"The World Hates Our President"

Trump's positions on trade and for and military aid (when he's not doing extortion) are probably unpopular overseas even while they may be good for America. But his personal loathsomeness and inability to be the least bit civil to anyone who doesn't lick his shoes, pretty much ruins any chance for him to win on the merits of his positions, like Reagan ultimately did.

Trump, thankfully, is more conservative than Reagan; and, has taught Republicans how to truly fight the 'Progressive Borg'.

You are crazy. Trump isn't conservative at all.
Not fiscally conservative, but the gop left that in 1980. Trump is nativist wants to limit immigration, esp from non-white countries with some exception for skilled workers who benefit capital by keeping wages down. It's impossible to say exactly what his "consititional literalist" judges will do. What happens when the constitution's literal words (like congress has power to levy taxes and spend) are contrary to judges opinions on Obamacare?

Trump has broken the mold, but the gop stopped being conservative even before W and he killed any conservatism left.

The GOP was never "conservative".

The GOP is a political party. Their only goal is to win at politics.

Political parties.... all political parties... only exist for one purpose. It has nothing to do with ideology, or some fundamental view on how things work.

The purpose of all political parties, is to win at politics.
eh, well the fall of the Soviet Empire ended much of the raison detre for the Post WWII and Post-Vietnam gop.

and Reagan and JFK and presumably Goldwater were all ok with being one termers if it meant not compromising their core reasons to want the job

That's all true. However, you said GOP. The GOP was never interested in standing like ideology. Reagan was. Not the GOP. The GOP is there to win elections. That's it.

Same with JFK and the DNC. Yes, JFK might be willing to stand on convictions. But the DNC is there to win elections.
Yes really. Get out of the wars and lower entitlements. We were at a deficit before the cuts too.

Let's see. Obama lowers deficits and Trump raises them but let's not blame Trump for that. OK, obviously no reason to take you seriously.
He also lowered the corporate rate, halted corporate inversions and wages are up notably because of historic unemployment. Tough to take you seriously when all you do is criticize. I agreed With you that I am disappointed at his handling of the budget and healthcare. You’re such a loser Leftist.
Wages are up marginally. Cutting taxes, practically bullying the fed to keep rates low and raising deficits. I can only imagine how this idiot would actually deal with a recession instead of the great start that Obama gave him. Kind of like what Clinton handed Bush who then blew it up.

Conservatives shouldn't be trusted with money.
You think Trump is a “conservative” LMAO. Great start? Obama spent more than all the prior presidents combined. You’re crazy.

I think Trump is conservative adjacent elected by conservatives.

Obama had to fix the economy, he lowered deficits over time. Trump is raising them. You voted for a guy who is raising deficits and in control of a slower economy than Obama.
Did Obama do anything in his 8 yrs that you did not like or disagreed with? I voted for a business friendly president. It has worked.
Let's see. Obama lowers deficits and Trump raises them but let's not blame Trump for that. OK, obviously no reason to take you seriously.
He also lowered the corporate rate, halted corporate inversions and wages are up notably because of historic unemployment. Tough to take you seriously when all you do is criticize. I agreed With you that I am disappointed at his handling of the budget and healthcare. You’re such a loser Leftist.
Wages are up marginally. Cutting taxes, practically bullying the fed to keep rates low and raising deficits. I can only imagine how this idiot would actually deal with a recession instead of the great start that Obama gave him. Kind of like what Clinton handed Bush who then blew it up.

Conservatives shouldn't be trusted with money.
You think Trump is a “conservative” LMAO. Great start? Obama spent more than all the prior presidents combined. You’re crazy.

I think Trump is conservative adjacent elected by conservatives.

Obama had to fix the economy, he lowered deficits over time. Trump is raising them. You voted for a guy who is raising deficits and in control of a slower economy than Obama.
Did Obama do anything in his 8 yrs that you did not like or disagreed with? I voted for a business friendly president. It has worked.

Yes, I thought Obama should have broke the banks up and Syria wasn't his proudest moment.

