The Word 'Negro' On New York Juror Form Upsets A Negro

A rose, is a rose, by any other name....More complaining for the sake of complaining. This is not only a perfectly valid term in general, but one with scientific origins at that! To interpret the term as a slur is childish and asinine. Are negroes the only people in history who have to keep changing their name?

'Negro' on form draws ire of prospective juror in New York -
The term Redskin is considered very offensive by many American Indians today but not always. Jap was not considered offensive by Japanese before WWII. Dago had been used for hundreds of years and was never a derogatory term until the mid 19th century.

The point is racial slurs are created by association and use. The words Colored, Negro, and ****** were perfectly accepted terms in their day but as they became associated with slavery, segregation, and propaganda directed at blacks, they became regarded by blacks as derogatory terms.

If you use such terms today, you either don't realize that you are being offense to people or you just don't care.
If I were to use the word, Jap, I would be using it in the context of recalling my father's descriptions of his experiences in the Pacific during WW-II. It would have nothing to do with my personal disposition toward the Japanese, which is entirely positive and respectful.

If I use the word, ******, it would understandably be offensive to the individual negro(es) I am addressing or referring to -- and I would intend it to be. But for others to be generally critical of my vocabulary is gratuitous censorship.

You censor yourself every day. Admit it.
The Word 'Negro' On New York Juror Form Upsets A Negro

So? Who cares? One guy is ignorant of the history of PCness. Big deal.
Are there no spanish speaking people in New York?

There was a protest a few years ago over Crayolas putting out a spanish labeled set of crayons with the black crayon appropriately labeled Negro.

Being a negro, 50 years ago just meant you were black but today the word carries racial connotations that go far beyond just skin color. [...]
Please be more specific about the connotations. If I use the word Negro, what am I connoting?
A rose, is a rose, by any other name....More complaining for the sake of complaining. This is not only a perfectly valid term in general, but one with scientific origins at that! To interpret the term as a slur is childish and asinine. Are negroes the only people in history who have to keep changing their name?

'Negro' on form draws ire of prospective juror in New York -
The term Redskin is considered very offensive by many American Indians today but not always. Jap was not considered offensive by Japanese before WWII. Dago had been used for hundreds of years and was never a derogatory term until the mid 19th century.

The point is racial slurs are created by association and use. The words Colored, Negro, and ****** were perfectly accepted terms in their day but as they became associated with slavery, segregation, and propaganda directed at blacks, they became regarded by blacks as derogatory terms.

If you use such terms today, you either don't realize that you are being offense to people or you just don't care.
When they stop using the term "white boy" I'll start to care.
I recall when Eminem was berated for using the N word in an old song. He didn't use it in a derogatory fashion, just the way other I guess you would call them rappers use it.
A rose, is a rose, by any other name....More complaining for the sake of complaining. This is not only a perfectly valid term in general, but one with scientific origins at that! To interpret the term as a slur is childish and asinine. Are negroes the only people in history who have to keep changing their name?

'Negro' on form draws ire of prospective juror in New York -
The term Redskin is considered very offensive by many American Indians today but not always. Jap was not considered offensive by Japanese before WWII. Dago had been used for hundreds of years and was never a derogatory term until the mid 19th century.

The point is racial slurs are created by association and use. The words Colored, Negro, and ****** were perfectly accepted terms in their day but as they became associated with slavery, segregation, and propaganda directed at blacks, they became regarded by blacks as derogatory terms.

If you use such terms today, you either don't realize that you are being offense to people or you just don't care.
Were I to use the word, Jap, I would be using it in the context of recalling my father's descriptions of his experiences in the Pacific during WW-II. It would have nothing to do with my personal disposition toward the Japanese, which is entirely positive and respectful.

If I use the word, ******, it would understandably be offensive to the individual negro(es) I am addressing or referring to -- and I would intend it to be. But for others to be generally critical of my vocabulary is gratuitous censorship.

Damn did you really type that with a straight face? You are pretty ignorant if you don't understand your use of the term Jap is offensive and definitely shows your disposition and disrespect towards a Japanese person.
I recall when Eminem was berated for using the N word in an old song. He didn't use it in a derogatory fashion, just the way other I guess you would call them rappers use it.

White boys have no reason to use the word at all.
A rose, is a rose, by any other name....More complaining for the sake of complaining. This is not only a perfectly valid term in general, but one with scientific origins at that! To interpret the term as a slur is childish and asinine. Are negroes the only people in history who have to keep changing their name?

'Negro' on form draws ire of prospective juror in New York -
The term Redskin is considered very offensive by many American Indians today but not always. Jap was not considered offensive by Japanese before WWII. Dago had been used for hundreds of years and was never a derogatory term until the mid 19th century.

The point is racial slurs are created by association and use. The words Colored, Negro, and ****** were perfectly accepted terms in their day but as they became associated with slavery, segregation, and propaganda directed at blacks, they became regarded by blacks as derogatory terms.

If you use such terms today, you either don't realize that you are being offense to people or you just don't care.
When they stop using the term "white boy" I'll start to care.

