The World Mocks Your President

The amusing thing is that I live out in the world. Fuckwit43 was mocked ceaselessly and unmercifully.

Obama restored some respect to the US.

Hair Drumpf will remove that the day of his inauguration, even though the rest of the world will be better off with him as president. Pity the Americans I like and respect along with Trump's moron supporters will have to bear the burden of America being worse off.
Apparently, the world mocking Obama is because of racism instead of weakness and incompetence. It's pretty much "The Obama Story" propagated not so much by him but by his low-IQ followers.

Obama is one of the biggest black racists in the world.Just remember his racist daddy Jeremiah Wright.
That is just something in your perverted and sick mind Baron. You really have absolutely no credibility after posting the graphic you posted in post #8. It stands out like a sign around your neck screaming that you are a warped racist of the lowest denominator. You calling Obama a racist shows your depth of stupidity and pure ignorance.

Today any white shall be a proud racist if he/she want to survive.
No guilty complex anymore.
Russian propaganda has done well over the last few years in the USA. Its success could and can be seen right here at USMB. A key group of posters and agent provocateurs has managed to assemble significant numbers of dupes or, unwitting and poorly informed or misinformed Americans to echo and mimic the Russian state propaganda at sites like this one as if it were viable and reliable, accurate and true. This has been made possible by the constant and persistent hate mongering towards the US government and "liberals" and "Democrats", ignoring the fact that that they are stereotyping and demonizing at least half, and probably more than half the Amerian population.
Look at the graphic in post #8 and remember it the next time Trump supporters whine and bitch about being called racist.
You're pretty inconsistent there Campy. You bemoan Reagan's success in bringing down the Soviets and now you are railing against "Russian propaganda" because you imagine it brought down a decidedly anti-Russian candidate (and a complete sleaze).

The only reason I can think of is that Russia is no longer the workers paradise that you envision for America.
You traitorous bahs=turd, you give Reagan too much credit. But at leastt he seemed to have America's interests at heart. We are now about to inaugurate a man who, from the looks of things, has been mesmerized by a modern day Rasputin .
Today any white shall be a proud racist if he/she want to survive.
No guilty complex anymore.
Though it appears America can do a much better job of mocking itself than ever any foreigner could do.
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Russian propaganda has done well over the last few years in the USA. Its success could and can be seen right here at USMB. A key group of posters and agent provocateurs has managed to assemble significant numbers of dupes or, unwitting and poorly informed or misinformed Americans to echo and mimic the Russian state propaganda at sites like this one as if it were viable and reliable, accurate and true. This has been made possible by the constant and persistent hate mongering towards the US government and "liberals" and "Democrats", ignoring the fact that that they are stereotyping and demonizing at least half, and probably more than half the Amerian population.
Look at the graphic in post #8 and remember it the next time Trump supporters whine and bitch about being called racist.
You're pretty inconsistent there Campy. You bemoan Reagan's success in bringing down the Soviets and now you are railing against "Russian propaganda" because you imagine it brought down a decidedly anti-Russian candidate (and a complete sleaze).

The only reason I can think of is that Russia is no longer the workers paradise that you envision for America.
I don't bemoan Reagan. I give him the credit he deserves for his involvement with desolving the USSR. I just don't ignore the others that had just as much and maybe more to do with it. True, I do not praise Reagan and hold the opinion that the Pope and Gorby were bigger factors than Reagan, but that is a subjective opinion. My objection to Reagan mostly regards his poor response to terrorist attacks that I and many experts believe led to the acceptance of terrorism as a viable and acceptable political tactic. That is not a subjective opinion. It is an objective fact.
Russian propaganda has done well over the last few years in the USA. Its success could and can be seen right here at USMB. A key group of posters and agent provocateurs has managed to assemble significant numbers of dupes or, unwitting and poorly informed or misinformed Americans to echo and mimic the Russian state propaganda at sites like this one as if it were viable and reliable, accurate and true. This has been made possible by the constant and persistent hate mongering towards the US government and "liberals" and "Democrats", ignoring the fact that that they are stereotyping and demonizing at least half, and probably more than half the Amerian population.
Look at the graphic in post #8 and remember it the next time Trump supporters whine and bitch about being called racist.
You're pretty inconsistent there Campy. You bemoan Reagan's success in bringing down the Soviets and now you are railing against "Russian propaganda" because you imagine it brought down a decidedly anti-Russian candidate (and a complete sleaze).

The only reason I can think of is that Russia is no longer the workers paradise that you envision for America.
You traitorous bahs=turd, you give Reagan too much credit. But at leastt he seemed to have America's interests at heart. We are now about to inaugurate a man who, from the looks of things, has been mesmerized by a modern day Rasputin .
Isn't it time to put on your "big girl"pantsuit? The Beast lost the election because she and her staff were sleazy and sloppy. Obama's legacy failed because he was weak and facilitating. All the petulance and whining in the world is not going to change that.
My objection to Reagan mostly regards his poor response to terrorist attacks that I and many experts believe led to the acceptance of terrorism as a viable and acceptable political tactic. That is not a subjective opinion. It is an objective fact.
Not the sharpest tack at the best of times, I know, but see if you can spot the contradiction.

