The worst Maintenance guy ever!My girlfriends 20 year old daughter gets her first taste of real life


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2017
Pittsburgh, PA
My girlfriends 20 year daughter just recently went off on her own. Her mother and I had a talk with her about our concerns that she isn't quite ready to go out on her own yet. Considering she didn't have much saved, only enough for security deposit and first month rent. The amount required for the apartment she was interested in. It took her about a year to save 1,300 bucks that she needed. So we thought that she wasn't quite ready and should wait until she was. We thought she should find a better paying job before she considered moving out. Maybe even a cheap car for reliable transportation. We even offered to buy her first car for a reasonable price. She wouldn't accept my offer because she wanted to do it all on her own to prove she can.

Well she works at a minimum wage job and its not 40 hrs a week. Her boyfriend suggested that they should split an apartment. He is also 20 years old making minimum wage with no money saved. They both were determined so we decided we weren't going to try to talk them out of it, and let them find out and learn on their own.

They ended up moving in an apartment for $551 a month plus gas, electric, and water. Their landlord is an older nice lady that is about to retire and sell her properties. She is impossible to get ahold of. She has maintenance man that maintains her properties. He is an older guy who said he is getting to old to do that job anymore but cant afford not to.

Problem 1- A light switch in the kitchen stopped working properly within their 1st 2 weeks, they told him about it still hasn't fixed it.

Problem 2- The bathroom vent started making very loud noise, few weeks after the kitchen switch. Told him still hasn't fixed it.

Problem 3- The shower head started leaking from the pipe it was connected to, still not fixed.

Problem 4- The front porch roof is staring to come down. 2 by 4s hanging and debris falling to the ground. Still not fixed.

Problem 5- Half of the basement lights stopped working, still not fixed.

Problem 6- The furnace stop blowing hot air on Monday, it is Friday now. Its fall, the temperatures freezing. We had her call him earlier, and asked if he could be there at 7, that is the time we all would be there after our little outing. He said that's to late, cant you stop whatever you doing and get home sooner. He didn't believe her daughter because according to him he just replaced the furnace last winter its brand new. Well that doesn't mean a problem wont occur.

This guy is unbelievable, he is responsible for maintaining some one elses rental property. He gets an attitude when they call and say there is a problem. He talks to them like they are idiots. Very disrespectful.
If you are getting to old to the point where you cant do the job no more, don't just keep it because of the money and not do your job. She needs a reliable worker and get rid of him. Problem is she is out of state for the past month and for the whole month to come. She never answers and when she does she says she will talk to him. Well no one can tell if she really has.

Don't have the responsibility of maintaining another persons rental property and feel that they have to work around you and that you can fix the problems whenever he feels to be convenient for him. Theirs been problems that needed fix for the past 3 months and not 1 has been addressed. Her daughter tells us this for the first time tonight. It is freezing, and they have no heat. I gave him a call myself and no answer. We bought them a few space heaters until we can fix the problem.

They been with out heat for 5 days when its freezing out side. Is this right? I have a few words to say to this guy.

Well her daughter got her first taste of being an adult. Dealing with complete idiots that don't do their job.

couldn't this get her landlord in big trouble? I own a couple rental properties but I have a good guy maintaining m property and if something needs fixed its fixed that same day.
Make a record of the calls. Have the problems fixed, and deduct the cost from rent. Include copy of invoices with reduced - rent check.

Landlady has a contractual obligation to provide habitable apartment.
Go online and check the renters rights for your state before taking action, there are differences, state to state. But usually, you inform the landlord through email or other proveable way and if they don't respond, then you can hire it done after a certain amount of time.
Sucks their first experience is this troublesome, but it sure can be a learning experience.
Make a record of the calls. Have the problems fixed, and deduct the cost from rent. Include copy of invoices with reduced - rent check.

Landlady has a contractual obligation to provide habitable apartment.
Make sure the girlfriend's daughter or the girlfriend's daughter's boyfriend has a private agreement with each repairman to add $125 to each invoice in the "padding" column in return for a $5 tip and a peek at the girlfriend's daughter's boobs.
couldn't this get her landlord in big trouble?
It's impossible to say since you didn't say how long the lease is for, nor whether the property owner has a drivers license.
The landlord offered a 1 year, 6 month, and month to month lease and her daughter chose the 6 month lease agreement. If the drivers license comment is referring to if she is a legal citizen or not? She is. If it has no legitimate reason to whether she does or not, that was a waste of a minute actually thinking about if her have a drivers license matters in any way.
Make a record of the calls. Have the problems fixed, and deduct the cost from rent. Include copy of invoices with reduced - rent check.

