The World and How It Responds to Trump

For something so overrated you leftists sure seem to hate it.

I don't hate it. I think it has outlived its usefulness. So do all the other great western democracies. You see, there is a great lie here. And everybody sees it but the rabid gun lovers. Aussie comedian Jim Jeffries does a great stand up routine about it. The great lie about the second is that people like hunting, or they want to protect themselves from tyranny etc (if the US is such a great country and 'the best in the world' then why are they afraid of tyranny? Surely with the Utopia of the US that would never happen. However, I digress). The truth is, people have their guns because they like them. They empower them. Makes even the meekest feel tough, emboldened and special. I've seen enough of those auditor types of YouTube strutting around like they own the joint feeling self-important. The old analogy that a gun-lovers peashooter is just an extension of their dick is not far from the truth.
the rest of the great western democracy ! the US is the greatest most prosperous country on the planet !
You just let me know which one of those countries above us on your list enshrines the right of an armed populace to resist government tyranny. I'll wait.

The right is irrelevant. It is nothing more than a piece of paper. You think the US is the only country in the world that was formed out of a revolution? You think all those other countries that had revolutions had the 2nd? Vast majority had nothing on their books. Did that stop them having a revolution? You do know what happened in Russia in 1917 right? China 1949? Cuba 1959? None of them had the second on the books and yet they took up armed struggles. Your 2nd is so over really is.
sooo yall are planning a communist revolution ? is china backing your movement ...they probably are .

That whooshing sound? That was my point going straight over your head. Ok, let's talk non-communist. Let's talk the French Revolution, the Spanish Civil War - name an armed conflict where there were two belligerents or more. Everybody got guns with or without anything in their Constitution....shrug...
You are under the misapprehension that any country without the 2nd or similar is somehow less free. I ask how? You think the 2nd protects your from tyranny. I'm from NZ. Are you saying that if our govt turned totalitarian tomorrow there is nothing we could or would do because we don't have a second amendment? Is that what you honestly believe??? ha!
can you buy a firearm any time you wish to defend your home ? if you cant then you are on they way to tyranny !

I can buy a firearm under certain conditions. I meet those conditions. I have no desire to have a firearm.
certain conditions ......thats right boy make sure you meet the standards your betters and masters have set for you.
I don't think they would turn on the people.
I guess those at Kent State weren't people.
I think there is a difference between varisty students protesting and a full on armed insurrection. Remember a large majority of these neocon whackadoodles and Trump nuts on this board are ex service men and women...Now times that by millions...
you got a problem with vets pussy boy ?

I have this Abdullah Dr Grump on ignore... but you know what i mean.....he is exactly as you say ...LOL
Uh huh. You be sure to remind me how "un-useful" the 2A is when the local gestapo shows up at your door to fine or imprison you for saying something they didn't like on the internet, as is happening in the UK.

Oh, I'm sure you waving your bill or rights and second amendment in their face as they knock down your door will work a treat. Oh, but wait. You'll have a gun. That worked out so well at Waco and Ruby Ridge didn't it? Randy and David sure showed the govt didn't they?

Law enforcement died at those incidents too, moron, which is why a whole bunch of procedural changes were made to keep the governments ass in check. Randy Weavers family also sued the fuck out of the government and won. Did you forget that part? This issue was revisited during the Bundy standoff in 2014. Who tucked tail and ran? That's right, the government.

And we're seeing it again today with armed militia standing guard at businesses being harrassed by local jackboots trying to enforce their shutdown bullshit. Guess what? The cops aren't bothering them anymore.

So yes, the cop who shows up at my door to arrest me for saying "unapproved" things on the internet, or any other gestapo-like bullshit, is going to be met with force. It's possible he wins but at least I'll go down fighting. Pussies like you will just willingly get on the train like the fucking sheep you are.
I've yet to have any of you tards explain to me why I should give a flying rats ass what the rest of the world thinks of us.
The world will be a safer place without that monster and his cultists.

Safer how?
For starters we wont have retarded fuckup in the white house.

