the worsst disease, diabetics.

i just discover the bag of peanut m & m's...there should be 10 in there....i can eat 10 if i go walk right is a sad thing to see an adult counting out the m & m's....
dude do you think i dont know this shit...i try not to have more than 15 carbs at a time.....i watch carbs sugar and all grandmother, mother and one uncle that i know of.....have this....

you dont drop 85 lbs in 6 months eating really need to stop being so fucking judge mental and read the posts you are quoting

I'm not trying to be judgmental, and I'm sorry if I come across that way. Both of my grandmothers had type 2 diabetes, with one of them very likely dying due to a related heart attack, and I'm sure my dad is on his way there as well. The simple fact, however, is that this disease is completely unnecessary, so I tend to evangelize a little bit. I would say, however, that perhaps you shouldn't be so sensitive in discussing it. After all, I haven't insulted you or belittled you for having diabetes. I didn't even know you had diabetes before you came into this thread announcing it. All I've said that type 2 diabetes can be avoided, and it can be gotten rid of. That's not an insult to you or anybody who has the disease.

Also, as I've said before, I'm obviously not familiar with your history, your exercise regimen, or the specifics of your diet, so when you say you've dropped 85 pounds in 6 months how could I have known that?

Now, you say you try not to eat "more than 15 carbs at a time." I'm not sure what this means. I doubt it means that you're eating 15 slices of bread in a sitting, since I can't imagine you'd have lost 85 pounds if that were the case. So you'd have to explain that a bit more. However, if you're not seeing the success that you want then you probably need to eliminate more carbs.

For example, I try very hard to only eat carbs when I've had a good workout. After an intense workout I'll have a handful of almonds and a banana for recovery. The almonds provide protein and the banana provides a reasonable amount of carbs. If I don't exercise, or do so only very lightly, then I'll avoid carbs completely that day because they're unnecessary.
o honey have you not read the article on.....diabetics and study contends we develop it due to our mean attitudes....another says we are just bitter over being diabetic...but i have found my temper is better now...that my bg is under control....

one slice of bread is too many carbs for me.....i eat about a third of slice of bread when i eat bread..i prefer a little more i eat things low in carbs...meat..veggies...

i am a fruit lover...and try to stick to small portions....bananas are high carb....

i use almond meal....for baking....mostly these muffins i make....lo carb till i hit them with cookie butter....that shit will kill me for sure...

i am sorry i missed the part where you had family...i am kinda quick to jump down peoples throats when they talk about a cure...

if this helps you a mother is 83...has the trifecta of heat disease, kidney disease and diabetes...she walks an hour a day now..but she is still ticking....

honey none of us make it out alive....
o honey have you not read the article on.....diabetics and study contends we develop it due to our mean attitudes....another says we are just bitter over being diabetic...but i have found my temper is better now...that my bg is under control....

one slice of bread is too many carbs for me.....i eat about a third of slice of bread when i eat bread..i prefer a little more i eat things low in carbs...meat..veggies...

i am a fruit lover...and try to stick to small portions....bananas are high carb....

i use almond meal....for baking....mostly these muffins i make....lo carb till i hit them with cookie butter....that shit will kill me for sure...

i am sorry i missed the part where you had family...i am kinda quick to jump down peoples throats when they talk about a cure...

if this helps you a mother is 83...has the trifecta of heat disease, kidney disease and diabetes...she walks an hour a day now..but she is still ticking....

honey none of us make it out alive....

Re anger issues.
Before I was diagnosed I could find myself getting stroke level angry over the stupidest stuff. Embarrassingly so. Once I got my sugar under control, a lot of that went away.
o honey have you not read the article on.....diabetics and study contends we develop it due to our mean attitudes....another says we are just bitter over being diabetic...but i have found my temper is better now...that my bg is under control....

one slice of bread is too many carbs for me.....i eat about a third of slice of bread when i eat bread..i prefer a little more i eat things low in carbs...meat..veggies...

i am a fruit lover...and try to stick to small portions....bananas are high carb....

i use almond meal....for baking....mostly these muffins i make....lo carb till i hit them with cookie butter....that shit will kill me for sure...

i am sorry i missed the part where you had family...i am kinda quick to jump down peoples throats when they talk about a cure...

if this helps you a mother is 83...has the trifecta of heat disease, kidney disease and diabetes...she walks an hour a day now..but she is still ticking....

honey none of us make it out alive....

Re anger issues.
Before I was diagnosed I could find myself getting stroke level angry over the stupidest stuff. Embarrassingly so. Once I got my sugar under control, a lot of that went away.

bingo....but i still get edgy quickly but i think that is just me....i think i am a militant diabetic i have had two really embarrassing things happen in the last week....
both times i end up having to say i am diabetic...and explain what i can and cant eat..which i had already done in an email to these people....then the other one..the manager of the place..calls across the dining room and asks why we are leaving...what is wrong? i have to tell him i cant eat most of the stuff on the menu due to its carb count...
I'm not convinced that a disease that is completely avoidable and curable, at least in the case of type 2 diabetes, can be considered the "worst disease."

It is not completely avoidable. anyone with it in their family will eventually get it as they get older.

I don't think there's any proof that Type II is genetic. Most of us who get it do so because of years of poor diet.

Check out the following site: Five Ways to Control Type 2 Diabetes
My great aunt her name in english was Jenny. She had diabetes. I would go to Kirkland Lake as a kid and I never knew or understood what this disease was because everyone just made it part of life.

I'd get up in the morning and I'd set the pot on boil and get the syringes ready for her. Pale beige with a soft sage on the rim.

We'd do this. Together. I loved her so. I thought her so brave. I don't know how you diabetics do it but kudos to you.

You are brave souls.
i dont feel brave most of the time i just feel pissed off....i hate the mental are always doing the mental many carbs...etc...if i eat this much longer before i can eat again....i am a grazer so i eat a lot....i am either eating or plotting my next meal or snack

great strides have been made with t1 and t2...i am on metformin....i try to walk a lot...i hope to avoid insulin for a long time

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