The World and How It Responds to Trump

I don't. Next question?
Do you enjoy seeing the IMPOTUS humiliated in foreign relation endeavours?
Humiliation is subjective.

And once again - I. DON'T. CARE. I'm sorry you struggle to understand those 3 simple words. But you see, I live in the wealthiest & freest nation to ever grace the earth and as far as I'm concerned any country who wants to denigrate us can kiss my all-American ass. Let's see how they do without our financial aid, blessing, or military protection.
Here you go, here's some humiliation of the IMPOTUS for you to not care about.

And you don't live in the freest nation. Even the Heritage Institute puts you well down the list while my nation is in the highest ranked group. You live in the most self deluding nation.

I love the way you can see him turn beet red right through the orange.
Which I guess is what the orange is there for.
  • Thanks
Reactions: cnm forgot....obama left the office.....we have a real President now, President Trump who understands that China isn't good, that it isn't a smart idea to give 1.5 billion dollars to the worst terrorist state, Iran, and America is the best country the world has ever seen............

RATFLMAO!! Stop it. You're killing me.... :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Some will, most won't. Who's arguing otherwise?

The question was who would win in an all out conflict. Protip: It ain't the military.
Really? I believe the military won the last civil conflict in the US.
If you don't want us in your business then stop asking us to be - fuckwit. How many US military personnel & how much hardware is in your country protecting your stupid ass? South China Sea ring a bell? Handle that shit yourself.

Um none. As far as I know. You guys have some personal at our spy stations in NZ and Australia and that's us giving something to you Numbnuts. South China sea??? You don't know much about geography do you. Hawaii's closer to the SCS than NZ.

How little you know of your own country.

As for the South China Sea -

"Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has warned Beijing against militarising the South China Sea following reports that China has installed missile systems in the Spratly Islands for the first time. "

"Australian navy helicopter pilots have been hit with laser beams from fishing boats suspected of being part of China’s maritime militia during a recent military exercise in the South China Sea."

"Military tensions are re-emerging in the South China Sea, where Australian warship HMAS Parramatta has recently conducted exercises with the US Navy."

^Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining. It's been squirrely over there for some time and you're more than happy to have US naval presence.
If you don't want us in your business then stop asking us to be - fuckwit. How many US military personnel & how much hardware is in your country protecting your stupid ass? South China Sea ring a bell? Handle that shit yourself.

Um none. As far as I know. You guys have some personal at our spy stations in NZ and Australia and that's us giving something to you Numbnuts. South China sea??? You don't know much about geography do you. Hawaii's closer to the SCS than NZ.

How little you know of your own country.

As for the South China Sea -

"Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has warned Beijing against militarising the South China Sea following reports that China has installed missile systems in the Spratly Islands for the first time. "

"Australian navy helicopter pilots have been hit with laser beams from fishing boats suspected of being part of China’s maritime militia during a recent military exercise in the South China Sea."

"Military tensions are re-emerging in the South China Sea, where Australian warship HMAS Parramatta has recently conducted exercises with the US Navy."

^Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining. It's been squirrely over there for some time and you're more than happy to have US naval presence.

Imagine if the socialist morons get control here in the U.S.....they will cut the military, and that will mean all those countries that expect our protection will be on their face Russia and China without the U.S. military to protect them......

Of course.....China and Russia will have bought the democrat party lock, stock and barrel so they won't lift a finger to stop the aggression....
Some will, most won't. Who's arguing otherwise?

The question was who would win in an all out conflict. Protip: It ain't the military.
Really? I believe the military won the last civil conflict in the US.

More ignorance of American history. The last "civil conflict" was an engagement between 2 militaries, moron.

As I said before, you are clearly incapable of understanding the logistics of a well armed insurgency. If the Tsarnev brothers can shut down an entire metro area for 2 days with just a couple of pipe bombs and a single 9mm pistol - what do you think 10 people can do? 1,000? 1,000,000? And what are these big military monsters you keep alluding to going to do about it? Lob tank shells into downtown buildings? Call in air strikes on residential neighborhoods? Nuke a metropolis?

C'mon smartass - tell us how a government wins by blowing up it's own infrastructure and creating massive collateral damage, thereby generating waves of new insurgents in perpetuity?
If you don't want us in your business then stop asking us to be - fuckwit. How many US military personnel & how much hardware is in your country protecting your stupid ass? South China Sea ring a bell? Handle that shit yourself.

Um none. As far as I know. You guys have some personal at our spy stations in NZ and Australia and that's us giving something to you Numbnuts. South China sea??? You don't know much about geography do you. Hawaii's closer to the SCS than NZ.

How little you know of your own country.

As for the South China Sea -

"Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has warned Beijing against militarising the South China Sea following reports that China has installed missile systems in the Spratly Islands for the first time. "

"Australian navy helicopter pilots have been hit with laser beams from fishing boats suspected of being part of China’s maritime militia during a recent military exercise in the South China Sea."