'Business' was doing just fine, now we have tariffs that aren't helping, tax cuts that that companies haven't put into hiring people but rather doing things like buy back stocks and again, rising deficits when there is currently not a reason to do so. You guys always pretend to care about who is going to pay down the debt, well, who is it?
He also lowered the corporate rate, halted corporate inversions and wages are up notably because of historic unemployment. Tough to take you seriously when all you do is criticize. I agreed With you that I am disappointed at his handling of the budget and healthcare. You’re such a loser Leftist.
Wages are up marginally. Cutting taxes, practically bullying the fed to keep rates low and raising deficits. I can only imagine how this idiot would actually deal with a recession instead of the great start that Obama gave him. Kind of like what Clinton handed Bush who then blew it up.

Conservatives shouldn't be trusted with money.
You think Trump is a “conservative” LMAO. Great start? Obama spent more than all the prior presidents combined. You’re crazy.

I think Trump is conservative adjacent elected by conservatives.

Obama had to fix the economy, he lowered deficits over time. Trump is raising them. You voted for a guy who is raising deficits and in control of a slower economy than Obama.
Did Obama do anything in his 8 yrs that you did not like or disagreed with? I voted for a business friendly president. It has worked.

Yes, I thought Obama should have broke the banks up and Syria wasn't his proudest moment.

'Business' was doing just fine, now we have tariffs that aren't helping, tax cuts that that companies haven't put into hiring people but rather doing things like buy back stocks and again, rising deficits when there is currently not a reason to do so. You guys always pretend to care about who is going to pay down the debt, well, who is it?
Broken the banks up? Then how would we compete with international banks? That is a terrible idea. But you do you. Companies only buy stock when they see is undervalued. Their primary purpose is to increase shareholder value and only two ways to do that is organic growth and acquisitions. Plus you ignored the multiple corporate inversions under Obama. Not good.
Wages are up marginally. Cutting taxes, practically bullying the fed to keep rates low and raising deficits. I can only imagine how this idiot would actually deal with a recession instead of the great start that Obama gave him. Kind of like what Clinton handed Bush who then blew it up.

Conservatives shouldn't be trusted with money.
You think Trump is a “conservative” LMAO. Great start? Obama spent more than all the prior presidents combined. You’re crazy.

I think Trump is conservative adjacent elected by conservatives.

Obama had to fix the economy, he lowered deficits over time. Trump is raising them. You voted for a guy who is raising deficits and in control of a slower economy than Obama.
Did Obama do anything in his 8 yrs that you did not like or disagreed with? I voted for a business friendly president. It has worked.

Yes, I thought Obama should have broke the banks up and Syria wasn't his proudest moment.

'Business' was doing just fine, now we have tariffs that aren't helping, tax cuts that that companies haven't put into hiring people but rather doing things like buy back stocks and again, rising deficits when there is currently not a reason to do so. You guys always pretend to care about who is going to pay down the debt, well, who is it?
Broken the banks up? Then how would we compete with international banks? That is a terrible idea. But you do you. Companies only buy stock when they see is undervalued. Their primary purpose is to increase shareholder value and only two ways to do that is organic growth and acquisitions. Plus you ignored the multiple corporate inversions under Obama. Not good.

Separate investment banking so that their risk doesn't interfere with my mortgage.

Many companies took their tax breaks and bought back their stock rather than use it to stimulate the economy. Their shareholders I'm sure loved it, those on the bottom of the economic scale it did nothing for.
Cut-and-run Democrat Donald J. Trump in 2007: “I think Bush is probably the worst president in the history of the United States. The rest of the world hates us."

Birther Donald J. Trump on Obama: “The world hates our president.”

As you can see in the chart below, the world's opinion of us has dropped dramatically since Trump was elected.

Only Russia and Israel like us more. But of course, both countries are run by criminals.

Israel’s Netanyahu Indicted on Charges of Fraud, Bribery and Breach of Trust

Kinda funny corruption-buster Trump never held up the $3 BILLION in aid to Bibi even though Bibi's totally corrupt.


Trump Unpopular Worldwide, American Image Suffers
Sounds like Trump is doing his job for AMERICANS.

Fuck the world. They can all suck our collective DICK!!!

Uh no. The rest of the world can just tell that he is both a moron and a man child.
You think Trump is a “conservative” LMAO. Great start? Obama spent more than all the prior presidents combined. You’re crazy.

