The words the DEMs can not say

There is a group of people who are slaughtering innocents, promising to slaughter as many more innocents as possible, kidnapping and beheading people on the internet, treating women and gays like animals, and it's growing in influence and danger by the day.

And the Regressive Left is afraid to even give them a name to which we can all refer to them.

That's funny, they sure don't have trouble coming up with all kinds of colorful names to call white Christians.

You folks are so desperate to equate Christianity with Islam so that you deflect for the Jihadists, why can't you at least give this group a name too?

Radical Islamic Jihadists.

Rolls right off of my tongue.

Earmuffs, bitch.

Why are you okay with the FACT that Obama nor Hillary are incapable of uttering those words?
There is a group of people who are slaughtering innocents, promising to slaughter as many more innocents as possible, kidnapping and beheading people on the internet, treating women and gays like animals, and it's growing in influence and danger by the day.

And the Regressive Left is afraid to even give them a name to which we can all refer to them.

That's funny, they sure don't have trouble coming up with all kinds of colorful names to call white Christians.

You folks are so desperate to equate Christianity with Islam so that you deflect for the Jihadists, why can't you at least give this group a name too?

Radical Islamic Jihadists.

Rolls right off of my tongue.

Earmuffs, bitch.

Why are you okay with the FACT that Obama nor Hillary are incapable of uttering those words?

They have given their reason. It's a good one. They have responsibility that I don't have. Neither one will go on a stage and say that Ted Cruz is a fucking crazed fruit loop either. Doesn't mean that they don't think he's a dickhead.

This is such a stupid discussion. There are geopolitical implications to words that the POTUS uses. The man has made a calculation that wratcheting up the rhetoric in such a way that might give moderate Muslims the impression that we want to kill them is not wise.

It's fucking semantics. The man is drone striking RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISTS every day.

Stop already.
There is a group of people who are slaughtering innocents, promising to slaughter as many more innocents as possible, kidnapping and beheading people on the internet, treating women and gays like animals, and it's growing in influence and danger by the day.

And the Regressive Left is afraid to even give them a name to which we can all refer to them.

That's funny, they sure don't have trouble coming up with all kinds of colorful names to call white Christians.

You folks are so desperate to equate Christianity with Islam so that you deflect for the Jihadists, why can't you at least give this group a name too?

Radical Islamic Jihadists.

Rolls right off of my tongue.

Earmuffs, bitch.

Why are you okay with the FACT that Obama nor Hillary are incapable of uttering those words?

They have given their reason. It's a good one. They have responsibility that I don't have. Neither one will go on a stage and say that Ted Cruz is a fucking crazed fruit loop either. Doesn't mean that they don't think he's a dickhead.

This is such a stupid discussion. There are geopolitical implications to words that the POTUS uses. The man has made a calculation that wratcheting up the rhetoric in such a way that might give moderate Muslims the impression that we want to kill them is not wise.

It's fucking semantics. The man is drone striking RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISTS every day.

Stop already.
May not go on a stage and call Cruz a fruit loop, but he'll go to a world leaders' summit and talk shit about republican candidates
Real class

Why couldn't he "drone strike" the ISIS targets BEFORE France had to?

The lengths ya'll go to trying to make excuses for bad behavior
As long as the GOP is happy to give away the votes of Islamic Americans, the Democrats will be happy to accept them. That much is known.
Peace-loving 'real' Muslims understand the qualifier "radical"

There is some truth to me your comment. Politicians Try too hard to either get a reaction or avoid a reaction. So often they ignore nuance and say nothing of consequence
As long as the GOP is happy to give away the votes of Islamic Americans, the Democrats will be happy to accept them. That much is known.
Peace-loving 'real' Muslims understand the qualifier "radical"

At the same time the term "radical islam" is in and of itself an insult to the "real" muslims.

For example, the whackjob that shot up VIrginia Tech may have been a Bhuddist or Methodist or Greek Orthodox. What he did on campus didn't come from any holy text found in Bhuddism, Chrisianity, or Greek Orthodox teachings. But if he had been an Arab or Persian this would be another example of "radical islam".
I was content to call them terrorists regardless of where they came from. ~shrug~

My point exactly. Those who seem to be up in arms (literally) at any breath that includes the words "hate crimes" are the first ones to attribute anything done by a muslim to the Koran.

I don't doubt the perpetrators think they are carrying out the will of their diety at the time of their commission of their acts of terror. They are just as wrong as the Klansmen were stating that it was somehow the will of Christ that blacks and whites should not live together, women should not be able to speak in church, you should kill folks who work on the sabbath....etc.
Tax breaks for billionaires isn't?

You mean those Democrat billionaires?

Nice dodge.

Are you saying tax breaks enjoyed by Democrat billionaires caused them to vote Republican?


I'm saying you're a douche bag for shifting the discussion from pandering because you're been checkmated on that front.

You couldn't win playing yourself.

I didn't shift the discussion. You mentioned billionaires. I called you on your implication that only Republicans were billionaires. You ran like a bitch when called on it.

Sure you did. We were talking about pandering; I stayed on chose to try to obfuscate it because you were losing (as always). One would think you'd be better at it given your nearly perfect record of 0 victories.
Not sure why it needs to be so difficult to assign an identifying moniker to a group that is slaughtering innocents in France and many other foreign countries, and doing everything they can to slaughter us.

How about "disaffected foreign individuals who are trying to give us what we deserve", would that be PC enough? Would that avoid hurting their feelings?

