The World and How It Responds to Trump

when your country becomes relevant we may listen to you .... when your country becomes a real influence on world affairs we may listen to you ...until then nobody cares what you think does not matter .
Just remember it is your country that is influential. Not you.

just remember that i live in an influential country and not you .

Just remember I don't care where you live.
See, this is thing about you right-wing Yanks, and why you are not liked around the world. You have these massive egos that need satiating. "It's about me, me me! I'm important! I'm this! I''m that!" Us foreigners are just here to remind you neocon whackadoodle losers that you're not that important. At all. Don't mistake me being on this board as me giving a fuck about you. I'm on here giving you a dose of reality.

Go watch the Oscar winning doco American factory. If you don't know what it is about, it's about how a Chinese car glass manufacturer opens a plant in the US and how some workers tried to unionise the shop floor. The Chinese come across as arseholes in it - and they are - but it showed up two things. You Yanks think you work hard. You don't compared to the Chinese. At all. And it is illustrated easily. In saying that, I feel Asian live to work, I work to live. However, the most telling part is when the Chinese supervisor is speaking to his Chinese workers who were brought in to show the ropes and it epitomises you rightwingers to a T. And I'm paraphrasing -"Americans are brought up to believe that they are the best at anything even when they are average. The have an over inflated opinion of their abilities. They are over confident in certain instances when they have no right to be." I disagree with him on one vital thing. I would have put the words "Neocon whackadoodle rightwingers" at the beginning of that sentence. Most Yanks are normal. I have to keep reminding myself that you neocon loons on this board are nothing but fringe players.
well if your bullshit claim that your chicom pals make us look bad jut imagine how far above the losers in your irrelevant country the chicoms are .
you are a homo arent you .

what's wrong with homos?
nothing i guess just stating a fact ... however you are not just a homo you fall into the sub homo faction called faggots! you radiate emotional weakness .and that you a drama queen ... a faggot.

I'm a drama queen? Says the guy who puts exclamation marks at the end of every other sentence. Need another Ritalin prescription?
The world used to look up to the United States. Now they see Donald Trump as a dangerous person and the world is laughing at him. If he get's re-elected, our allies will abandon us with distrust.

"Quotations from the president’s astonishing April 23 press conference have appeared on every continent, via countless television channels, radio stations, magazines and websites, in hundreds of thousands of variations and dozens of languages — often accompanied by warnings, in case someone was fooled, not to drink disinfectant or bleach,” Applebaum writes. “In years past, many of these outlets presumably published articles critical of this or that aspect of U.S. foreign policy, blaming one U.S. president or another. But the kind of coverage we see now is something new. This time, people are not attacking the president of the United States — they are laughing at him.”

"Any nation can make a mistake once, elect a bad leader once,” Applebaum asserts. “But if Americans choose Trump again, that will send a clear message: we are no longer a serious nation. We are as ignorant as our thoughtless, narcissistic, ignorant president. Don’t be surprised if the rest of the world takes note of that too.”

they werent laughing when he forced them to dig deeper into their pockets and pay their fair share at nato.
Nothing wrong with that, imo. But that seems to have been his only concern. NATO holds the line. We need it intact and we need it united. It's to our benefit.
well if your bullshit claim that your chicom pals make us look bad jut imagine how far above the losers in your irrelevant country the chicoms are .

I'm not the one complaining about jobs going. I'm not the one blaming Obama. I'm not the fat fuck who is a lazy arse. I'm not the one bemoaning the loss of my low-paying, low-skilled job because I'm too dumb, too lazy or fucked around too much at school to make myself more opportunities. It is you white trash Deplorables that are doing this. To put the capital "L" in Loser.
you are a homo arent you .

what's wrong with homos?
nothing i guess just stating a fact ... however you are not just a homo you fall into the sub homo faction called faggots! you radiate emotional weakness .and that you a drama queen ... a faggot.

I'm a drama queen? Says the guy who puts exclamation marks at the end of every other sentence. Need another Ritalin prescription?
yes but im not bitching like an emotional angry homo hairdresser ! im just emphasizing the importance of the knowledge that i am passing to you faggot ! and remember i'm not insulting you when i call you a faggot i am jut correctly identifying what you are ! no need to thank me .:)
well if your bullshit claim that your chicom pals make us look bad jut imagine how far above the losers in your irrelevant country the chicoms are .

I'm not the one complaining about jobs going. I'm not the one blaming Obama. I'm not the fat fuck who is a lazy arse. I'm not the one bemoaning the loss of my low-paying, low-skilled job because I'm too dumb, too lazy or fucked around too much at school to make myself more opportunities. It is you white trash Deplorables that are doing this. To put the capital "L" in Loser.
i'm sorry to hear about the loss of your low paying low skilled job and even though you say you are too lazy and dumb to take advantage of the limited opportunities in the shithole country NZ you live in i believe that if you put your mind to it and went back to school and spent your evenings studying hard instead of sucking dicks that the doors of opportunity may open for you even though you live in said shithole country !:)
There is. But Obama requested for them to be garrisoned there. Australia didn't ask them to come.
Got a link for that? This one doesn't make it clear. Australia-United States Force Posture Initiatives | Prime Minister of Australia

The way it was sold to the Aust public was Obama asked. Doesn't quite say it here, but was on the news a lot when it was put in motion

Oh, fair enough! I implicitly trust Australian politicians to never speak with a forked tongue.
yes but im not bitching like an emotional angry homo hairdresser ! im just emphasizing the importance of the knowledge that i am passing to you faggot ! and remember i'm not insulting you when i call you a faggot i am jut correctly identifying what you are ! no need to thank me .:)

It's a pity you don't come down here Yid. You could come out of the closet then. I'm guessing you live in a blue state, so if you were to come out they'd probably lynch you. Don't worry, there's always gay porn for ya I guess.
i'm sorry to hear about the loss of your low paying low skilled job and even though you say you are too lazy and dumb to take advantage of the limited opportunities in the shithole country NZ you live in i believe that if you put your mind to it and went back to school and spent your evenings studying hard instead of sucking dicks that the doors of opportunity may open for you even though you live in said shithole country !:)

Yeah, but it's my shithole country. Give me a shithole over your country any day of the week. :2up:
The dirty little secret is that the angry TDS left has no idea of what the world thinks of the President of the United States.
After all there are only surveys and reports to go on...

In addition, Trump's foreign policies are deeply unpopular. Support for Trump and these policies abroad disproportionately comes from people on the ideological right and those who favor right-wing populist parties in Europe. Here are 10 charts that show how people around the world see the U.S. and its president, based on the new report:

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