Zone1 The Word says to confess your sins to one another so here's a bad one


Platinum Member
Nov 17, 2023
I hate confessing to the usmb folks, some of whom will be happy to pounce on me and say something to the effect of

"SEE, Everyone! 1misery is not a Christian and no Catholic is! Told ya!!!


But in any case, the thing is, I haven't been to a priest for confession in a LONG time, a couple year. That is very un-like me because I used to go every chance I could get.

The problem is not me, it is the NO Church (novus ordo).

There have been rude and uncaring priests for many years, thanks to Vatican II (my POV). That kept me away a lot of the time, but not for years. There are actually several reasons... but THAT reason is extant... I think caring priests are rare these days.. The Church is riddled with problems (I know: big duh)

So anyhow, here is this sin I want to confess.

I went to this tire place to get air in my tires because it looked like one or 2 were low. The guy who checked the pressure was incredibly RUDE to me, wouldn't let me see the actual readings of how much psi there was, and didn't answer my Qs, a total jerk.

So I drove off cursing under my breath. The window on the side where he was at was down so maybe he heard some of my grumblings, but I did not care. I complained out loud about how no one cares about Jesus and His ways anymore... and he will care some day, but maybe by that time it will be too late (ie he will be in Hell for ditching Jesus's ways). I LOL at this now but at the time, I wasn't laughing.

I confess: I hated that bastard!

I drove off continuing to curse about him and his lawless, despicable ways. I had to go check my tires AGAIN because I didn't trust him and sure enough, one of them was low.

Well, then I remembered Jesus's Words about loving our enemies, so I knew I had to ditch this hatred asap. I didn't want to. Part of me was like

He deserves that and more

and etc.. But I chose (important word there) to ignore those kinds of thoughts. I had to remind myself that God loves this person as much as He loves anyone else, despite his sinfulness. Maybe he will never repent and accept Christ... but he COULD, and while I'm busy hating him, I COULD be praying for him, which I ended up doing.

I am ashamed of myself for ever lowering myself to hate anyone... even the liberals. I still hate what they do and always will, but ... well, I was "young" once... Yikes.. I made a lot of mistakes like the ones the liberals are making... VERY sorry I was ever like them in any way (though never believed in killing babies in the womb.. I did at times, when very young, however, think that early abortions might be acceptable. Jesus disabused me of that dumbass thought ).
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I may not understand much of this. But I have read that part of asking for forgiveness requires that you forgive yourself, too

If I’m wrong, so be it.
I may not understand much of this. But I have read that part of asking for forgiveness requires that you forgive yourself, too

If I’m wrong, so be it.
I probably forgive myself too much sometimes... long story why I say that..

But actually the story is right there in OP... I loved myself too much because I got SO indignant w/ that person, like HOW DARE YOU treat me this way?

True, he was acting in an unChristian way... but is that an excuse for me to do the same... as if 2 wrongs make a right?
I can't think of anyone in the world I hate. (cept hillary)Especially from such a short exchange with a guy in a tire shop.

Maybe you hate too easily.
I probably forgive myself too much sometimes... long story why I say that..

But actually the story is right there in OP... I loved myself too much because I got SO indignant w/ that person, like HOW DARE YOU treat me this way?

True, he was acting in an unChristian way... but is that an excuse for me to do the same... as if 2 wrongs make a right?
Let’s say that your uncharitable reaction was “wrong.” Ok. That’s why you seek forgiveness.

And now? You feel contrite. You have asked for forgiveness— and maybe that means you need to also forgive you for having been human in the first place. (It’s not like you shot the prick.)
I hate confessing to the usmb folks, some of whom will be happy to pounce on me and say something to the effect of

"SEE, Everyone! 1misery is not a Christian and no Catholic is! Told ya!!!


But in any case, the thing is, I haven't been to a priest for confession in a LONG time, a couple year. That is very un-like me because I used to go every chance I could get.

The problem is not me, it is the NO Church (novus ordo).

There have been rude and uncaring priests for many years, thanks to Vatican II (my POV). That kept me away a lot of the time, but not for years. There are actually several reasons... but THAT reason is extant... I think caring priests are rare these days.. The Church is riddled with problems (I know: big duh)

So anyhow, here is this sin I want to confess.

I went to this tire place to get air in my tires because it looked like one or 2 were low. The guy who checked the pressure was incredibly RUDE to me, wouldn't let me see the actual readings of how much psi there was, and didn't answer my Qs, a total jerk.

