The World and How It Responds to Trump

i'm sorry to hear about the loss of your low paying low skilled job and even though you say you are too lazy and dumb to take advantage of the limited opportunities in the shithole country NZ you live in i believe that if you put your mind to it and went back to school and spent your evenings studying hard instead of sucking dicks that the doors of opportunity may open for you even though you live in said shithole country !:)

Yeah, but it's my shithole country. Give me a shithole over your country any day of the week. :2up:
done ! congratulations faggot !
Why should we get along with socialist and wannabe socialist nations?

I said nations. No mention of socialism. You brought that little nugget up.

If you didn't know, there are socialist nations. You're free to sympathize them, not everyone has to.
Trump has made the US a socialist country. Handouts for everyone.

Actually you make a very good point. I assume none of the neocon whackadoodle loser Deplorables on this board are taking any government stimulus monies. That's socialism dontcha know!!!

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