The World and How It Responds to Trump

"Any nation can make a mistake once, elect a bad leader once,” Applebaum asserts. “But if Americans choose Trump again, that will send a clear message: we are no longer a serious nation. We are as ignorant as our thoughtless, narcissistic, ignorant president. Don’t be surprised if the rest of the world takes note of that too.”

The rest of the world already took notice when the moronic Bu$h offspring was selected... and then reselected...

Replacing individual 1 with the senile Biden clown really isn't going to improve the image of the empire

The truth of the matter is a general order to engage the US populace would irreparably fracture the military.
It wouldn't be a general order. It would be an order to engage a group of terrorists or insurgents. Which would be followed, as it was at Kent State and against the Bonus Army both.
The truth of the matter is a general order to engage the US populace would irreparably fracture the military.
It wouldn't be a general order. It would be an order to engage a group of terrorists or insurgents. Which would be followed, as it was at Kent State and against the Bonus Army both.

As has already been stated, there was no order to fire on the students at Kent State. Again with the reading comprehension....
Nobody ordered them to fire you fucking dipshit. They fired out of fear of the crowd around them.
They followed orders to carry their loaded weapons amongst US civilians and turned those weapons against their fellow countrymen. Nothing will have changed.
Nobody ordered them to fire you fucking dipshit. They fired out of fear of the crowd around them.
They followed orders to carry their loaded weapons amongst US civilians and turned those weapons against their fellow countrymen. Nothing will have changed.

Of course they were carrying loaded weapons, they were soldiers you stupid fuck. THAT'S WHAT THEY DO. That doesn't mean they were ordered or even authorized to open fire. Jesus Christ on a bike...
Maybe it's time to worry about your own country and let others live the way they see fit?

No need to worry about my country. We're doing okay.
Okay, so I get to say this for the 1000th time on this board - the day the US fucks off and keeps its nose out of everybody else's business is the day I leave this board. I said this 14 years ago and here I still am....
As has already been stated, there was no order to fire on the students at Kent State. Again with the reading comprehension....
So then it's even more likely the US military will turn its weapons on its countrymen if it will do so without a specific order.

General Canterbury ordered his men to lock and load their weapons, and to fire tear gas into the crowd. The Guardsmen then marched across the Commons, forcing protesters to move up a nearby hill called Blanket Hill, and then down the other side of the hill toward a football practice field.
The world used to look up to the United States. Now they see Donald Trump as a dangerous person and the world is laughing at him. If he get's re-elected, our allies will abandon us with distrust.

"Quotations from the president’s astonishing April 23 press conference have appeared on every continent, via countless television channels, radio stations, magazines and websites, in hundreds of thousands of variations and dozens of languages — often accompanied by warnings, in case someone was fooled, not to drink disinfectant or bleach,” Applebaum writes. “In years past, many of these outlets presumably published articles critical of this or that aspect of U.S. foreign policy, blaming one U.S. president or another. But the kind of coverage we see now is something new. This time, people are not attacking the president of the United States — they are laughing at him.”

"Any nation can make a mistake once, elect a bad leader once,” Applebaum asserts. “But if Americans choose Trump again, that will send a clear message: we are no longer a serious nation. We are as ignorant as our thoughtless, narcissistic, ignorant president. Don’t be surprised if the rest of the world takes note of that too.”

Was just reading the same thing. Here's the original article, a worthy read.

>> But if Trump is ridiculous, his administration is invisible. Carl Bildt—a Swedish prime minister in the 1990s, a United Nations envoy during the Bosnian wars, and a foreign minister for many years after that—told me that, looking back on his 30-year career, he cannot remember a single international crisis in which the United States had no global presence at all. “Normally, when something happens”—a war, an earthquake—“everybody waits to see what the Americans are doing, for better or for worse, and then they calibrate their own response based on that.”​
This time, Americans are doing … nothing. Or to be more specific, because plenty of American governors, mayors, doctors, scientists, and tech companies are doing things, the White House is doing nothing. There is no presidential leadership inside the United States; there is no American leadership in the world.​
... Others are drawing even more radical conclusions, and with remarkable speed. The “disinfectant” comments—and the laughter that followed—mark not so much a turning point as an acceleration point, the moment when a transformation that began much earlier suddenly started to seem unstoppable. Although we are still only weeks into this pandemic, although the true scale of the health crisis and the economic catastrophe is still unknown, the outline of a very different, post-American, post-coronavirus world is already taking shape. It’s a world in which American opinions will count less, while the opinions of America’s rivals will count more. And that will change political dynamics in ways that Americans haven’t yet understood. <<​

:lmao: Booze Man "dislikes" that I provided a link to the original article. Ignance is bliss.
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Maybe it's time to worry about your own country and let others live the way they see fit?

No need to worry about my country. We're doing okay.
Okay, so I get to say this for the 1000th time on this board - the day the US fucks off and keeps its nose out of everybody else's business is the day I leave this board. I said this 14 years ago and here I still am....

If you don't want us in your business then stop asking us to be - fuckwit. How many US military personnel & how much hardware is in your country protecting your stupid ass? South China Sea ring a bell? Handle that shit yourself.
As has already been stated, there was no order to fire on the students at Kent State. Again with the reading comprehension....
So then it's even more likely the US military will turn its weapons on its countrymen if it will do so without a specific order.

General Canterbury ordered his men to lock and load their weapons, and to fire tear gas into the crowd. The Guardsmen then marched across the Commons, forcing protesters to move up a nearby hill called Blanket Hill, and then down the other side of the hill toward a football practice field.

Some will, most won't. Who's arguing otherwise?

