"The World Hates Our President"

No it was a win as the EC decides victory not # of votes. The stock market is up 10k since he took office. He has done very well for the economy.

Yeah, it was a win that earned Trump an asterisk after his presidency, he'll earn his second asterisk today.

The stock market as a percentage went up higher under Obama. The economy has been slower under Trump than Obama. The deficit is continuing to rise under Trump while it was slowing under Obama.

It was a technical win, he never won 'the people'.
Keep telling yourself that. Under Obama the interest rates bottomed out and he took office post recession so the market had no place to go but up. Link the * because I do not see it. You’re still not over the 2016 election it seems. Sadly. Please take a class and learn how the President is elected in the US. Hint: it’s not the popular vote.

He took office as the recession was hitting, don't be an idiot. He was not the cause of it. And no, there was no guarantee the only way to go was up, who told you this?
Bush was the cause but Obama spent $8trn getting us out of it and never exited the endless wars that Bush started.

Yeah....that's usually how you get out of a recession, you spend. Now, what's Trump's excuse for a near trillion dollar deficit while we are not in a recession? Why are the deficits going up now?

Why do Republicans and conservatives keep voting for politicians that raise deficits more than Democrats and then blame Democrats for the debt?

They are going up because entitlements are too high, we are still involved in stupid wars and he has yet to address entitlements. I am disappointed in his handling of the budget and healthcare.
Trump's positions on trade and for and military aid (when he's not doing extortion) are probably unpopular overseas even while they may be good for America. But his personal loathsomeness and inability to be the least bit civil to anyone who doesn't lick his shoes, pretty much ruins any chance for him to win on the merits of his positions, like Reagan ultimately did.

Trump, thankfully, is more conservative than Reagan; and, has taught Republicans how to truly fight the 'Progressive Borg'.

You are crazy. Trump isn't conservative at all.

Jus' disagree on that point.

Culturally he isn't religious.
He's against free-trade, which all conservatives have been in favor of for decades on end.
He's not against abortion, when he's not in politics.
He's clearly not for family values.
He supported gun control, until he found out conservatives were against it.
He supports government health care.
He certainly isn't fiscally conservative and has made no attempt to cut government spending.

By what standard do you consider him conservative?

By the Heritage Foundation's standards.

They found that Trump has already implemented 2/3rds of his quite conservative policy recommendations, compared to 50% of Reagan's policy recommendations considered quite conservative in his time; at the same point in their respective administrations!
No it was a win as the EC decides victory not # of votes. The stock market is up 10k since he took office. He has done very well for the economy.

Yeah, it was a win that earned Trump an asterisk after his presidency, he'll earn his second asterisk today.

The stock market as a percentage went up higher under Obama. The economy has been slower under Trump than Obama. The deficit is continuing to rise under Trump while it was slowing under Obama.

It was a technical win, he never won 'the people'.
Keep telling yourself that. Under Obama the interest rates bottomed out and he took office post recession so the market had no place to go but up. Link the * because I do not see it. You’re still not over the 2016 election it seems. Sadly. Please take a class and learn how the President is elected in the US. Hint: it’s not the popular vote.

He took office as the recession was hitting, don't be an idiot. He was not the cause of it. And no, there was no guarantee the only way to go was up, who told you this?

He was in Congress. He was part of the cause of it.

He was in no way responsible for the recession.

It was Bush and his administration for allowing the mortgage market to get out of control. Started under WJC and got way worse under Bush. Everyone qualified, derivatives galore, followed by defaults and bankruptcies. That led to credit tightening and voila. Disaster. Both parties let us down. Hence I do not belong to one.
Trump's positions on trade and for and military aid (when he's not doing extortion) are probably unpopular overseas even while they may be good for America. But his personal loathsomeness and inability to be the least bit civil to anyone who doesn't lick his shoes, pretty much ruins any chance for him to win on the merits of his positions, like Reagan ultimately did.

Trump, thankfully, is more conservative than Reagan; and, has taught Republicans how to truly fight the 'Progressive Borg'.

You are crazy. Trump isn't conservative at all.
Not fiscally conservative, but the gop left that in 1980. Trump is nativist wants to limit immigration, esp from non-white countries with some exception for skilled workers who benefit capital by keeping wages down. It's impossible to say exactly what his "consititional literalist" judges will do. What happens when the constitution's literal words (like congress has power to levy taxes and spend) are contrary to judges opinions on Obamacare?

Trump has broken the mold, but the gop stopped being conservative even before W and he killed any conservatism left.

The GOP was never "conservative".

The GOP is a political party. Their only goal is to win at politics.

