The World and How It Responds to Trump

you are not originally from western europe are you scumbag ???

Nationality? A New Zealander. Living in Australia.
Ehnically? Mother is Liverpudlian/Scottish. Father, third generation NZer from Welsh/Irish/English stock.
So you like sheep, amirite?
I has a Lee Enfield #1 Mark III a bro gave
me. 10 round mag. I got it all lubed up proper.
British military rifle. It's ready to rick and roll!
sooo there you have it folks the leftists admits that a conservative military would never turn on its citizens ... but history shows the same cant be said about socialist and communist military forces ! and thats the truth ! and you also forgot about the millions of highly trained military vets in our great country that lean conservative and support the 2nd amendment.

Ha! You've kinda proved my point without realising it. I would argue that the reasons communists came to power in Vietnam, Cuba, China and Russia was because the convervative govts and their armed forces did turn on the people. You think those revolutions happened in a vacuum? Communism sucks by the way. Just making a point.
socialism is communism with training wheels ...are you a refugee ?
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I don't think they would turn on the people.
I guess those at Kent State weren't people.
I think there is a difference between varisty students protesting and a full on armed insurrection. Remember a large majority of these neocon whackadoodles and Trump nuts on this board are ex service men and women...Now times that by millions...
I don't think they would turn on the people.
I guess those at Kent State weren't people.
I think there is a difference between varisty students protesting and a full on armed insurrection. Remember a large majority of these neocon whackadoodles and Trump nuts on this board are ex service men and women...Now times that by millions...
you got a problem with vets pussy boy ?
Uh huh. You be sure to remind me how "un-useful" the 2A is when the local gestapo shows up at your door to fine or imprison you for saying something they didn't like on the internet, as is happening in the UK.

Oh, I'm sure you waving your bill or rights and second amendment in their face as they knock down your door will work a treat. Oh, but wait. You'll have a gun. That worked out so well at Waco and Ruby Ridge didn't it? Randy and David sure showed the govt didn't they?
I've yet to have any of you tards explain to me why I should give a flying rats ass what the rest of the world thinks of us.
The world will be a safer place without that monster and his cultists.

Safer how?
For starters we wont have retarded fuckup in the white house.
You think Biden will lose too. So does everyone else.
What made you bring up Biden? I said we will not have the retarded fuckup in the white house. I thought everyone knew that Drumpf was in the white house.

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