The question was who would win in an all out conflict. Protip: It ain't the military.
If you don't want us in your business then stop asking us to be - fuckwit. How many US military personnel & how much hardware is in your country protecting your stupid ass? South China Sea ring a bell? Handle that shit yourself.

Um none. As far as I know. You guys have some personal at our spy stations in NZ and Australia and that's us giving something to you Numbnuts. South China sea??? You don't know much about geography do you. Hawaii's closer to the SCS than NZ.
The world used to look up to the United States. Now they see Donald Trump as a dangerous person and the world is laughing at him. If he get's re-elected, our allies will abandon us with distrust.

"Quotations from the president’s astonishing April 23 press conference have appeared on every continent, via countless television channels, radio stations, magazines and websites, in hundreds of thousands of variations and dozens of languages — often accompanied by warnings, in case someone was fooled, not to drink disinfectant or bleach,” Applebaum writes. “In years past, many of these outlets presumably published articles critical of this or that aspect of U.S. foreign policy, blaming one U.S. president or another. But the kind of coverage we see now is something new. This time, people are not attacking the president of the United States — they are laughing at him.”

"Any nation can make a mistake once, elect a bad leader once,” Applebaum asserts. “But if Americans choose Trump again, that will send a clear message: we are no longer a serious nation. We are as ignorant as our thoughtless, narcissistic, ignorant president. Don’t be surprised if the rest of the world takes note of that too.”


The world has allowed WHO to be controlled by the Chinese, allowed Rwanda to descend into genocide, allowed the Balkans to descend into war and Genocide, allowed sadaam hussein to buy their officials at the U.N......the world lives off of the protection of the U.S. military with our men and women protecting them from each other, we are the first on the scene of hurricanes and other natural disasters around the world, and the only reason those countries around the world can afford their crappy universal healthcare is we provide their national defense, their technological and medical innovation and we come up with the miracle drugs they extort from us for pennies on the dollar...the Western countries won't pay their share for their own fucking protection, and support every murderous thug dictator who buys off their diplomats at the U.N. with the money the U.S. gives the U.N. to provide food and resources to the people who live under those same dictators.....while the rest of the world looks the other way...

So spare us your bullshit......

The world is essentially a millenial living in the basement of the U.S. bitching about how we provide for them....
The world used to look up to the United States. Now they see Donald Trump as a dangerous person and the world is laughing at him. If he get's re-elected, our allies will abandon us with distrust.

"Quotations from the president’s astonishing April 23 press conference have appeared on every continent, via countless television channels, radio stations, magazines and websites, in hundreds of thousands of variations and dozens of languages — often accompanied by warnings, in case someone was fooled, not to drink disinfectant or bleach,” Applebaum writes. “In years past, many of these outlets presumably published articles critical of this or that aspect of U.S. foreign policy, blaming one U.S. president or another. But the kind of coverage we see now is something new. This time, people are not attacking the president of the United States — they are laughing at him.”

"Any nation can make a mistake once, elect a bad leader once,” Applebaum asserts. “But if Americans choose Trump again, that will send a clear message: we are no longer a serious nation. We are as ignorant as our thoughtless, narcissistic, ignorant president. Don’t be surprised if the rest of the world takes note of that too.”

Trump actually stood up to the Chinese while the other countries of the world sucked up to doofus...... you guys couldn't see truth, facts or reality if it hit you in the face...
I have a friend in Spain and another in India. Both literally asked me WTF was wrong with americans. I told them he actually lost the popular vote but the electoral college did us in.
Must suck for the Indians who were promised they would replace the inept Americans.
Not for him. He came here for 4 years and decided white people were too racist so he went back to India. He still holds an american job with Cisco though.
Oh, the irony!
Good; let him stay in the land of 1,000 Castes.
Castes in India have nothing to do with race dummy.
You're correct...Castes are even worse as there's no escape ever.
The lower 997 Castes can't even move away because they're needed for slave labor.
Theres no escape from racism here either.
Feel free to leave as no one is stopping anyone from using their welfare checks and drug money profits from leaving.
I see the guys and gals in the Hood driving BMWs so don't try to sell your bullshit here.
You must be a fool. Racism has nothing to do with driving BMWs. Thats done inspite of racism. We put in work.
If you don't like America, leave.
We won't miss your racist presence.
No. I wont leave. I'm going to stay and make sure you get an ulcer.
You are pure comic relief.
By the way, ulcer went out with land lines.
You dont know what an ulcer is? Never mind. I forgot youre a dumb Drumpf supporter.
Read what I posted...
Ulcers went out with land lines.
No one has developed an ulcer in over 20 years.
No one I know, that's for sure.

I certainly did. Ulcers are brought about by overgrowth of Heliobacter Pylori. Once it's diagnosed it's treated with multiple antibiotics. That's what happened to me and that was I guess a dozen years ago or so.

What in the wide world of all that is fuckable would lead you to believe that Heliobacter Pylori, a natural bacterial population in the human gut since the Big Bang, just.... expired?
Are you stupid?
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Nobody ordered them to fire you fucking dipshit. They fired out of fear of the crowd around them.

Indeed, those hippie student protestors were just as dangerous as their commie VC buddies... the well regulated militia was just acting in self defense and practicing their 2nd amendment rights...
You foreign twats can stop trying to educate us on OUR own history any fucking time.

Well, someone has to educate you... the exceptional history classes seem to be a bit... biased...


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I've yet to have any of you tards explain to me why I should give a flying rats ass what the rest of the world thinks of us.
The world will be a safer place without that monster and his cultists.

Safer how?
For starters we wont have retarded fuckup in the white house. forgot....obama left the office.....we have a real President now, President Trump who understands that China isn't good, that it isn't a smart idea to give 1.5 billion dollars to the worst terrorist state, Iran, and America is the best country the world has ever seen............

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