I think Trump is conservative adjacent elected by conservatives.

Obama had to fix the economy, he lowered deficits over time. Trump is raising them. You voted for a guy who is raising deficits and in control of a slower economy than Obama.
Did Obama do anything in his 8 yrs that you did not like or disagreed with? I voted for a business friendly president. It has worked.

Yes, I thought Obama should have broke the banks up and Syria wasn't his proudest moment.

'Business' was doing just fine, now we have tariffs that aren't helping, tax cuts that that companies haven't put into hiring people but rather doing things like buy back stocks and again, rising deficits when there is currently not a reason to do so. You guys always pretend to care about who is going to pay down the debt, well, who is it?
Broken the banks up? Then how would we compete with international banks? That is a terrible idea. But you do you. Companies only buy stock when they see is undervalued. Their primary purpose is to increase shareholder value and only two ways to do that is organic growth and acquisitions. Plus you ignored the multiple corporate inversions under Obama. Not good.

Separate investment banking so that their risk doesn't interfere with my mortgage.

Many companies took their tax breaks and bought back their stock rather than use it to stimulate the economy. Their shareholders I'm sure loved it, those on the bottom of the economic scale it did nothing for.
I Banking generates strong capital and many times it goes hand in hand with commercial banking. Will you also break up the big international banks? If not then how do US banks compete?
I think Trump is conservative adjacent elected by conservatives.

Obama had to fix the economy, he lowered deficits over time. Trump is raising them. You voted for a guy who is raising deficits and in control of a slower economy than Obama.
Did Obama do anything in his 8 yrs that you did not like or disagreed with? I voted for a business friendly president. It has worked.

Yes, I thought Obama should have broke the banks up and Syria wasn't his proudest moment.

'Business' was doing just fine, now we have tariffs that aren't helping, tax cuts that that companies haven't put into hiring people but rather doing things like buy back stocks and again, rising deficits when there is currently not a reason to do so. You guys always pretend to care about who is going to pay down the debt, well, who is it?
Broken the banks up? Then how would we compete with international banks? That is a terrible idea. But you do you. Companies only buy stock when they see is undervalued. Their primary purpose is to increase shareholder value and only two ways to do that is organic growth and acquisitions. Plus you ignored the multiple corporate inversions under Obama. Not good.

Separate investment banking so that their risk doesn't interfere with my mortgage.

Many companies took their tax breaks and bought back their stock rather than use it to stimulate the economy. Their shareholders I'm sure loved it, those on the bottom of the economic scale it did nothing for.
I Banking generates strong capital and many times it goes hand in hand with commercial banking. Will you also break up the big international banks? If not then how do US banks compete?

Kids hate strict parents.

Strict parents raise better kids.

That's why Trump is such a piece of shit. His father used his money to buy Donnie's way out of trouble throughout his adult life. He sent Donnie to three military schools in an effort to teach Dumb Donald some discipline. Trump was expelled from two of them. Fred bailed out Donnie's business losses to the tune of $1 billion, in the 1980's.

When Fred stopped funding Donnie's business fiascos, his businesses started going bankrupt, and that trend continues, unabated, to this day. Trump Hotel Toronto, which was managed by the Trump Corporation, although owned by Russian interests, went bankrupt in 2016 as Trump campaigned for the Presidency.

This is the first time Donald Trump has ever been forced to go to trial for any of illegal and corrupt activities.

Well, not really the first. Right between the election and the date the Electoral College would have met to cast votes he settled out of court for $25 million to make a fraud suit go away.
I’m going to say something shocking.
I agree with The OP.

The World should Hate Our President.
This World, until Jesus Christ sits upon The Throne of David & Adam in Jerusalem is Lorded over by Satan.

The scriptures say, that he who loves The World is at Enmity with God. And it also says That The World will hate believers in Christ.

