The World Mocks Your President

"“We will not create problems for U.S. diplomats. We won’t expel anyone,” Putin said in a statement posted on the Kremlin’s website. “We will not prevent their families and children from using their usual traditional leisure sites during the New Year’s holidays. Moreover, I am invite all children of US diplomats accredited in Russia to the New Year and Christmas children’s parties in the Kremlin.”

“Although we have the right to retaliate, we will not resort to irresponsible ‘kitchen’ diplomacy, but will plan our further steps to restore Russian-U.S. relations based on the policies of the Trump administration,” Putin said.

“It is sad that the Obama administration that began its life by restoring cooperation is ending it with an anti-Russia agony. RIP," Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev tweeted early Friday.

~ attempts to hold it in and fails ~ BUAHAHAHAHAHA
In other words, my soon to be white bitch, ie Trump is coming into office and we will have a brain in the white house to do our we will be patient!!
Well you know, us 63 million Trump voters are all Russian spies...
Perhaps, but you are also, stupid, ignorant, careless, racist, brainless, insane, uneducated, poor, dumb, clueless, bypolar and down right fucked up in the head.....being spies is the least of your problems
Thread summary:

Obama spanked Trump's ass and Putin's ass.

That made Trump and Putin look like wusses.

That makes all the Trump/Putin followers (they're the same group) look like wusses.

That means the entire planet is laughing hard at the Trump-losers.

That's making the Trump-losers cry.

Trump-losers, what will you cry about each day when Obama is gone? You know you have to cry about something. If you don't cry six times before breakfast, you get withdrawal shakes. I suggest you take off those pajamas, buck up, and learn not to be such delicate snowflakes.
Russia hacks our country and all you can do is attack our president? Who's side are you on?
You laughed your ass off when they threw shoes at President Bush. This is your KARMA coming home to roost!

It was not a Russian who tossed a shoe at President Bush, but facts never seem to make it into you interesting thought process.
No it was a Muslim and ewe assholes laughed your asses off!

It was funny,

Yes, and Putin kicking obummer's ass is funny too! We got it.

Putin is not kickin Obama's ass...what he is doing is greasin up for some good ol ass fuckin from that pussy grabbing soon to be dick inserting Tweet......I just hope it hurts!!
Thread summary:

Obama spanked Trump's ass and Putin's ass.

That made Trump and Putin look like wusses.

That makes all the Trump/Putin followers (they're the same group) look like wusses.

That means the entire planet is laughing hard at the Trump-losers.

That's making the Trump-losers cry.

Trump-losers, what will you cry about each day when Obama is gone? You know you have to cry about something. If you don't cry six times before breakfast, you get withdrawal shakes. I suggest you take off those pajamas, buck up, and learn not to be such delicate snowflakes.
With Treet in charge, they'll turn on each other and Im gonna love it
Thread summary:

Obama spanked Trump's ass and Putin's ass.

That made Trump and Putin look like wusses.

That makes all the Trump/Putin followers (they're the same group) look like wusses.

That means the entire planet is laughing hard at the Trump-losers.

That's making the Trump-losers cry.

Trump-losers, what will you cry about each day when Obama is gone? You know you have to cry about something. If you don't cry six times before breakfast, you get withdrawal shakes. I suggest you take off those pajamas, buck up, and learn not to be such delicate snowflakes.
With Treet in charge, they'll turn on each other and Im gonna love it

We'll be lucky to live through it.
Russia hacks our country and all you can do is attack our president? Who's side are you on?
For myself , I am on the side of President Trump and hopefully his friendship with Putin and Israel. I have nothing but contempt for this stinking Kenyan. The enemy (Putin) of our enemy (Obama) is our friend. The fucker has no business blowing up international relations three weeks before his black ass leaves OUR White House.
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I don't see how any more U.S. sanctions on Russia will have any effect. The present ones and the drop in oil prices have already made the Russian economy a disaster.

It hurts their economy and they are already struggling.
Russian propaganda has done well over the last few years in the USA. Its success could and can be seen right here at USMB. A key group of posters and agent provocateurs has managed to assemble significant numbers of dupes or, unwitting and poorly informed or misinformed Americans to echo and mimic the Russian state propaganda at sites like this one as if it were viable and reliable, accurate and true. This has been made possible by the constant and persistent hate mongering towards the US government and "liberals" and "Democrats", ignoring the fact that that they are stereotyping and demonizing at least half, and probably more than half the Amerian population.
Look at the graphic in post #8 and remember it the next time Trump supporters whine and bitch about being called racist.
Putin is 100 times the leader Obama is. You have to admire competence. Obama doesn't have it.
Most of the meatheads in here were shitting their diapers while we watched Carter turn the USA into a laughingstock. Never thought we'd ever see it again too.........

But one thing is very clear after this embarrassment...........this is what you get when you put a progressive limpwrister like Carter or Soetero in charge of foreign policy.:deal: Just like when I am around a progressive, Putin knows Soetero has no balls. You always know when you are standing in front of a man with no balls. You cant have a president with no balls running your foreign policy.:gay:

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