The world in turmoil and Obozo busy picking the Presidential Brackets.....

Kenneth D. Ackerman: Congress' Calendar for 2013: 239 Days Off

While right wing pundits are busy criticizing Obama’s leisure time, there is an eerie silence on the leisure time of Congress. The present do-nothing Congress makes Obama look like a work horse.

This week, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor proudly announced the calendar for the new Congress in 2013. Here's the link. Working days for the entire year total 126, leaving 239 days off. This includes virtually the whole month of August, two weeks around Easter/Passover, not a single five-day work week and (God forbid) no weekends.
Members insist, of course, that they accomplish lots during those recesses -- or "District work periods" as they call them. And Congressional staff members, to their credit, work extremely hard with plenty of late nights and long hours.

For this, Members of Congress receive an annual salary of $174,000 ($223,500 for the Speaker), and, if the past few years are any guide, they will enact no budget, no regular appropriations bills, nor other key legislation. (That is, the House will pass bills that die in the Senate, Senate-passed bills will die in the House, and occasionally they will agree on naming a Post Office if such things still exist in 2014.) They will, however, take plenty of taxpayer-funded "fact finding trips," hold plenty of showboat hearings, and spend much of their time hawking for campaign contributions.

Half of them are subversive democrats, and a good portion of the other half want to be subversive Democrats!
So, what would it be like knowing the President was rooting against you?

I'd want to make sure he doesn't have any money on it. Otherwise, he might Seal Team 6 your ass!

Unfortunately many of the heroic Seal Team 6 were killed by Joe Biden...

The families of three fallen Navy SEAL Team Six members say President Obama and Vice President Biden are culpable for the deaths of their sons …Attorney: 'He should even be held criminally accountable'

Biden now blamed in SEAL Team 6 deaths

That's old news.

Klayman has since gone on to sue Karsai, and the Taliban for that helicopter crash.

SEAL Team 6 families sue Taliban, al-Qaida

If Larry Klayman is involved in something, it's guaranteed to be a steaming pile of bullshit.
Kenneth D. Ackerman: Congress' Calendar for 2013: 239 Days Off

While right wing pundits are busy criticizing Obama’s leisure time, there is an eerie silence on the leisure time of Congress. The present do-nothing Congress makes Obama look like a work horse.

This week, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor proudly announced the calendar for the new Congress in 2013. Here's the link. Working days for the entire year total 126, leaving 239 days off. This includes virtually the whole month of August, two weeks around Easter/Passover, not a single five-day work week and (God forbid) no weekends.
Members insist, of course, that they accomplish lots during those recesses -- or "District work periods" as they call them. And Congressional staff members, to their credit, work extremely hard with plenty of late nights and long hours.

For this, Members of Congress receive an annual salary of $174,000 ($223,500 for the Speaker), and, if the past few years are any guide, they will enact no budget, no regular appropriations bills, nor other key legislation. (That is, the House will pass bills that die in the Senate, Senate-passed bills will die in the House, and occasionally they will agree on naming a Post Office if such things still exist in 2014.) They will, however, take plenty of taxpayer-funded "fact finding trips," hold plenty of showboat hearings, and spend much of their time hawking for campaign contributions.

Half of them are subversive democrats, and a good portion of the other half want to be subversive Democrats!
Which one did YOU vote for?
Kenneth D. Ackerman: Congress' Calendar for 2013: 239 Days Off

While right wing pundits are busy criticizing Obama’s leisure time, there is an eerie silence on the leisure time of Congress. The present do-nothing Congress makes Obama look like a work horse.

Half of them are subversive democrats, and a good portion of the other half want to be subversive Democrats!
Which one did YOU vote for?

The Non-Obuma!
George W. Bush and the Republicans did nothing when Putin went into Georgia.

Meanwhile Obama's latest sanction move just tanked blue chip stocks in Russia. So, Obozo is allowed to pick his brackets. Contrary to the morons on the right, he's actually the tough guy on Russia whereas they were not.
So, what would it be like knowing the President was rooting against you?

I'd want to make sure he doesn't have any money on it. Otherwise, he might Seal Team 6 your ass!

Unfortunately many of the heroic Seal Team 6 were killed by Joe Biden...

The families of three fallen Navy SEAL Team Six members say President Obama and Vice President Biden are culpable for the deaths of their sons …Attorney: 'He should even be held criminally accountable'

Biden now blamed in SEAL Team 6 deaths

Which is why that point guard better hit the jumper!
So much for any kind of LASER LIKE FOCUS on ANYTHING that is important to our, and the world's safety! All this guy gives a damn about is HIMSELF, his GOLF GAME, and BASKETBALL!


Uh ya. And like maybe drawing attention to pro sports doesn't have economic benefits of benefit to the economy overall. It's just for his personal pleasure.

Grow up.
President Omama!
President Putin is on the line and promises to withdraw from Crimea if you talk to him right away

Obama: Not now, I'm doing my bracket

I can see why Conservatives are outraged
So much for any kind of LASER LIKE FOCUS on ANYTHING that is important to our, and the world's safety! All this guy gives a damn about is HIMSELF, his GOLF GAME, and BASKETBALL!

article-2584364-1C6AE9EB00000578-727_634x345.jpg the guy cant kick back and just be a guy for a few hours? you do your job 24 hours a day?....everyone needs a break from the stress of the day....even the President....