Personally, I think "Jihadists" or "Radical Islamists" would be a little more direct. And honest.

The next time we have a school shooting which should be any old day now, should the press launch conjecture that he was motivated by radical christianity or call him a "Radical Christian?"
Not sure why it needs to be so difficult to assign an identifying moniker to a group that is slaughtering innocents in France and many other foreign countries, and doing everything they can to slaughter us.

How about "disaffected foreign individuals who are trying to give us what we deserve", would that be PC enough? Would that avoid hurting their feelings?

Personally, I think "Jihadists" or "Radical Islamists" would be a little more direct. And honest.

The next time we have a school shooting which should be any old day now, should the press launch conjecture that he was motivated by radical christianity or call him a "Radical Christian?"

But....but....but......those guys don't represent all Christians!!! It wouldn't be right to label them like that. Some people might get the idea that a Christian could actually do something horrible like that. Then, they might think poorly of the entire religion.
Not sure why it needs to be so difficult to assign an identifying moniker to a group that is slaughtering innocents in France and many other foreign countries, and doing everything they can to slaughter us.

How about "disaffected foreign individuals who are trying to give us what we deserve", would that be PC enough? Would that avoid hurting their feelings?

Personally, I think "Jihadists" or "Radical Islamists" would be a little more direct. And honest.

The next time we have a school shooting which should be any old day now, should the press launch conjecture that he was motivated by radical christianity or call him a "Radical Christian?"
Sure, especially if we want to equate modern day Islam with modern day Christianity, which is clearly the goal of some.

That's one of the fundamental strategies of deflecting for the PC-Protected religion.
Not sure why it needs to be so difficult to assign an identifying moniker to a group that is slaughtering innocents in France and many other foreign countries, and doing everything they can to slaughter us.

How about "disaffected foreign individuals who are trying to give us what we deserve", would that be PC enough? Would that avoid hurting their feelings?

Personally, I think "Jihadists" or "Radical Islamists" would be a little more direct. And honest.

The next time we have a school shooting which should be any old day now, should the press launch conjecture that he was motivated by radical christianity or call him a "Radical Christian?"
Sure, especially if we want to equate modern day Islam with modern day Christianity, which is clearly the goal of some.

That's one of the fundamental strategies of deflecting for the PC-Protected religion.

Who wants to do that?
Not sure why it needs to be so difficult to assign an identifying moniker to a group that is slaughtering innocents in France and many other foreign countries, and doing everything they can to slaughter us.

How about "disaffected foreign individuals who are trying to give us what we deserve", would that be PC enough? Would that avoid hurting their feelings?

Personally, I think "Jihadists" or "Radical Islamists" would be a little more direct. And honest.

The next time we have a school shooting which should be any old day now, should the press launch conjecture that he was motivated by radical christianity or call him a "Radical Christian?"

But....but....but......those guys don't represent all Christians!!! It wouldn't be right to label them like that. Some people might get the idea that a Christian could actually do something horrible like that. Then, they might think poorly of the entire religion.
The terrorists are attacking in the name of Islam. This isn't hard to understand.
There is a group of people who are slaughtering innocents, promising to slaughter as many more innocents as possible, kidnapping and beheading people on the internet, treating women and gays like animals, and it's growing in influence and danger by the day.

And the Regressive Left is afraid to even give them a name to which we can all refer to them.

That's funny, they sure don't have trouble coming up with all kinds of colorful names to call white Christians.

You folks are so desperate to equate Christianity with Islam so that you deflect for the Jihadists, why can't you at least give this group a name too?

Radical Islamic Jihadists.

Rolls right off of my tongue.

Earmuffs, bitch.
Not sure why it needs to be so difficult to assign an identifying moniker to a group that is slaughtering innocents in France and many other foreign countries, and doing everything they can to slaughter us.

How about "disaffected foreign individuals who are trying to give us what we deserve", would that be PC enough? Would that avoid hurting their feelings?

Personally, I think "Jihadists" or "Radical Islamists" would be a little more direct. And honest.

The next time we have a school shooting which should be any old day now, should the press launch conjecture that he was motivated by radical christianity or call him a "Radical Christian?"

If he goes on the shooting spree in the name of Jesus.
You mean those Democrat billionaires?

Nice dodge.

Are you saying tax breaks enjoyed by Democrat billionaires caused them to vote Republican?


I'm saying you're a douche bag for shifting the discussion from pandering because you're been checkmated on that front.

You couldn't win playing yourself.

I didn't shift the discussion. You mentioned billionaires. I called you on your implication that only Republicans were billionaires. You ran like a bitch when called on it.

Sure you did. We were talking about pandering; I stayed on chose to try to obfuscate it because you were losing (as always). One would think you'd be better at it given your nearly perfect record of 0 victories.

We were talking about pandering and YOU asked about billionaires implying that Republicans pandered to them.

One would think you'd admit it but a lying motherfucker like you isn't man enough to do so. Winning against you is easy. A born loser is easy to beat.
Here's an idea, and holy crap, it's been staring us right in the face: We take a page from the Mizzou playbook!

We should set up a rule that any time a Muslim hears or sees or reads or perceives anything that might be considered "offensive", they should contact the police immediately. Then the Regressive Left won't have to worry about evil Americans being "micro-aggressive".

No doubt the Regressive Left would more than willing to lend a hand. In fact, if they hear or see or read or perceive anything that might be considered "offensive" to Muslims, even if there are no Muslims around, same deal. Call the cops.

Then everyone is happy. And safe.
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