That people like you are entitled to vote is indeed disturbing, but Trump won anyway.
My objection to Reagan mostly regards his poor response to terrorist attacks that I and many experts believe led to the acceptance of terrorism as a viable and acceptable political tactic. That is not a subjective opinion. It is an objective fact.
Not the sharpest tack at the best of times, I know, but see if you can spot the contradiction.

That people like you are entitled to vote is indeed disturbing, but Trump won anyway.
No contradiction. Terrorism specifically aimed at American targets by middle eastern terrorist was practically non-existent unless you count the take over of the Iranian Embassy. American targets took hold under the Reagan administration, particularly with the bombing of our Embassy in Beruit followed by the bombing of the Marine Barracks that killed over 240 Marines and maimed more. Those attacks alone caused a perceptible victory for the terrorist and caused Reagan to pull out and run without viable retaliation or justice dealt for the perpetrators or those attacks. Simply google terrorism of the eighties to see what followed and ended with the Christmas present that was given to Reagan just before he left office. It is best known as the Lockerbie Bombing when an American commercial jet full of Americans, including students, was bombed out of the sky.
The amusing thing is that I live out in the world. Fuckwit43 was mocked ceaselessly and unmercifully.

Obama restored some respect to the US.

Hair Drumpf will remove that the day of his inauguration, even though the rest of the world will be better off with him as president. Pity the Americans I like and respect along with Trump's moron supporters will have to bear the burden of America being worse off.
Your world must consist of a very small orb. I too live in the real world and have rarely heard anything approaching admiration or support toward Obama. It is mostly derision, disbelief that an American would act that way, and outright scorn. This from most of My leftist friends.
Russia hacks our country and all you can do is attack our president? Who's side are you on?

He may be yours. He has caused far more damage to the Republic than could the Russians short of war.

And I am on my side.
My objection to Reagan mostly regards his poor response to terrorist attacks that I and many experts believe led to the acceptance of terrorism as a viable and acceptable political tactic. That is not a subjective opinion. It is an objective fact.
Not the sharpest tack at the best of times, I know, but see if you can spot the contradiction.

That people like you are entitled to vote is indeed disturbing, but Trump won anyway.
No contradiction. Terrorism specifically aimed at American targets by middle eastern terrorist was practically non-existent unless you count the take over of the Iranian Embassy. American targets took hold under the Reagan administration, particularly with the bombing of our Embassy in Beruit followed by the bombing of the Marine Barracks that killed over 240 Marines and maimed more. Those attacks alone caused a perceptible victory for the terrorist and caused Reagan to pull out and run without viable retaliation or justice dealt for the perpetrators or those attacks. Simply google terrorism of the eighties to see what followed and ended with the Christmas present that was given to Reagan just before he left office. It is best known as the Lockerbie Bombing when an American commercial jet full of Americans, including students, was bombed out of the sky.
When your "expert" opinion is deemed objective rather than subjective, in other words, when hell freezes over, there will have been no contradiction in your ponderous statement.

I doubt many others are share your idea that your opinions are objective and therefore gospel truth.
The world's been mocking our president for at least four years. That's about the hopeychangey thing came tumbling down along with Red Lines and so on.

When it comes to those who disagree with our president, Matthew only sees in color. I'm so glad the conservatives didn't feel the need to leave school early due to the voting results, schedule city wide protests and vandalism, allow the media to entertain a whole list of excuses and conspiracy theories to discredit an election, and give audience to political ideologues [like Michael Moore today] to encourage inauguration disruptions when Obama was president elect. Imagine the fuel that would have been given to the left had that occurred, from those who love to seek out their "racist boogie-men" of those who oppose their liberal ideology.
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The world's been mocking our president for at least four years. That's about the hopeychangey thing came tumbling down along with Red Lines and so on.

When it comes to those who disagree with our president, Matthew only sees in color. I'm so glad the conservatives didn't feel the need to leave school early due to the voting results, schedule city wide protests and vandalism, allow the media to entertain a whole list of excuses and conspiracy theories to discredit an election, and give audience to political ideologues [like Michael Moore today] to encourage inauguration disruptions when Obama was president elect. Imagine the fuel that would have been given to the left had that occurred, from those who love to seek out their "racist boogie-men" of those who their oppose liberal ideology.

The Left always fails to see the hypocrisy of their positions.

To them, they are whatever they do, is right.
The world's been mocking our president for at least four years. That's about the hopeychangey thing came tumbling down along with Red Lines and so on.

When it comes to those who disagree with our president, Matthew only sees in color. I'm so glad the conservatives didn't feel the need to leave school early due to the voting results, schedule city wide protests and vandalism, allow the media to entertain a whole list of excuses and conspiracy theories to discredit an election, and give audience to political ideologues [like Michael Moore today] to encourage inauguration disruptions when Obama was president elect. Imagine the fuel that would have been given to the left had that occurred, from those who love to seek out their "racist boogie-men" of those who their oppose liberal ideology.

The Left always fails to see the hypocrisy of their positions.

To them, they are whatever they do, is right.

There is definitely hypocrisy among liberals who cry wolf, as well as an inability to cope with an individual holding a difference of opinion.
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I don't see how any more U.S. sanctions on Russia will have any effect. The present ones and the drop in oil prices have already made the Russian economy a disaster.
Apparently, the world mocking Obama is because of racism instead of weakness and incompetence. It's pretty much "The Obama Story" propagated not so much by him but by his low-IQ followers.

I suspect you'll have a change of heart about Trump.

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