Harry, the fucking guy is PRESIDENT! With Russia threatening, Obozocare failing, and the Democrats RUNNING away from him like he actually was a Communist ie. on Wed. Demoncrat Sen. Claire McCaskill said, "I do believe a $17 trillion debt is irresponsible. I do believe that." You think he should have time for a fucking hour or more of picking basketball teams?.... He could do that after 11 P.M.! :cuckoo:

How is the affordable healthcare act failing? Besides the initial problems with the website, which appear to have been improved, millions of people having access to healthcare who did not before, would seem to be positive, and in the long run, it is going to create more business for the insurance companies.

That is not failure, that is success. Maybe that is what REALLY disturbs those who hate the current President.
I don't understand Obama. Is he really that clueless politically?

Doesn't he realize that if he makes a March Madness Bracket that FoxNews will complain and hundreds of rightwing posters will start threads about it?

Doesn't he realize that if he takes a vacation FoxNews will broadcast how much it costs and hundreds of posters will complain about it?

Doesn't he realize that if he plays golf Conservatives will keep track of how many rounds he has played in the last five years and we will get more threads?

Obama needs to realize that he needs to just stay home and not give the appearance that he has a personal offends conservatives the guy cant kick back and just be a guy for a few hours? you do your job 24 hours a day?....everyone needs a break from the stress of the day....even the President....

Harry, the fucking guy is PRESIDENT! With Russia threatening, Obozocare failing, and the Democrats RUNNING away from him like he actually was a Communist ie. on Wed. Demoncrat Sen. Claire McCaskill said, "I do believe a $17 trillion debt is irresponsible. I do believe that." You think he should have time for a fucking hour or more of picking basketball teams?.... He could do that after 11 P.M.! :cuckoo:

How is the affordable healthcare act failing? Besides the initial problems with the website, which appear to have been improved, millions of people having access to healthcare who did not before, would seem to be positive, and in the long run, it is going to create more business for the insurance companies.

That is not failure, that is success. Maybe that is what REALLY disturbs those who hate the current President.

Obamacare May Be Failing the Uninsured

The entire goal of Obamacare was to expand health coverage to the uninsured—but the majority of people who have signed up for Obamacare already had insurance.

That’s according to a new survey from the McKinsey consulting firm, which found that just 27 percent of the 4 million Obamacare enrollees were previously uninsured. That means that the majority of those signing up for Obamacare had previous insurance of some kind—whether they were kicked off their old policies, or they found a better deal on the exchanges.
Harry, the fucking guy is PRESIDENT! With Russia threatening, Obozocare failing, and the Democrats RUNNING away from him like he actually was a Communist ie. on Wed. Demoncrat Sen. Claire McCaskill said, "I do believe a $17 trillion debt is irresponsible. I do believe that." You think he should have time for a fucking hour or more of picking basketball teams?.... He could do that after 11 P.M.! :cuckoo:

How is the affordable healthcare act failing? Besides the initial problems with the website, which appear to have been improved, millions of people having access to healthcare who did not before, would seem to be positive, and in the long run, it is going to create more business for the insurance companies.

That is not failure, that is success. Maybe that is what REALLY disturbs those who hate the current President.

Obamacare May Be Failing the Uninsured

The entire goal of Obamacare was to expand health coverage to the uninsured—but the majority of people who have signed up for Obamacare already had insurance.

That’s according to a new survey from the McKinsey consulting firm, which found that just 27 percent of the 4 million Obamacare enrollees were previously uninsured. That means that the majority of those signing up for Obamacare had previous insurance of some kind—whether they were kicked off their old policies, or they found a better deal on the exchanges.

And the point of this survey is what? The Affordable Healthcare Care went to into effect in January. How can a program that is is meant to be a process over time be deemed a failure in less than 90 days? At best, that is an alarmist reaction by those who actually WANT the initiative to fail.

Outside of that, if people have obtained BETTER rates under the new system and 27 % of those were previously uninsured, that is still not a failure.
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How is the affordable healthcare act failing? Besides the initial problems with the website, which appear to have been improved, millions of people having access to healthcare who did not before, would seem to be positive, and in the long run, it is going to create more business for the insurance companies.

That is not failure, that is success. Maybe that is what REALLY disturbs those who hate the current President.

Obamacare May Be Failing the Uninsured

The entire goal of Obamacare was to expand health coverage to the uninsured—but the majority of people who have signed up for Obamacare already had insurance.

That’s according to a new survey from the McKinsey consulting firm, which found that just 27 percent of the 4 million Obamacare enrollees were previously uninsured. That means that the majority of those signing up for Obamacare had previous insurance of some kind—whether they were kicked off their old policies, or they found a better deal on the exchanges.

And the point of this survey is what? The Affordable Healthcare Care went to into effect in January. How can a program that is is meant to be a process over time be deemed a failure in less than 90 days. At best, that is an alarmist reaction by those who actually WANT the initiative fail.

Outside of that if people have obtained BETTER rates under the new system and 27 % of those were previously uninsured, that is still not a failure.

Simply because it hasn't come anywhere near it stated goal of getting 7 million PREVIOUSLY uninsured, INSURED. Only a little over a million have done so and the deadline is in less than 2 weeks....BUT I'm sure the Manchurian muslim will unconstitutionally CHANGE the law again to extend that period of time! In the meantime over 5 million people that were insured have had their policies cancelled, and the full effects of this law on most won't be felt until 2015 now, as the poser has held off the law unconstitutionally by pushing implementation back again!

BTW...Insurers see double-digit Obamacare price rises in many states next year
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