The World and How It Responds to Trump

Absolutely, 100%. But I don't expect a moron like you to understand the logistics of a well armed insurgency. After all... those rice farmers in Vietnam and cave dwellers in Afghanistan sure got their asses whipped by the big bad American military didn't they?
Absolutely. South Vietnam was defeated by North Vietnam. The Afghan government was defeated by the Taliban. The South was defeated by the North in the US, even with the holy 2nd amendment.

Do you have reading problems?

"After all... those rice farmers in Vietnam and cave dwellers in Afghanistan sure got their asses whipped by the big bad American military didn't they?"
you are not originally from western europe are you scumbag ???

Nationality? A New Zealander. Living in Australia.
Ehnically? Mother is Liverpudlian/Scottish. Father, third generation NZer from Welsh/Irish/English stock.


So here we are.... yet another foreigner, on a US forum, telling us how "bad" our country is. I swear you people are so miserable you just can't help but try and pawn it off on others. Jealousy is a real bitch.

Never said the US was bad. Believe it or not, I don't judge the US by the wingnuts on this board or the idiot in the WH.
Already gone through the jealousy rant on the first year I was on this board, 14 years ago, Newb. I know you're a Newb, but do you guys all go to the same lame arse school? There is absolutely nothing the US has that I want that I don't have already. As I said on anther thread earlier today, 13 years ago I had the opportunity to immigrate to the US or Australia. Decision wasn't even close. That's how jealous I am...
and until your little weak countries are as prosperous dont tell us how to run things over here loser.

Both NZ and Australia are very prosperous, both in terms of wealth and moral obligation....unlike piss weak Trumpites.
what ????? baaaahaaaaahaaaaaahaaaaaa ! the state of Texas alone has a higher gdp !

Abdullah aka Dr Grump....thinks he can hide from the Australian police or the American police or even from the European police,,.,, news for him.....he can not,
A moron speaks...
"After all... those rice farmers in Vietnam and cave dwellers in Afghanistan sure got their asses whipped by the big bad American military didn't they?"
No, the NVA kicked the shit out of the American military.
Remember a large majority of these neocon whackadoodles and Trump nuts on this board are ex service men and women
And the US military turned its guns on US civilians at Kent State. Remember the US military under MacArthur broke up the Bonus Army. The US military will do the bidding of the state.

28 soldiers does not the entirety of the US Armed Forces make.

The truth of the matter is a general order to engage the US populace would irreparably fracture the military. There would be mass defection to the "insurgent" side, taking all kinds of military hardware with them. And if just ONE of the defectors commands a "boomer" - it's game over before it even begins. So quit talking out your ass.
Law enforcement died at those incidents too, moron, which is why a whole bunch of procedural changes were made to keep the governments ass in check. Randy Weavers family also sued the fuck out of the government and won. Did you forget that part? This issue was revisited during the Bundy standoff in 2014. Who tucked tail and ran? That's right, the government.

And we're seeing it again today with armed militia standing guard at businesses being harrassed by local jackboots trying to enforce their shutdown bullshit. Guess what? The cops aren't bothering them anymore.

So yes, the cop who shows up at my door to arrest me for saying "unapproved" things on the internet, or any other gestapo-like bullshit, is going to be met with force. It's possible he wins but at least I'll go down fighting. Pussies like you will just willingly get on the train like the fucking sheep you are.

David Koresh is dead. Randy Weaver is dead. End of story.
Give me links about cops not bothering any more. Not saying they aren't, but I bet for every link you show me where they aren't bothering, I'll show you one where they are.

So, just like all the other neocon loons you're a selfish twat. It's all about me, me, me..
Firearms can be carried in all states. Some open, some concealed, depends on the local laws. But the fact remains - they can be carried. Next question?
So anyone can carry any loaded weapon in any state without hindrance? Including a resurrected Black Panther movement in California?
you are not originally from western europe are you scumbag ???

Nationality? A New Zealander. Living in Australia.
Ehnically? Mother is Liverpudlian/Scottish. Father, third generation NZer from Welsh/Irish/English stock.


So here we are.... yet another foreigner, on a US forum, telling us how "bad" our country is. I swear you people are so miserable you just can't help but try and pawn it off on others. Jealousy is a real bitch.

Never said the US was bad. Believe it or not, I don't judge the US by the wingnuts on this board or the idiot in the WH.
Already gone through the jealousy rant on the first year I was on this board, 14 years ago, Newb. I know you're a Newb, but do you guys all go to the same lame arse school? There is absolutely nothing the US has that I want that I don't have already. As I said on anther thread earlier today, 13 years ago I had the opportunity to immigrate to the US or Australia. Decision wasn't even close. That's how jealous I am...

Yet you're on an American forum blabbering your bullshit. Funny. Don't you have Aussie forums where your opinions might actually have relevance?
28 soldiers does not the entirety of the US Armed Forces make.
They followed orders and turned their weapons on US civilians. Showed US civilians are no different to the US military than Iraqi civilians, for example.
"After all... those rice farmers in Vietnam and cave dwellers in Afghanistan sure got their asses whipped by the big bad American military didn't they?"
No, the NVA kicked the shit out of the American military.

But how? You've been very clear that a bunch of yahoos with rifles could never hope to do such a thing.

Open mouth, insert foot.
"After all... those rice farmers in Vietnam and cave dwellers in Afghanistan sure got their asses whipped by the big bad American military didn't they?"
No, the NVA kicked the shit out of the American military.

But how? You've been very clear that a bunch of yahoos with rifles could never hope to do such a thing.

Open mouth, insert foot.

Er, the NVA weren't the Vietcong. They were the North Vietnamese do know that right? They weren't rice farmers with bamboo poles...
28 soldiers does not the entirety of the US Armed Forces make.
They followed orders and turned their weapons on US civilians. Showed US civilians are no different to the US military than Iraqi civilians, for example.

Nobody ordered them to fire you fucking dipshit. They fired out of fear of the crowd around them.

You foreign twats can stop trying to educate us on OUR own history any fucking time.
"After all... those rice farmers in Vietnam and cave dwellers in Afghanistan sure got their asses whipped by the big bad American military didn't they?"
No, the NVA kicked the shit out of the American military.

But how? You've been very clear that a bunch of yahoos with rifles could never hope to do such a thing.

Open mouth, insert foot.

Er, the NVA weren't the Vietcong. They were the North Vietnamese do know that right? They weren't rice farmers with bamboo poles...

I'm aware. I'm also aware they were light years behind the USA in military technology and prowess. We still lost.

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