The World and How It Responds to Trump

Humiliation is subjective.

And once again - I. DON'T. CARE. I'm sorry you struggle to understand those 3 simple words. But you see, I live in the wealthiest & freest nation to ever grace the earth and as far as I'm concerned any country who wants to denigrate us can kiss my all-American ass. Let's see how they do without our financial aid, blessing, or military protection.

Humiliation is not subjective. Either you've been humiliated or you haven't.
You are not the freest nation by a long shot. Your judges are picked on their political affiliation not their knowledge of law. Industry lobby's own your govt.

M'eh...been plenty of wealthy countries. You may be the wealthiest, but what is the point of being so wealthy when 1 per cent have 99 per cent of it?

We have no need to denigrate you. Trump is doing that all by himself.

Is that so? Do explain how can someone humiliate me if I don't give a shit, dumbass?
your nominee is a senile accused rapist that took money from china .

not my nominee. And yet, he is still 10 times better than the piece of shit in the WH at the moment. Says a lot about US politics. None of it good.

Andrew Cuomo. Now there's a leader.
yeah he handled covid great ! he handled the sick bring sent back into the old folk care facilities great too ! get real moron. all cuomo has done is bitch and beg Trump for help ....and he got it ! there is absolutely no way a leftist would have mobilized the government in partnership with the private sector and cut burdensome gov regs [dems love] to mount a lightening fast response to the outbreak ! what you have seen in past few weeks is a marvel to the rest of the world !
You just let me know which one of those countries above us on your list enshrines the right of an armed populace to resist government tyranny. I'll wait.

The right is irrelevant. It is nothing more than a piece of paper. You think the US is the only country in the world that was formed out of a revolution? You think all those other countries that had revolutions had the 2nd? Vast majority had nothing on their books. Did that stop them having a revolution? You do know what happened in Russia in 1917 right? China 1949? Cuba 1959? None of them had the second on the books and yet they took up armed struggles. Your 2nd is so over really is.
As far as freedom, let me know when you can walk into YOUR local capitol building with a rifle slung across your chest and tell your government officials to pound sand as just happened in Michigan. THAT is freedom. Your link is about economics you fucking retard.

Two things:

1) equate having a pea shooter with freedom??? quaint.
2) If you have to have armed citizens heading to your capital building I'd suggest things aren't going that good for the 'greatest' country in the world.
its funny how the left likes to call the US the greatest country in the world that needs saving when they are out of power and trying to retake it ...and then once they get power they claim the US is an unfair racist evil country .
You just let me know which one of those countries above us on your list enshrines the right of an armed populace to resist government tyranny. I'll wait.

The right is irrelevant. It is nothing more than a piece of paper. You think the US is the only country in the world that was formed out of a revolution? You think all those other countries that had revolutions had the 2nd? Vast majority had nothing on their books. Did that stop them having a revolution? You do know what happened in Russia in 1917 right? China 1949? Cuba 1959? None of them had the second on the books and yet they took up armed struggles. Your 2nd is so over really is.
sooo yall are planning a communist revolution ? is china backing your movement ...they probably are .
You just let me know which one of those countries above us on your list enshrines the right of an armed populace to resist government tyranny. I'll wait.
Yeah? I'll wait till you let me know when blacks in California can carry loaded weapons in the streets. Seeing that is, you know, according to you, 'freedom'.


Looks like as soon as they asserted their 'freedom' it was taken away.


But you keep deluding yourself. After all, it's the national past time.
its funny how the left likes to call the US the greatest country in the world that needs saving when they are out of powe and trying to retake it r ...and then once they get power they claim the US is an unfair racist evil country .

I've never called the US the greatest country in the world because it is a subjective ideal. It's a pretty good country though. Has a lot going for it. Think it is going to implode quicker than I thought though. The vitriol from the extreme on both sides is winning out thanks to social media and sound bites.
As far as freedom, let me know when you can walk into YOUR local capitol building with a rifle slung across your chest and tell your government officials to pound sand as just happened in Michigan. THAT is freedom. Your link is about economics you fucking retard.