Political parties.... all political parties... only exist for one purpose. It has nothing to do with ideology, or some fundamental view on how things work.

The purpose of all political parties, is to win at politics.
Yeah, it was a win that earned Trump an asterisk after his presidency, he'll earn his second asterisk today.

The stock market as a percentage went up higher under Obama. The economy has been slower under Trump than Obama. The deficit is continuing to rise under Trump while it was slowing under Obama.

It was a technical win, he never won 'the people'.
Keep telling yourself that. Under Obama the interest rates bottomed out and he took office post recession so the market had no place to go but up. Link the * because I do not see it. You’re still not over the 2016 election it seems. Sadly. Please take a class and learn how the President is elected in the US. Hint: it’s not the popular vote.

He took office as the recession was hitting, don't be an idiot. He was not the cause of it. And no, there was no guarantee the only way to go was up, who told you this?
Bush was the cause but Obama spent $8trn getting us out of it and never exited the endless wars that Bush started.

Yeah....that's usually how you get out of a recession, you spend. Now, what's Trump's excuse for a near trillion dollar deficit while we are not in a recession? Why are the deficits going up now?

Why do Republicans and conservatives keep voting for politicians that raise deficits more than Democrats and then blame Democrats for the debt?

They are going up because entitlements are too high, we are still involved in stupid wars and he has yet to address entitlements. I am disappointed in his handling of the budget and healthcare.


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Kids hate strict parents.

Strict parents raise better kids.

Nothing at all to do with our world standing.

When we are looked up to we have more opportunity at home. When our allies trust us it upholds our own national security. When our leaders at least appear to be honest our words and promises are believed.

We need the world just as much as it needs us.

Just ask Trump circa 2015, that hypocritical asshole will tell you all about it.

Seems to me the rest of the world simply expects better of us.

We do too.
The world hates every American president and for good reason. The world’s number one terrorist is usually the president. As far Donnie is concerned, he isn’t as bad as the previous two warmongering assholes, but that isn’t saying much.

. . . meh. After that bullshit the Deep State pulled in Bolivia? . . . and the stationing of troops permanently in northern Syria against the wishes of the government there, he is just as bad.

The point is, to distract folks and cover up the bad shit with this circus going on in D.C. I am pretty sure he is a CIA asset, they are just playing both sides to distract the masses.

This is another two minutes of hate thread, so folks don't focus on the real problems.
Keep telling yourself that. Under Obama the interest rates bottomed out and he took office post recession so the market had no place to go but up. Link the * because I do not see it. You’re still not over the 2016 election it seems. Sadly. Please take a class and learn how the President is elected in the US. Hint: it’s not the popular vote.

He took office as the recession was hitting, don't be an idiot. He was not the cause of it. And no, there was no guarantee the only way to go was up, who told you this?
Bush was the cause but Obama spent $8trn getting us out of it and never exited the endless wars that Bush started.

Yeah....that's usually how you get out of a recession, you spend. Now, what's Trump's excuse for a near trillion dollar deficit while we are not in a recession? Why are the deficits going up now?

Why do Republicans and conservatives keep voting for politicians that raise deficits more than Democrats and then blame Democrats for the debt?

They are going up because entitlements are too high, we are still involved in stupid wars and he has yet to address entitlements. I am disappointed in his handling of the budget and healthcare.


Yes really. Get out of the wars and lower entitlements. We were at a deficit before the cuts too.
Trump's positions on trade and for and military aid (when he's not doing extortion) are probably unpopular overseas even while they may be good for America. But his personal loathsomeness and inability to be the least bit civil to anyone who doesn't lick his shoes, pretty much ruins any chance for him to win on the merits of his positions, like Reagan ultimately did.

Trump, thankfully, is more conservative than Reagan; and, has taught Republicans how to truly fight the 'Progressive Borg'.

You are crazy. Trump isn't conservative at all.
Not fiscally conservative, but the gop left that in 1980. Trump is nativist wants to limit immigration, esp from non-white countries with some exception for skilled workers who benefit capital by keeping wages down. It's impossible to say exactly what his "consititional literalist" judges will do. What happens when the constitution's literal words (like congress has power to levy taxes and spend) are contrary to judges opinions on Obamacare?

Trump has broken the mold, but the gop stopped being conservative even before W and he killed any conservatism left.

The GOP was never "conservative".

The GOP is a political party. Their only goal is to win at politics.

Political parties.... all political parties... only exist for one purpose. It has nothing to do with ideology, or some fundamental view on how things work.

The purpose of all political parties, is to win at politics.

Politics in the U.S. has always been a bloodsport, cooter.