So hate President Trump all you want while he defends life, Christianity and Israel. It just means that he is doing what is right in The Eyes of God and not what is right in the eyes of the world!
We have gone back & forth between Republican & Democratic presidents, who has gained the most over the last 50 years the rich or the average working person?
Trump's positions on trade and for and military aid (when he's not doing extortion) are probably unpopular overseas even while they may be good for America. But his personal loathsomeness and inability to be the least bit civil to anyone who doesn't lick his shoes, pretty much ruins any chance for him to win on the merits of his positions, like Reagan ultimately did.
---------------------------------------- AMNESTY 'ronnie' and 'old man 'bush' were both traitorous curs BenD.
Cut-and-run Democrat Donald J. Trump in 2007: “I think Bush is probably the worst president in the history of the United States. The rest of the world hates us."

Birther Donald J. Trump on Obama: “The world hates our president.”

As you can see in the chart below, the world's opinion of us has dropped dramatically since Trump was elected.

Only Russia and Israel like us more. But of course, both countries are run by criminals.

Israel’s Netanyahu Indicted on Charges of Fraud, Bribery and Breach of Trust

Kinda funny corruption-buster Trump never held up the $3 BILLION in aid to Bibi even though Bibi's totally corrupt.


Trump Unpopular Worldwide, American Image Suffers

Why do you care so much what other people think?

IDGAF what people in other countries think . Come to think of it I really don't care what most people in this country think
The only time the "world" wants anything to do with the US is when they need money or someone to defend their stupid asses.

They need the US far more than the US needs them.

The world is a bag of dicks and I couldn't care less what they think of Trump or the US.
Kids hate strict parents.

Strict parents raise better kids.

That's why Trump is such a piece of shit. His father used his money to buy Donnie's way out of trouble throughout his adult life. He sent Donnie to three military schools in an effort to teach Dumb Donald some discipline. Trump was expelled from two of them. Fred bailed out Donnie's business losses to the tune of $1 billion, in the 1980's.

When Fred stopped funding Donnie's business fiascos, his businesses started going bankrupt, and that trend continues, unabated, to this day. Trump Hotel Toronto, which was managed by the Trump Corporation, although owned by Russian interests, went bankrupt in 2016 as Trump campaigned for the Presidency.

This is the first time Donald Trump has ever been forced to go to trial for any of illegal and corrupt activities.
You’re not even American. I hope your knee feels a lot worse.

As a matter of fact, a recent visit to my doctor cleared up my foot problems, which was affecting the way I walk, and leading to lots of discomfort. I am now completely free of pain, walking with a less stressful, and feel 10 years younger. As a Canadian, my visit to the doctor cost me nothing out of pocket, and I completed no paperwork. I called my GP for an appointment, went to his office the next day, and received treatment.

Thank you for your good wishes.
Cut-and-run Democrat Donald J. Trump in 2007: “I think Bush is probably the worst president in the history of the United States. The rest of the world hates us."

Birther Donald J. Trump on Obama: “The world hates our president.”

As you can see in the chart below, the world's opinion of us has dropped dramatically since Trump was elected.

Only Russia and Israel like us more. But of course, both countries are run by criminals.

Israel’s Netanyahu Indicted on Charges of Fraud, Bribery and Breach of Trust

Kinda funny corruption-buster Trump never held up the $3 BILLION in aid to Bibi even though Bibi's totally corrupt.


Trump Unpopular Worldwide, American Image Suffers
Trump is the ugly American

Republicans were horrified at Obama’s so called “apology tour” to patch up relations

Whoever follows Trump will have some major apologizing to do. I just don’t know if they will accept it
Cut-and-run Democrat Donald J. Trump in 2007: “I think Bush is probably the worst president in the history of the United States. The rest of the world hates us."

Birther Donald J. Trump on Obama: “The world hates our president.”

As you can see in the chart below, the world's opinion of us has dropped dramatically since Trump was elected.

Only Russia and Israel like us more. But of course, both countries are run by criminals.

Israel’s Netanyahu Indicted on Charges of Fraud, Bribery and Breach of Trust

Kinda funny corruption-buster Trump never held up the $3 BILLION in aid to Bibi even though Bibi's totally corrupt.


Trump Unpopular Worldwide, American Image Suffers
Trump is the ugly American

Republicans were horrified at Obama’s so called “apology tour” to patch up relations

Whoever follows Trump will have some major apologizing to do. I just don’t know if they will accept it
Lets shut our bases and remove our troops from Europe to start. Another feasibility study. We not only got to provide the goods we have to kiss azz to do it.

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