The World and How It Responds to Trump

As I said before, you are clearly incapable of understanding the logistics of a well armed insurgency. If the Tsarnev brothers can shut down an entire metro area for 2 days with just a couple of pipe bombs and a single 9mm pistol - what do you think 10 people can do? 1,000? 1,000,000?
They can be surrounded, contained, ghetto-ised. Apart from that, it's not like the Tsarnev brothers won anything, is it?

How? Lay out your brilliant strategy to identify and separate untold millions of insurgents and their supporters from the general populace. I mean shit, we've only been trying to do it in Afghanistan for 20 fucking years but hey you clearly have all the answers. Must be all those hours playing Call Of Duty...
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If you don't want us in your business then stop asking us to be - fuckwit. How many US military personnel & how much hardware is in your country protecting your stupid ass? South China Sea ring a bell? Handle that shit yourself.

Um none. As far as I know. You guys have some personal at our spy stations in NZ and Australia and that's us giving something to you Numbnuts. South China sea??? You don't know much about geography do you. Hawaii's closer to the SCS than NZ.

How little you know of your own country.

As for the South China Sea -

"Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has warned Beijing against militarising the South China Sea following reports that China has installed missile systems in the Spratly Islands for the first time. "

"Australian navy helicopter pilots have been hit with laser beams from fishing boats suspected of being part of China’s maritime militia during a recent military exercise in the South China Sea."

"Military tensions are re-emerging in the South China Sea, where Australian warship HMAS Parramatta has recently conducted exercises with the US Navy."

^Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining. It's been squirrely over there for some time and you're more than happy to have US naval presence.

Couple of things:
1) I am a NZer, not Australian
2) The US has ASKED to be present at those bases in Australia. Australia didn't ask them to come. Being an ally, Australia has obliged.
3) I note from all your links, looks like Australia is doing all the heavy lifting in the SCS.
4) As if the US hasn't got a horse in the race in the South China Sea. It loves being Big Man on Campus. Don't make out you're doing anybody any favours when all you are doing is looking after your own self interest.
5) If China really did want to get to Australia it would have to get past 500 million Vietnamese, Indonesians and Filipinos first. And they hate the Chinese more than they hate Australians.

Australia and NZ are part of ANZUS which is a military defense pact. Where one goes, all go. If you don't need us then withdraw, tough guy.

And why in the fuck would China have to go through all those other countries to get to Australia if it so chose? They do have these crazy things called "boats" and "airplanes" you know.
Australia and NZ are part of ANZUS which is a military defense pact. Where one goes, all go. If you don't need us then withdraw, tough guy.

And why in the fuck would China have to go through all those other countries to get to Australia if it so chose? They do have these crazy things called "boats" and "airplanes" you know.

You guys got all antsy when we said no more nuke ships in NZ. You suspended the treaty. Got restored more or less about a decade ago, That aside, sure, I couldn't care less if we were in ANZUS or not.

My uncle was in the Navy. All you need is a squadron of fighter bombers to keep the Chinese out. There's this thing called supply chain. You need it to keep an army on the move. You keep on fucking that up and the military get antsy. And for them to get any sort of direct supply chain they would have to go through Indonesia. Not happening.

Don't get me wrong, the Chinese are getting dangerous for sure. But Xi has a lot of problems on the home front at the moment.

They've got what, one semi aircraft carrier?? And a shitty airforce.

Stop making you're doing things for other countries benefit. You're doing them for your own.
Australia and NZ are part of ANZUS which is a military defense pact. Where one goes, all go. If you don't need us then withdraw, tough guy.

And why in the fuck would China have to go through all those other countries to get to Australia if it so chose? They do have these crazy things called "boats" and "airplanes" you know.

You guys got all antsy when we said no more nuke ships in NZ. You suspended the treaty. Got restored more or less about a decade ago, That aside, sure, I couldn't care less if we were in ANZUS or not.

My uncle was in the Navy. All you need is a squadron of fighter bombers to keep the Chinese out. There's this thing called supply chain. You need it to keep an army on the move. You keep on fucking that up and the military get antsy. And for them to get any sort of direct supply chain they would have to go through Indonesia. Not happening.

Don't get me wrong, the Chinese are getting dangerous for sure. But Xi has a lot of problems on the home front at the moment.

They've got what, one semi aircraft carrier?? And a shitty airforce.

Stop making you're doing things for other countries benefit. You're doing them for your own.

Was this for our benefit too?

How? Lay out your brilliant strategy to identify and separate untold millions of insurgents and their supporters from the general populace.
There won't be untold millions, there'll be a few terrorists and wackos. America has already put down at least a couple of rebellions using its military, your delusions notwithstanding.
How? Lay out your brilliant strategy to identify and separate untold millions of insurgents and their supporters from the general populace.
There won't be untold millions, there'll be a few terrorists and wackos. America has already put down at least a couple of rebellions using its military, your delusions notwithstanding.

Keep telling yourself that.
Australia and NZ are part of ANZUS which is a military defense pact. Where one goes, all go. If you don't need us then withdraw, tough guy.
NZ has been kicked out of ANZUS by the US as the US Navy does not like the NZ government's decision to determine whether visiting US Navy vessels are nuclear armed and prohibit any such. You're on your own, Bucko...
Government forces looked pretty ready to fire on US civilians. Didn't see any turning their guns in...


"After all... those rice farmers in Vietnam and cave dwellers in Afghanistan sure got their asses whipped by the big bad American military didn't they?"
No, the NVA kicked the shit out of the American military.
bullshit faggot ! the US won the vast majority of the battles fought ! the political war the left waged is what cost us the war ! once again the left emboldened and supported a brutal communist regime much like the left treasonous support of the chicoms today !
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The discussion pertained to a widespread insurgency, not the narrative you keep trying to steer it to.
A widespread insurgency is your delusion. Forgive me if I can't take it seriously. After all, the last time that happened Federal forces put it down with great enthusiasm. The South has never recovered from it.
Maybe it's time to worry about your own country and let others live the way they see fit?

No need to worry about my country. We're doing okay.
Okay, so I get to say this for the 1000th time on this board - the day the US fucks off and keeps its nose out of everybody else's business is the day I leave this board. I said this 14 years ago and here I still am....
nobody wants anything your country has to offer ... thats why your weakling people have not been overrun by a stronger country like Ethiopia lol !
The discussion pertained to a widespread insurgency, not the narrative you keep trying to steer it to.
A widespread insurgency is your delusion. Forgive me if I can't take it seriously. After all, the last time that happened Federal forces put it down with great enthusiasm. The South has never recovered from it.

A hypothetical scenario is not a delusion, jackass. It's a discussion about "what could be". But throughout this thread you have demonstrated that you have the intellect of a grapefruit, which would also explain why you keep trying to make apple and orange comparisons.
Trumpies conflate laughing at trump with being anti american. Thats a ridiculous assumption. There is more sadness than anything else. You are stuck with a clown that you didnt vote for. He has killed thousands and wrecked your economy.
Its very sad and we shouldnt really laugh at his bovine antics. Its more serious than that.

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