Obama is not the president anymore.
obama got a nice return on the millions he and biden gave the wuhan lab.
Uh huh. You be sure to remind me how "un-useful" the 2A is when the local gestapo shows up at your door to fine or imprison you for saying something they didn't like on the internet, as is happening in the UK.

Oh, I'm sure you waving your bill or rights and second amendment in their face as they knock down your door will work a treat. Oh, but wait. You'll have a gun. That worked out so well at Waco and Ruby Ridge didn't it? Randy and David sure showed the govt didn't they?

Law enforcement died at those incidents too, moron, which is why a whole bunch of procedural changes were made to keep the governments ass in check. Randy Weavers family also sued the fuck out of the government and won. Did you forget that part? This issue was revisited during the Bundy standoff in 2014. Who tucked tail and ran? That's right, the government.

And we're seeing it again today with armed militia standing guard at businesses being harrassed by local jackboots trying to enforce their shutdown bullshit. Guess what? The cops aren't bothering them anymore.

So yes, the cop who shows up at my door to arrest me for saying "unapproved" things on the internet, or any other gestapo-like bullshit, is going to be met with force. It's possible he wins but at least I'll go down fighting. Pussies like you will just willingly get on the train like the fucking sheep you are.

Oh and furthermore.... Waco - government agents burning a bunch of kids alive. Yeah, that's a great example of why we should just submit to TPTB.

Fuckin assclown.
and until your little weak countries are as prosperous dont tell us how to run things over here loser.

Both NZ and Australia are very prosperous, both in terms of wealth and moral obligation....unlike piss weak Trumpites.
what ????? baaaahaaaaahaaaaaahaaaaaa ! the state of Texas alone has a higher gdp !

Abdullah aka Dr Grump....thinks he can hide from the Australian police or the American police or even from the European police,,.,, news for him.....he can not,
I've yet to have any of you tards explain to me why I should give a flying rats ass what the rest of the world thinks of us.
The world will be a safer place without that monster and his cultists.

Safer how?
For starters we wont have retarded fuckup in the white house.
You think Biden will lose too. So does everyone else.
What made you bring up Biden? I said we will not have the retarded fuckup in the white house. I thought everyone knew that Drumpf was in the white house.
I thought you were saying you wouldn't let poor demented Joe Biden in the white house. That made sense.

I certainly hope that the democrats still capable of thinking are not successful in shoving old Joe aside. He is the best they have.
you are not originally from western europe are you scumbag ???

Nationality? A New Zealander. Living in Australia.
Ehnically? Mother is Liverpudlian/Scottish. Father, third generation NZer from Welsh/Irish/English stock.


So here we are.... yet another foreigner, on a US forum, telling us how "bad" our country is. I swear you people are so miserable you just can't help but try and pawn it off on others. Jealousy is a real bitch.
Absolutely, 100%. But I don't expect a moron like you to understand the logistics of a well armed insurgency. After all... those rice farmers in Vietnam and cave dwellers in Afghanistan sure got their asses whipped by the big bad American military didn't they?
Absolutely. South Vietnam was defeated by North Vietnam. The Afghan government was defeated by the Taliban. The South was defeated by the North in the US, even with the holy 2nd amendment.
Yeah, let's go back 50 years to find an argument. LOL, pathetic.
Yeah? Can one legally open carry a loaded weapon in all of the US states? You know, 'freedom'.

Firearms can be carried in all states. Some open, some concealed, depends on the local laws. But the fact remains - they can be carried. Next question?
and until your little weak countries are as prosperous dont tell us how to run things over here loser.

Both NZ and Australia are very prosperous, both in terms of wealth and moral obligation....unlike piss weak Trumpites.
what ????? baaaahaaaaahaaaaaahaaaaaa ! the state of Texas alone has a higher gdp !

um, which has what to do with prosperity? It only matters how that gdp is distributed and spent per head.
Remember a large majority of these neocon whackadoodles and Trump nuts on this board are ex service men and women
And the US military turned its guns on US civilians at Kent State. Remember the US military under MacArthur broke up the Bonus Army. The US military will do the bidding of the state.

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