walk around calling each other ******, they're all pissed off if someone other than another black calls them negro?

Far as I'm concerned all this Affirmative Action and everything else giving blacks unprecedented advantages over other races should all be cut off. If they're equal to everyone else and want to succeed, then let them, but they're going to earn it the same as everyone else does. Don't want to, here's your ticket back to AFRICA. Go live in a mud hut and knock your elderly neighbor out when they're not looking. We don't need your stupid, violent ass here.
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My Italian married my Irish beauty. They produced me....a blue eyed, brown haired American.

I married a Japanese princess. We produced three brown eyed, brown haired American superkids.

One day....every newborn American will have darker skin, eyes and hair than me.

And I hope I live to see it.

Fucking retard. You must hate your Irish mother then.
My Italian married my Irish beauty. They produced me....a blue eyed, brown haired American.

I married a Japanese princess. We produced three brown eyed, brown haired American superkids.

One day....every newborn American will have darker skin, eyes and hair than me.

And I hope I live to see it.

Fucking retard. You must hate your Irish mother then.

Well, she is no longer with us...but I loved her when she was.

Feel better?
My Italian married my Irish beauty. They produced me....a blue eyed, brown haired American.

I married a Japanese princess. We produced three brown eyed, brown haired American superkids.

One day....every newborn American will have darker skin, eyes and hair than me.

And I hope I live to see it.

Fucking retard. You must hate your Irish mother then.

Well, she is no longer with us...but I loved her when she was.

Feel better?

I feel fine. I find it absurd and hand-wringingly progressive though to virtually long for the demise of one's own parentage in the physical sense. You have issues of self-hatred. Probably why you married an Asian girl.
The blacks get upset if you refer to them as 'colored'.

Yet, the oldest and most revered African American organization is the NAACP

Go figure........ :cool:
Colored was the accepted term for black people when the organization was founded.
Fucking retard. You must hate your Irish mother then.

Well, she is no longer with us...but I loved her when she was.

Feel better?

I feel fine. I find it absurd and hand-wringingly progressive though to virtually long for the demise of one's own parentage in the physical sense. You have issues of self-hatred. Probably why you married an Asian girl. had nothing to do with her absolute beauty, her kind and generous spirit, her zest for life or her declaration of love for me. I married her because she isn't white.

You might be a genius.
A rose, is a rose, by any other name....More complaining for the sake of complaining. This is not only a perfectly valid term in general, but one with scientific origins at that! To interpret the term as a slur is childish and asinine. Are negroes the only people in history who have to keep changing their name?

'Negro' on form draws ire of prospective juror in New York -

She's an African American. Is Negro not the same thing? There is no use for that word these days.
A rose, is a rose, by any other name....More complaining for the sake of complaining. This is not only a perfectly valid term in general, but one with scientific origins at that! To interpret the term as a slur is childish and asinine. Are negroes the only people in history who have to keep changing their name?

'Negro' on form draws ire of prospective juror in New York -

There is no use for that word these days.
Sure there is!
Just how many names we have to call the negroid????

It used to be negro
then colored
then African American
then black

Is schizophrenia a part of the negroid genetic makeup I wonder????

Yes, to me it does not make much sense ... do you still say "aught" instead of "O"?

Do you still flush a water closet? None of it makes sense by my reckoning - just trying to save your life.

Just a humorous tidbit, but yes, yes and yes. We store food in an ice box, too. It has been my experience that language changes a lot regionally. African American was found to be insulting due to the hatian and caribbean population here for instance.

Most people really dont care what term we should use. Please quit changing it though because language evolves slowly and terms dont disappear. That is not the fault of the system that changes slowly.
A rose, is a rose, by any other name....More complaining for the sake of complaining. This is not only a perfectly valid term in general, but one with scientific origins at that! To interpret the term as a slur is childish and asinine. Are negroes the only people in history who have to keep changing their name?

'Negro' on form draws ire of prospective juror in New York -
The term Redskin is considered very offensive by many American Indians today but not always. Jap was not considered offensive by Japanese before WWII. Dago had been used for hundreds of years and was never a derogatory term until the mid 19th century.