He took office as the recession was hitting, don't be an idiot. He was not the cause of it. And no, there was no guarantee the only way to go was up, who told you this?
Bush was the cause but Obama spent $8trn getting us out of it and never exited the endless wars that Bush started.

Yeah....that's usually how you get out of a recession, you spend. Now, what's Trump's excuse for a near trillion dollar deficit while we are not in a recession? Why are the deficits going up now?

Why do Republicans and conservatives keep voting for politicians that raise deficits more than Democrats and then blame Democrats for the debt?

They are going up because entitlements are too high, we are still involved in stupid wars and he has yet to address entitlements. I am disappointed in his handling of the budget and healthcare.


Yes really. Get out of the wars and lower entitlements. We were at a deficit before the cuts too.

Let's see. Obama lowers deficits and Trump raises them but let's not blame Trump for that. OK, obviously no reason to take you seriously.
Trump's positions on trade and for and military aid (when he's not doing extortion) are probably unpopular overseas even while they may be good for America. But his personal loathsomeness and inability to be the least bit civil to anyone who doesn't lick his shoes, pretty much ruins any chance for him to win on the merits of his positions, like Reagan ultimately did.

Trump, thankfully, is more conservative than Reagan; and, has taught Republicans how to truly fight the 'Progressive Borg'.

You are crazy. Trump isn't conservative at all.
Not fiscally conservative, but the gop left that in 1980. Trump is nativist wants to limit immigration, esp from non-white countries with some exception for skilled workers who benefit capital by keeping wages down. It's impossible to say exactly what his "consititional literalist" judges will do. What happens when the constitution's literal words (like congress has power to levy taxes and spend) are contrary to judges opinions on Obamacare?

Trump has broken the mold, but the gop stopped being conservative even before W and he killed any conservatism left.

The GOP was never "conservative".

The GOP is a political party. Their only goal is to win at politics.

Political parties.... all political parties... only exist for one purpose. It has nothing to do with ideology, or some fundamental view on how things work.

The purpose of all political parties, is to win at politics.

Politics in the U.S. has always been a bloodsport, cooter.


I would not disagree with that comment. I was only saying the idea that conservatism has a political party, is not true.

The GOP is far less interested in pushing an ideology, as they are pushing to win.

But sure, politics is dirty. I get that.
Bush was the cause but Obama spent $8trn getting us out of it and never exited the endless wars that Bush started.

Yeah....that's usually how you get out of a recession, you spend. Now, what's Trump's excuse for a near trillion dollar deficit while we are not in a recession? Why are the deficits going up now?

Why do Republicans and conservatives keep voting for politicians that raise deficits more than Democrats and then blame Democrats for the debt?

They are going up because entitlements are too high, we are still involved in stupid wars and he has yet to address entitlements. I am disappointed in his handling of the budget and healthcare.


Yes really. Get out of the wars and lower entitlements. We were at a deficit before the cuts too.

Let's see. Obama lowers deficits and Trump raises them but let's not blame Trump for that. OK, obviously no reason to take you seriously.
He also lowered the corporate rate, halted corporate inversions and wages are up notably because of historic unemployment. Tough to take you seriously when all you do is criticize. I agreed With you that I am disappointed at his handling of the budget and healthcare. You’re such a loser Leftist.
Trump's positions on trade and for and military aid (when he's not doing extortion) are probably unpopular overseas even while they may be good for America. But his personal loathsomeness and inability to be the least bit civil to anyone who doesn't lick his shoes, pretty much ruins any chance for him to win on the merits of his positions, like Reagan ultimately did.

Trump, thankfully, is more conservative than Reagan; and, has taught Republicans how to truly fight the 'Progressive Borg'.

You are crazy. Trump isn't conservative at all.
Not fiscally conservative, but the gop left that in 1980. Trump is nativist wants to limit immigration, esp from non-white countries with some exception for skilled workers who benefit capital by keeping wages down. It's impossible to say exactly what his "consititional literalist" judges will do. What happens when the constitution's literal words (like congress has power to levy taxes and spend) are contrary to judges opinions on Obamacare?

Trump has broken the mold, but the gop stopped being conservative even before W and he killed any conservatism left.

The GOP was never "conservative".

The GOP is a political party. Their only goal is to win at politics.

Political parties.... all political parties... only exist for one purpose. It has nothing to do with ideology, or some fundamental view on how things work.

The purpose of all political parties, is to win at politics.
eh, well the fall of the Soviet Empire ended much of the raison detre for the Post WWII and Post-Vietnam gop.

and Reagan and JFK and presumably Goldwater were all ok with being one termers if it meant not compromising their core reasons to want the job
Kids hate strict parents.

Strict parents raise better kids.