Landlady has a contractual obligation to provide habitable apartment.
Make sure the girlfriend's daughter or the girlfriend's daughter's boyfriend has a private agreement with each repairman to add $125 to each invoice in the "padding" column in return for a $5 tip and a peek at the girlfriend's daughter's boobs.
Go online and check the renters rights for your state before taking action, there are differences, state to state. But usually, you inform the landlord through email or other proveable way and if they don't respond, then you can hire it done after a certain amount of time.
Sucks their first experience is this troublesome, but it sure can be a learning experience.
Yea but you know what? She started to get an attitude about shit. When we wanted her to start to gain some sense of responsibility we asked her to pay 50 bucks a month. She had the whole attic. That price was more than fair. Her response was, "why should I help pay bills or rent". "She didn't clean her own dishes, or do her own laundry and would bitch if certain clothes wasn't clean." Eventually her mom got tired of her mouth and her daughter thought she knew it and could live on her own with no problem. So we said go then. Now she can see first hand how easy it is. How the unexpected expenses always seem to pop up at the worst times. Needless to say she apologized several times and admits she was wrong.
It wasn't about her not paying the 50 bucks a month, it was the fact she at all the food, never did her laundry, never did dishes, etc. and demand for things to be done or that they were suppose to be done already. So we felt hey let her see what its like. So after she apologized and admitted she was wrong, her whole attitude changed and when she needs something we are always here. I want her to feel the struggle, she had it easy her whole life and don't know what its like to struggle.

But yea I am going to have a talk with him tomorrow hopefully face to face
My girlfriends 20 year daughter just recently went off on her own. Her mother and I had a talk with her about our concerns that she isn't quite ready to go out on her own yet. Considering she didn't have much saved, only enough for security deposit and first month rent. The amount required for the apartment she was interested in. It took her about a year to save 1,300 bucks that she needed. So we thought that she wasn't quite ready and should wait until she was. We thought she should find a better paying job before she considered moving out. Maybe even a cheap car for reliable transportation. We even offered to buy her first car for a reasonable price. She wouldn't accept my offer because she wanted to do it all on her own to prove she can.

Well she works at a minimum wage job and its not 40 hrs a week. Her boyfriend suggested that they should split an apartment. He is also 20 years old making minimum wage with no money saved. They both were determined so we decided we weren't going to try to talk them out of it, and let them find out and learn on their own.

They ended up moving in an apartment for $551 a month plus gas, electric, and water. Their landlord is an older nice lady that is about to retire and sell her properties. She is impossible to get ahold of. She has maintenance man that maintains her properties. He is an older guy who said he is getting to old to do that job anymore but cant afford not to.

Problem 1- A light switch in the kitchen stopped working properly within their 1st 2 weeks, they told him about it still hasn't fixed it.

Problem 2- The bathroom vent started making very loud noise, few weeks after the kitchen switch. Told him still hasn't fixed it.

Problem 3- The shower head started leaking from the pipe it was connected to, still not fixed.

Problem 4- The front porch roof is staring to come down. 2 by 4s hanging and debris falling to the ground. Still not fixed.

Problem 5- Half of the basement lights stopped working, still not fixed.

Problem 6- The furnace stop blowing hot air on Monday, it is Friday now. Its fall, the temperatures freezing. We had her call him earlier, and asked if he could be there at 7, that is the time we all would be there after our little outing. He said that's to late, cant you stop whatever you doing and get home sooner. He didn't believe her daughter because according to him he just replaced the furnace last winter its brand new. Well that doesn't mean a problem wont occur.

This guy is unbelievable, he is responsible for maintaining some one elses rental property. He gets an attitude when they call and say there is a problem. He talks to them like they are idiots. Very disrespectful.
If you are getting to old to the point where you cant do the job no more, don't just keep it because of the money and not do your job. She needs a reliable worker and get rid of him. Problem is she is out of state for the past month and for the whole month to come. She never answers and when she does she says she will talk to him. Well no one can tell if she really has.

Don't have the responsibility of maintaining another persons rental property and feel that they have to work around you and that you can fix the problems whenever he feels to be convenient for him. Theirs been problems that needed fix for the past 3 months and not 1 has been addressed. Her daughter tells us this for the first time tonight. It is freezing, and they have no heat. I gave him a call myself and no answer. We bought them a few space heaters until we can fix the problem.