So I drove off cursing under my breath. The window on the side where he was at was down so maybe he heard some of my grumblings, but I did not care. I complained out loud about how no one cares about Jesus and His ways anymore... and he will care some day, but maybe by that time it will be too late (ie he will be in Hell for ditching Jesus's ways). I LOL at this now but at the time, I wasn't laughing.

I confess: I hated that bastard!

I drove off continuing to curse about him and his lawless, despicable ways. I had to go check my tires AGAIN because I didn't trust him and sure enough, one of them was low.

Well, then I remembered Jesus's Words about loving our enemies, so I knew I had to ditch this hatred asap. I didn't want to. Part of me was like

He deserves that and more

and etc.. But I chose (important word there) to ignore those kinds of thoughts. I had to remind myself that God loves this person as much as He loves anyone else, despite his sinfulness. Maybe he will never repent and accept Christ... but he COULD, and while I'm busy hating him, I COULD be praying for him, which I ended up doing.

I am ashamed of myself for ever lowering myself to hate anyone... even the liberals. I still hate what they do and always will, but ... well, I was "young" once... Yikes.. I made a lot of mistakes like the ones the liberals are making... VERY sorry I was ever like them in any way (though never believed in killing babies in the womb.. I did at times, when very young, however, think that early abortions might be acceptable. Jesus disabused me of that dumbass thought ).

Why would any USMB loser even need to hear my contrition?

he will be in Hell for ditching Jesus's ways
I have never seen a Christian that condemns people to hell like you do.
I do believe Satan planted you here as a reason/example, so people will want to turn away from the church. If you are the product of Catholicism, why would any one want to become as judgmental and self justified as you are?
Let’s say that your uncharitable reaction was “wrong.” Ok. That’s why you seek forgiveness.

And now? You feel contrite. You have asked for forgiveness— and maybe that means you need to also forgive you for having been human in the first place. (It’s not like you shot the prick.)

Well, here's the deal: I FELT within me that my hatred was just... BAD. I mean, I felt that..

OK, feelings are feelings.. we all have them.. What I'm saying is this:

There is no hatred in Heaven. If you hang onto your hate, you won't get there... and I discovered that in spades w/ this incident..

Well, here's the deal: I FELT within me that my hatred was just... BAD. I mean, I felt that..

OK, feelings are feelings.. we all have them.. What I'm saying is this:

There is no hatred in Heaven. If you hang onto your hate, you won't get there... and I discovered that in spades w/ this incident..
To be clear. I’m not disagreeing with you. Hatred is a weird emotion. It isn’t good for the recipient but it’s also bad for the me sending it out.

Why would any USMB loser even need to hear my contrition?

well, maybe if I could find a good priest one of these days, I wouldn't confess to ... people who sanctimoniously attack me, act like THEY would never begin t o hate a fly...

I went into this knowing what would happen... But those people are the ones who need to maybe read the OP over and over and maybe they will discover something of themselves there?

Well, here's the deal: I FELT within me that my hatred was just... BAD. I mean, I felt that..

OK, feelings are feelings.. we all have them.. What I'm saying is this:

There is no hatred in Heaven. If you hang onto your hate, you won't get there... and I discovered that in spades w/ this incident..

Will confessing anything to any USMB losers get you to Heaven any faster?

well, maybe if I could find a good priest one of these days, I wouldn't confess to ... people who sanctimoniously attack me, act like THEY would never begin t o hate a fly...

I went into this knowing what would happen... But those people are the ones who need to maybe read the OP over and over and maybe they will discover something of themselves there?

Ain't no priests here, good or bad.

To be clear. I’m not disagreeing with you. Hatred is a weird emotion.

Frankly, I think virtually everyone, esp in the last 3 years (fake election... crazy president)

is full of that emotion but not many will admit it

I was not just angry, I hated that so and so... But I chose (again, that is a key word) to not hate him and i actually began, as I prayed for him instead and dumped this hatred... I began to actually love and care for this person... Maybe hating someone does affect them, even if they are unaware of your hate.. ?

I don't know. Only God knows.. but in any case, God loves the dude and I have to do what God wants
I don't know. I just felt I should get this off my chest.

The worst NO priest is a better confessor than anyone here.

I mean, the devil himself is probably just about a better confessor than most of the leftist vermin here.

But whatever works for you.


The worst NO priest is a better confessor than anyone here.

I mean, the devil himself is probably just about a better confessor than most of the leftist vermin here.

But whatever works for you.

I couldn't care less what posters here say. I've concluded that probably 75% of them have deep psych issues anyhow...

Again, I just felt that this issue of hate needed 2b addressed.

If I had died during this hateful tirade, maybe I could end up in Hell.

It is QUITE possible

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