The point is racial slurs are created by association and use. The words Colored, Negro, and ****** were perfectly accepted terms in their day but as they became associated with slavery, segregation, and propaganda directed at blacks, they became regarded by blacks as derogatory terms.

If you use such terms today, you either don't realize that you are being offense to people or you just don't care.
"The American negro will not truly be free until the word ****** no longer troubles him. Because the striking of chains and the death of Jim Crow does not free the mind." (James Baldwin; speaking at Columbia University, December, 1964.)

In keeping with that declaration it seems reasonable to believe the issue of racial antagonism in America cannot reach an end until negroes are proud of their ethnicity rather than ashamed of it.

I thought that after the negroids got their first negro pResident they would settle down some with the race biating but it's worse than ever now.

They know that their negroid sugar daddy in the White House will change their diapers for them, coddle them and give them a free ride on the backs of the white man.

The negroid is now conditioned for this as we see time and time again that negroids will vote for the candidate that promises them the free ride at the expense of white Americans.

Negroids have yet to mature as a race because their culture of dependency overshadows all their expectations.

Just can't understand why minorities aren't swinging to Conservatives and the GOP. It is a puzzlement.

it is a puzzlement to me why any minorities of any kind would stay with either of the treats them like shit and the other is condescending to them and just uses them for votes....
I thought that after the negroids got their first negro pResident they would settle down some with the race biating but it's worse than ever now.

They know that their negroid sugar daddy in the White House will change their diapers for them, coddle them and give them a free ride on the backs of the white man.

The negroid is now conditioned for this as we see time and time again that negroids will vote for the candidate that promises them the free ride at the expense of white Americans.

Negroids have yet to mature as a race because their culture of dependency overshadows all their expectations.

Just can't understand why minorities aren't swinging to Conservatives and the GOP. It is a puzzlement.

it is a puzzlement to me why any minorities of any kind would stay with either of the treats them like shit and the other is condescending to them and just uses them for votes....

Bullshit. Condescending? Using them for votes? Are you going to say they do it with "free stuff"? Back up your claim, please.
Just how many names we have to call the negroid????

It used to be negro
then colored
then African American
then black

Is schizophrenia a part of the negroid genetic makeup I wonder????

Yes, to me it does not make much sense ... do you still say "aught" instead of "O"?

Do you still flush a water closet? None of it makes sense by my reckoning - just trying to save your life.

Just a humorous tidbit, but yes, yes and yes. We store food in an ice box, too. It has been my experience that language changes a lot regionally. African American was found to be insulting due to the hatian and caribbean population here for instance.

Most people really dont care what term we should use. Please quit changing it though because language evolves slowly and terms dont disappear. That is not the fault of the system that changes slowly.
Well, you are correct that most people don't care what term you use to refer to a person, however you can bet that person does.

Language evolves rapidly today. Words and phrase that didn't exist 20 years ago are common place today. Words basically mean what people understand them to mean and that does change sometimes very rapidly. Being a negro, 50 years ago just meant you were black but today the word carries racial connotations that go far beyond just skin color. This is the reason Negro has been removed from the census forms.
A rose, is a rose, by any other name....More complaining for the sake of complaining. This is not only a perfectly valid term in general, but one with scientific origins at that! To interpret the term as a slur is childish and asinine. Are negroes the only people in history who have to keep changing their name?

'Negro' on form draws ire of prospective juror in New York -
The term Redskin is considered very offensive by many American Indians today but not always. Jap was not considered offensive by Japanese before WWII. Dago had been used for hundreds of years and was never a derogatory term until the mid 19th century.

The point is racial slurs are created by association and use. The words Colored, Negro, and ****** were perfectly accepted terms in their day but as they became associated with slavery, segregation, and propaganda directed at blacks, they became regarded by blacks as derogatory terms.

If you use such terms today, you either don't realize that you are being offense to people or you just don't care.
Were I to use the word, Jap, I would be using it in the context of recalling my father's descriptions of his experiences in the Pacific during WW-II. It would have nothing to do with my personal disposition toward the Japanese, which is entirely positive and respectful.

If I use the word, ******, it would understandably be offensive to the individual negro(es) I am addressing or referring to -- and I would intend it to be. But for others to be generally critical of my vocabulary is gratuitous censorship.
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