"Military tensions are re-emerging in the South China Sea, where Australian warship HMAS Parramatta has recently conducted exercises with the US Navy."

^Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining. It's been squirrely over there for some time and you're more than happy to have US naval presence.

Imagine if the socialist morons get control here in the U.S.....they will cut the military, and that will mean all those countries that expect our protection will be on their face Russia and China without the U.S. military to protect them......

Of course.....China and Russia will have bought the democrat party lock, stock and barrel so they won't lift a finger to stop the aggression....

If not for the marxists, I'd love it. Let all these elitest foreign cocksuckers fend for themselves. I'm more than happy not to send my tax dollars to police the planet. Dissolve NATO and every man for himself. Let's see who comes out on top.
If you don't want us in your business then stop asking us to be - fuckwit. How many US military personnel & how much hardware is in your country protecting your stupid ass? South China Sea ring a bell? Handle that shit yourself.

Um none. As far as I know. You guys have some personal at our spy stations in NZ and Australia and that's us giving something to you Numbnuts. South China sea??? You don't know much about geography do you. Hawaii's closer to the SCS than NZ.

How little you know of your own country.

As for the South China Sea -

"Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has warned Beijing against militarising the South China Sea following reports that China has installed missile systems in the Spratly Islands for the first time. "

"Australian navy helicopter pilots have been hit with laser beams from fishing boats suspected of being part of China’s maritime militia during a recent military exercise in the South China Sea."

"Military tensions are re-emerging in the South China Sea, where Australian warship HMAS Parramatta has recently conducted exercises with the US Navy."

^Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining. It's been squirrely over there for some time and you're more than happy to have US naval presence.

Imagine if the socialist morons get control here in the U.S.....they will cut the military, and that will mean all those countries that expect our protection will be on their face Russia and China without the U.S. military to protect them......

Of course.....China and Russia will have bought the democrat party lock, stock and barrel so they won't lift a finger to stop the aggression....

If not for the marxists, I'd love it. Let all these elitest foreign cocksuckers fend for themselves. I'm more than happy not to send my tax dollars to police the planet. Dissolve NATO and every man for himself. Let's see who comes out on top.

Then we would see how much they love the U.S......Russian tanks in Paris would change their minds pretty quick as would Chinese Flags flying over Canberra.....
Imagine if the socialist morons get control here in the U.S.....

No need to imagine, individual 1 has already handed out more free stuff than Bernie dreamed of...


Moron....Trump did it during an emergency and doesn't plan on continuing it....bernie wants to do it as a feature, and has no plans of stopping it until people are eating their pets, and toilet paper no longer exists....
As I said before, you are clearly incapable of understanding the logistics of a well armed insurgency. If the Tsarnev brothers can shut down an entire metro area for 2 days with just a couple of pipe bombs and a single 9mm pistol - what do you think 10 people can do? 1,000? 1,000,000?
They can be surrounded, contained, ghetto-ised. Apart from that, it's not like the Tsarnev brothers won anything, is it?
C'mon smartass - tell us how a government wins by blowing up it's own infrastructure and creating massive collateral damage, thereby generating waves of new insurgents in perpetuity?
Sherman's march mean anything to you? Won the war, didn't it?
Anyway, before the 'late unpleasantness', wasn't the Whiskey Rebellion put down by an army?
If you don't want us in your business then stop asking us to be - fuckwit. How many US military personnel & how much hardware is in your country protecting your stupid ass? South China Sea ring a bell? Handle that shit yourself.

Um none. As far as I know. You guys have some personal at our spy stations in NZ and Australia and that's us giving something to you Numbnuts. South China sea??? You don't know much about geography do you. Hawaii's closer to the SCS than NZ.

How little you know of your own country.

As for the South China Sea -

"Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has warned Beijing against militarising the South China Sea following reports that China has installed missile systems in the Spratly Islands for the first time. "

"Australian navy helicopter pilots have been hit with laser beams from fishing boats suspected of being part of China’s maritime militia during a recent military exercise in the South China Sea."

"Military tensions are re-emerging in the South China Sea, where Australian warship HMAS Parramatta has recently conducted exercises with the US Navy."

^Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining. It's been squirrely over there for some time and you're more than happy to have US naval presence.

Couple of things:
1) I am a NZer, not Australian
2) The US has ASKED to be present at those bases in Australia. Australia didn't ask them to come. Being an ally, Australia has obliged.
3) I note from all your links, looks like Australia is doing all the heavy lifting in the SCS.
4) As if the US hasn't got a horse in the race in the South China Sea. It loves being Big Man on Campus. Don't make out you're doing anybody any favours when all you are doing is looking after your own self interest.
5) If China really did want to get to Australia it would have to get past 500 million Vietnamese, Indonesians and Filipinos first. And they hate the Chinese more than they hate Australians.

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