Two things:

1) equate having a pea shooter with freedom??? quaint.
2) If you have to have armed citizens heading to your capital building I'd suggest things aren't going that good for the 'greatest' country in the world.

My "pea shooter" ensures I will not be subjugated without my consent. What do you have other than your limp dick?
I have a friend in Spain and another in India. Both literally asked me WTF was wrong with americans. I told them he actually lost the popular vote but the electoral college did us in.
I have friends in England, Belgium, Spain, and South Africa. They all said pretty much the same thing.
fuck you and your friends you communist piece of dog shit.
You just let me know which one of those countries above us on your list enshrines the right of an armed populace to resist government tyranny. I'll wait.

The right is irrelevant. It is nothing more than a piece of paper. You think the US is the only country in the world that was formed out of a revolution? You think all those other countries that had revolutions had the 2nd? Vast majority had nothing on their books. Did that stop them having a revolution? You do know what happened in Russia in 1917 right? China 1949? Cuba 1959? None of them had the second on the books and yet they took up armed struggles. Your 2nd is so over really is.
sooo yall are planning a communist revolution ? is china backing your movement ...they probably are .

That whooshing sound? That was my point going straight over your head. Ok, let's talk non-communist. Let's talk the French Revolution, the Spanish Civil War - name an armed conflict where there were two belligerents or more. Everybody got guns with or without anything in their Constitution....shrug...
You are under the misapprehension that any country without the 2nd or similar is somehow less free. I ask how? You think the 2nd protects your from tyranny. I'm from NZ. Are you saying that if our govt turned totalitarian tomorrow there is nothing we could or would do because we don't have a second amendment? Is that what you honestly believe??? ha!
You just let me know which one of those countries above us on your list enshrines the right of an armed populace to resist government tyranny. I'll wait.

The right is irrelevant. It is nothing more than a piece of paper. You think the US is the only country in the world that was formed out of a revolution? You think all those other countries that had revolutions had the 2nd? Vast majority had nothing on their books. Did that stop them having a revolution? You do know what happened in Russia in 1917 right? China 1949? Cuba 1959? None of them had the second on the books and yet they took up armed struggles. Your 2nd is so over really is.

For something so overrated you leftists sure seem to hate it.
You just let me know which one of those countries above us on your list enshrines the right of an armed populace to resist government tyranny. I'll wait.
You think you're going to resist a standing army with a few semi automatics? The nation of self delusion, fer shure.

To me, even that isn't the point. It appears a huge number of current and former US service personal are conservatives. I don't think they would turn on the people.
You just let me know which one of those countries above us on your list enshrines the right of an armed populace to resist government tyranny. I'll wait.
You think you're going to resist a standing army with a few semi automatics? The nation of self delusion, fer shure.
you stupid piece of shit our military leans conservative !
yeah he handled covid great ! he handled the sick bring sent back into the old folk care facilities great too ! get real moron. all cuomo has done is bitch and beg Trump for help ....and he got it ! there is absolutely no way a leftist would have mobilized the government in partnership with the private sector and cut burdensome gov regs [dems love] to mount a lightening fast response to the outbreak ! what you have seen in past few weeks is a marvel to the rest of the world !
Yeah, right. We're struck dumb with amazement anyone could produce such a result...Tell us, what's your secret?


New confirmed and probable cases over time, as at 9.00 am, 5 May 2020
COVID-19 - current cases
Is that so? Do explain how can someone humiliate me if I don't give a shit, dumbass?

I'll make is simple. I run in a race. I come last. I don't give a shit who came first. However, somebody still did come first. Get it?

That's not humiliation you dumb fucker. It's just called LOSING. But by all means, go tell every last place participant in a race they were humiliated. Maybe start with the special olympics. See how that turns out for you. Jackass.
I have a friend in Spain and another in India. Both literally asked me WTF was wrong with americans. I told them he actually lost the popular vote but the electoral college did us in.
I have friends in England, Belgium, Spain, and South Africa. They all said pretty much the same thing.
fuck you and your friends you communist piece of dog shit.
Embarrassing to hear how the rest of the world regards your Messiah, isn't it.

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