The World and How It Responds to Trump

I couldn't care less what the rest of the world thinks. The only time they want to be our friend is if they need money or someone to fight for them.

They can all kiss America's ass.
That is because the hoi polloi and the aristocratic blue bloods think we are scum.
And yet we have so many foreigners right here on this board who are fans of Trump and despise the tard alternatives. Yet we are supposed to give a damn about liberal foreigners who dont like our president.

1) Which foreigners? Lucy? That's about it and Greg the Queensland bogan...
2) Well, if I had a dollar for every reply I've got from you neocon whackadoodles saying they don't give a damn about what I was saying I'd be able to buy the whole neocon whackadoodle cabal a happy meal from Mickey D's.
3) Only in far rightsitan USA am I a liberal. Thing is, you guys are so far to the right you make Francisco Franco look like he was to the left of Stalin.
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Respect is earned. Not given. I'm sure Trump couldn't care less who respect him and he respects those who have earned it.

Your another whiny little shit.

Christ, who would want the respect of a narcissistic overblown windbag like the Orange Buffoon? The day he starts giving you respect is the day you start reassessing your life and the direction it is heading in. Maybe Claudette likes a man who respects pussy grabbing? Likes lying on cue? Love China then hates it. Loves N Korea then hates it. Fuck off you moronic twat.
The world used to look up to the United States. Now they see Donald Trump as a dangerous person and the world is laughing at him. If he get's re-elected, our allies will abandon us with distrust.
Change Trump to Reagan, Bush I or Bush 2, this could have been posted in 84, 92 or 2004. Same shit, different year, different hack.

Well there is that troika happening. You think nobody could be as idiotic as Ronnie Raygun. Then along came Bush II. Suddenly Ronnie looked like a genius. Bush II was happy with his C grades and he had an intellect to match. "Surely, nobody more idiotic could come along?" Youbetcha! Suddenly I'm pining for jnr... Bush Snr wasn't too bad in the end. And don't even ask me about Quayle and Palin. Why are so many US dumbfuck politicians conservatives? Don't care if you thought Obama and Clinton both sat to the right and left of satan, you can't call them dumb. Well, you can, but it is easily provable they weren't/aren't.
when your country becomes relevant we may listen to you .... when your country becomes a real influence on world affairs we may listen to you ...until then nobody cares what you think does not matter .
I've yet to have any of you tards explain to me why I should give a flying rats ass what the rest of the world thinks of us.
you don't want to get along with other nations?

Get along? Fine. Kowtow to? No.

Allies need to be reassessed from time to time.

We don’t kowtow to our allies. They kowtow to us. At least they used to when we actually were world leaders.

Now we are just a joke.

Nope. Here's the joke.





Nope. Respect is shown. Respect is given.

Trump respects no one and is given no respect.

Respect is earned. Not given. I'm sure Trump couldn't care less who respect him and he respects those who have earned it.

Your another whiny little shit.

People who earned respect? Like Kim Jong Un?

Trump cares. His statements demonstrate that easily.
dems gave north Korea nuclear tech.
when your country becomes relevant we may listen to you .... when your country becomes a real influence on world affairs we may listen to you ...until then nobody cares what you think does not matter .
Just remember it is your country that is influential. Not you.

I've yet to have any of you tards explain to me why I should give a flying rats ass what the rest of the world thinks of us.
you don't want to get along with other nations?

Get along? Fine. Kowtow to? No.

Allies need to be reassessed from time to time.

We don’t kowtow to our allies. They kowtow to us. At least they used to when we actually were world leaders.

Now we are just a joke.

Nope. Here's the joke.





Nope. Respect is shown. Respect is given.

Trump respects no one and is given no respect.

Bowing low enough to give a blow job is not showing respect, but subservience.

Subservience is subservience.

Yes. Glad you agree.
We haven’t agreed. You think bowing is subservience. It’s not.

Trump shows respects to dictators, thugs and criminals. Makes you wonder about his values, no?
and dems get money from dictators thugs and criminals ! release the docs at delaware now !
when your country becomes relevant we may listen to you .... when your country becomes a real influence on world affairs we may listen to you ...until then nobody cares what you think does not matter .
Just remember it is your country that is influential. Not you.

just remember that i live in an influential country and not you .
Respect is earned. Not given. I'm sure Trump couldn't care less who respect him and he respects those who have earned it.

Your another whiny little shit.

Christ, who would want the respect of a narcissistic overblown windbag like the Orange Buffoon? The day he starts giving you respect is the day you start reassessing your life and the direction it is heading in. Maybe Claudette likes a man who respects pussy grabbing? Likes lying on cue? Love China then hates it. Loves N Korea then hates it. Fuck off you moronic twat.
you are a homo arent you .
when your country becomes relevant we may listen to you .... when your country becomes a real influence on world affairs we may listen to you ...until then nobody cares what you think does not matter .
Just remember it is your country that is influential. Not you.

just remember that i live in an influential country and not you .

Just remember I don't care where you live.
See, this is thing about you right-wing Yanks, and why you are not liked around the world. You have these massive egos that need satiating. "It's about me, me me! I'm important! I'm this! I''m that!" Us foreigners are just here to remind you neocon whackadoodle losers that you're not that important. At all. Don't mistake me being on this board as me giving a fuck about you. I'm on here giving you a dose of reality.

Go watch the Oscar winning doco American factory. If you don't know what it is about, it's about how a Chinese car glass manufacturer opens a plant in the US and how some workers tried to unionise the shop floor. The Chinese come across as arseholes in it - and they are - but it showed up two things. You Yanks think you work hard. You don't compared to the Chinese. At all. And it is illustrated easily. In saying that, I feel Asian live to work, I work to live. However, the most telling part is when the Chinese supervisor is speaking to his Chinese workers who were brought in to show the ropes and it epitomises you rightwingers to a T. And I'm paraphrasing -"Americans are brought up to believe that they are the best at anything even when they are average. The have an over inflated opinion of their abilities. They are over confident in certain instances when they have no right to be." I disagree with him on one vital thing. I would have put the words "Neocon whackadoodle rightwingers" at the beginning of that sentence. Most Yanks are normal. I have to keep reminding myself that you neocon loons on this board are nothing but fringe players.
I have a friend in Spain and another in India. Both literally asked me WTF was wrong with americans. I told them he actually lost the popular vote but the electoral college did us in.

I doubt you have friend anywhere. Did you tell them also that you're top racist on message board, and that you are what's wrong with America?
I have a friend in Spain and another in India. Both literally asked me WTF was wrong with americans. I told them he actually lost the popular vote but the electoral college did us in.
Must suck for the Indians who were promised they would replace the inept Americans.
Not for him. He came here for 4 years and decided white people were too racist so he went back to India. He still holds an american job with Cisco though.
White people are racist but India still has a caste system. You are full of shit.

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