That's why Trump is such a piece of shit. His father used his money to buy Donnie's way out of trouble throughout his adult life. He sent Donnie to three military schools in an effort to teach Dumb Donald some discipline. Trump was expelled from two of them. Fred bailed out Donnie's business losses to the tune of $1 billion, in the 1980's.

When Fred stopped funding Donnie's business fiascos, his businesses started going bankrupt, and that trend continues, unabated, to this day. Trump Hotel Toronto, which was managed by the Trump Corporation, although owned by Russian interests, went bankrupt in 2016 as Trump campaigned for the Presidency.

This is the first time Donald Trump has ever been forced to go to trial for any of illegal and corrupt activities.
Yeah....that's usually how you get out of a recession, you spend. Now, what's Trump's excuse for a near trillion dollar deficit while we are not in a recession? Why are the deficits going up now?

Why do Republicans and conservatives keep voting for politicians that raise deficits more than Democrats and then blame Democrats for the debt?

They are going up because entitlements are too high, we are still involved in stupid wars and he has yet to address entitlements. I am disappointed in his handling of the budget and healthcare.


Yes really. Get out of the wars and lower entitlements. We were at a deficit before the cuts too.

Let's see. Obama lowers deficits and Trump raises them but let's not blame Trump for that. OK, obviously no reason to take you seriously.
He also lowered the corporate rate, halted corporate inversions and wages are up notably because of historic unemployment. Tough to take you seriously when all you do is criticize. I agreed With you that I am disappointed at his handling of the budget and healthcare. You’re such a loser Leftist.
Wages are up marginally. Cutting taxes, practically bullying the fed to keep rates low and raising deficits. I can only imagine how this idiot would actually deal with a recession instead of the great start that Obama gave him. Kind of like what Clinton handed Bush who then blew it up.

Conservatives shouldn't be trusted with money.
Kids hate strict parents.

Strict parents raise better kids.

That's why Trump is such a piece of shit. His father used his money to buy Donnie's way out of trouble throughout his adult life. He sent Donnie to three military schools in an effort to teach Dumb Donald some discipline. Trump was expelled from two of them. Fred bailed out Donnie's business losses to the tune of $1 billion, in the 1980's.

When Fred stopped funding Donnie's business fiascos, his businesses started going bankrupt, and that trend continues, unabated, to this day. Trump Hotel Toronto, which was managed by the Trump Corporation, although owned by Russian interests, went bankrupt in 2016 as Trump campaigned for the Presidency.

This is the first time Donald Trump has ever been forced to go to trial for any of illegal and corrupt activities.
You’re not even American. I hope your knee feels a lot worse.
They are going up because entitlements are too high, we are still involved in stupid wars and he has yet to address entitlements. I am disappointed in his handling of the budget and healthcare.


Yes really. Get out of the wars and lower entitlements. We were at a deficit before the cuts too.

Let's see. Obama lowers deficits and Trump raises them but let's not blame Trump for that. OK, obviously no reason to take you seriously.
He also lowered the corporate rate, halted corporate inversions and wages are up notably because of historic unemployment. Tough to take you seriously when all you do is criticize. I agreed With you that I am disappointed at his handling of the budget and healthcare. You’re such a loser Leftist.
Wages are up marginally. Cutting taxes, practically bullying the fed to keep rates low and raising deficits. I can only imagine how this idiot would actually deal with a recession instead of the great start that Obama gave him. Kind of like what Clinton handed Bush who then blew it up.

Conservatives shouldn't be trusted with money.
You think Trump is a “conservative” LMAO. Great start? Obama spent more than all the prior presidents combined. You’re crazy.
Yes really. Get out of the wars and lower entitlements. We were at a deficit before the cuts too.

Let's see. Obama lowers deficits and Trump raises them but let's not blame Trump for that. OK, obviously no reason to take you seriously.
He also lowered the corporate rate, halted corporate inversions and wages are up notably because of historic unemployment. Tough to take you seriously when all you do is criticize. I agreed With you that I am disappointed at his handling of the budget and healthcare. You’re such a loser Leftist.
Wages are up marginally. Cutting taxes, practically bullying the fed to keep rates low and raising deficits. I can only imagine how this idiot would actually deal with a recession instead of the great start that Obama gave him. Kind of like what Clinton handed Bush who then blew it up.

Conservatives shouldn't be trusted with money.
You think Trump is a “conservative” LMAO. Great start? Obama spent more than all the prior presidents combined. You’re crazy.

I think Trump is conservative adjacent elected by conservatives.

Obama had to fix the economy, he lowered deficits over time. Trump is raising them. You voted for a guy who is raising deficits and in control of a slower economy than Obama.

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