The difference is I have and will do it in your face. You would be too frightened to do it in mine. :cool:
I recall when Eminem was berated for using the N word in an old song. He didn't use it in a derogatory fashion, just the way other I guess you would call them rappers use it.

White boys have no reason to use the word at all.

Negroids must have an innate problem with language. I mean, they can't make up their minds what they want to be called and then they make demands on what words other races can say.

I remember the story a few years back in the Dallas city council and a negroid councilman there was upset because a white councilmen said the budget was a black hole.

I thought the negroid would have a meltdown right there in the chamber.

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I recall when Eminem was berated for using the N word in an old song. He didn't use it in a derogatory fashion, just the way other I guess you would call them rappers use it.

White boys have no reason to use the word at all.

Negroids must have an innate problem with language. I mean, they can't make up their minds what they want to be called and then they make demands on what words other races can say.

You should ask if you are going to call me something else besides my name. I'm not saying you cant call me a slur. You just have to deal with the repercussions. Its a free world. :lol:
White boys have no reason to use the word at all.

Negroids must have an innate problem with language. I mean, they can't make up their minds what they want to be called and then they make demands on what words other races can say.

You should ask if you are going to call me something else besides my name. I'm not saying you cant call me a slur. You just have to deal with the repercussions. Its a free world. :lol:


I haven't used a slur in this thread. Just because you decide that I can't say a word based in science doesn't mean I can't or won't. You're like the negroid chamberman in the post above.
Negroids must have an innate problem with language. I mean, they can't make up their minds what they want to be called and then they make demands on what words other races can say.

You should ask if you are going to call me something else besides my name. I'm not saying you cant call me a slur. You just have to deal with the repercussions. Its a free world. :lol:


I haven't used a slur in this thread. Just because you decide that I can't say a word based in science doesn't mean I can't or won't. You're like the negroid chamberman in the post above.

Like I said you should definitely ask before doing it unless you just want to test it out. In that case I would advice doing it from a car driving in the other direction with nothing to stop its progress from accelerating to a high rate of speed.
Its pretty simple. White people when slapped turn red. When cold they turn blue. When sick they turn green. When embarrassed they turn pink. Thats way more colors than Black people have. :lol:

Agreed. The negroid has extremely dark skin. Most all know that American negroids are no longer completely negroid as they have mixed with whites for generations now.

Would you consider yourself negroid or a mixed race?

I dont give any credence to the term negroid. I am either Black or African-American. Black people can be light skinned as some of the khoi-san show all the way to purple black as in some of the Sudanese people. Do you consider yourself caucasian or mixed race?

Me? I'm pretty sure I'm mixed. Gotta get that DNA test done to prove it. Both my bothers looked Asian when they were born. And my family, we're mutts and proud of it.
Just can't understand why minorities aren't swinging to Conservatives and the GOP. It is a puzzlement.

it is a puzzlement to me why any minorities of any kind would stay with either of the treats them like shit and the other is condescending to them and just uses them for votes....

Bullshit. Condescending? Using them for votes? Are you going to say they do it with "free stuff"? Back up your claim, please.

no im not one of the free stuff people.....but will it do any good to tell you?....your the guy that said to me once .....personal experience does not count because there are no links to verify it........even though posters here talk about what they experience every day....the things you see happening daily....are not real i guess to if you want me to go on let me know....
[ame=]Senator Boxer Accused of Race Politics - YouTube[/ame]
You should ask if you are going to call me something else besides my name. I'm not saying you cant call me a slur. You just have to deal with the repercussions. Its a free world. :lol:


I haven't used a slur in this thread. Just because you decide that I can't say a word based in science doesn't mean I can't or won't. You're like the negroid chamberman in the post above.

Like I said you should definitely ask before doing it unless you just want to test it out. In that case I would advice doing it from a car driving in the other direction with nothing to stop its progress from accelerating to a high rate of speed.
Are you THREATENING people here, dick for brains? Because that's what it looks like to me, and THREATENING people will get you BANNED post haste.

So watch your step asshole, and I'll call you whatever the fuck I want, TO YOUR FACE. You have no idea who or what you're dealing with, moron.
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You should ask if you are going to call me something else besides my name. I'm not saying you cant call me a slur. You just have to deal with the repercussions. Its a free world. :lol:


I haven't used a slur in this thread. Just because you decide that I can't say a word based in science doesn't mean I can't or won't. You're like the negroid chamberman in the post above.

Like I said you should definitely ask before doing it unless you just want to test it out. In that case I would advice doing it from a car driving in the other direction with nothing to stop its progress from accelerating to a high rate of speed.

Oh negroid please. :lol:
Just how many names we have to call the negroid????

It used to be negro
then colored
then African American
then black

Is schizophrenia a part of the negroid genetic makeup I wonder????

How about you call them what they are.


Even more so then most of Johnny come lately ethnicities that seem to think they own the place.

Most of true American culture, originated in the Black Community.

And aside from American Indians? They are the longest lasting most consistently American ethnicity in this country.

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