They been with out heat for 5 days when its freezing out side. Is this right? I have a few words to say to this guy.

Well her daughter got her first taste of being an adult. Dealing with complete idiots that don't do their job.

couldn't this get her landlord in big trouble? I own a couple rental properties but I have a good guy maintaining m property and if something needs fixed its fixed that same day.
Perfect fodder for the great Satans slaughter machine.
$551 a month? You get what you pay for. Between the 2 of them, if they both are working full-time, even at minimum wage, they should be able to afford a decent apartment. I moved out when I was 17, worked and went to college, paid for EVERYTHING on my own. I don't understand why two adults who are 20 years old can't take care of themselves. They need to get fulll time jobs, and don't try to tell me that's impossible. I did temp work for a while and even that can be done full time, you just take what you can get. Perhaps they are not making a real effort to earn enough to take care of themselves.
Go online and check the renters rights for your state before taking action, there are differences, state to state. But usually, you inform the landlord through email or other proveable way and if they don't respond, then you can hire it done after a certain amount of time.
Sucks their first experience is this troublesome, but it sure can be a learning experience.
Yea but you know what? She started to get an attitude about shit. When we wanted her to start to gain some sense of responsibility we asked her to pay 50 bucks a month. She had the whole attic. That price was more than fair. Her response was, "why should I help pay bills or rent". "She didn't clean her own dishes, or do her own laundry and would bitch if certain clothes wasn't clean." Eventually her mom got tired of her mouth and her daughter thought she knew it and could live on her own with no problem. So we said go then. Now she can see first hand how easy it is. How the unexpected expenses always seem to pop up at the worst times. Needless to say she apologized several times and admits she was wrong.
It wasn't about her not paying the 50 bucks a month, it was the fact she at all the food, never did her laundry, never did dishes, etc. and demand for things to be done or that they were suppose to be done already. So we felt hey let her see what its like. So after she apologized and admitted she was wrong, her whole attitude changed and when she needs something we are always here. I want her to feel the struggle, she had it easy her whole life and don't know what its like to struggle.

But yea I am going to have a talk with him tomorrow hopefully face to face
She's spoiled. Leave her to it. Let her deal with it on her own. She's 20 years old, an adult. Tough love. Let her deal with it on her own.
My girlfriends 20 year daughter just recently went off on her own. Her mother and I had a talk with her about our concerns that she isn't quite ready to go out on her own yet. Considering she didn't have much saved, only enough for security deposit and first month rent. The amount required for the apartment she was interested in. It took her about a year to save 1,300 bucks that she needed. So we thought that she wasn't quite ready and should wait until she was. We thought she should find a better paying job before she considered moving out. Maybe even a cheap car for reliable transportation. We even offered to buy her first car for a reasonable price. She wouldn't accept my offer because she wanted to do it all on her own to prove she can.

Well she works at a minimum wage job and its not 40 hrs a week. Her boyfriend suggested that they should split an apartment. He is also 20 years old making minimum wage with no money saved. They both were determined so we decided we weren't going to try to talk them out of it, and let them find out and learn on their own.

They ended up moving in an apartment for $551 a month plus gas, electric, and water. Their landlord is an older nice lady that is about to retire and sell her properties. She is impossible to get ahold of. She has maintenance man that maintains her properties. He is an older guy who said he is getting to old to do that job anymore but cant afford not to.

Problem 1- A light switch in the kitchen stopped working properly within their 1st 2 weeks, they told him about it still hasn't fixed it.

Problem 2- The bathroom vent started making very loud noise, few weeks after the kitchen switch. Told him still hasn't fixed it.

Problem 3- The shower head started leaking from the pipe it was connected to, still not fixed.

Problem 4- The front porch roof is staring to come down. 2 by 4s hanging and debris falling to the ground. Still not fixed.

Problem 5- Half of the basement lights stopped working, still not fixed.

Problem 6- The furnace stop blowing hot air on Monday, it is Friday now. Its fall, the temperatures freezing. We had her call him earlier, and asked if he could be there at 7, that is the time we all would be there after our little outing. He said that's to late, cant you stop whatever you doing and get home sooner. He didn't believe her daughter because according to him he just replaced the furnace last winter its brand new. Well that doesn't mean a problem wont occur.

This guy is unbelievable, he is responsible for maintaining some one elses rental property. He gets an attitude when they call and say there is a problem. He talks to them like they are idiots. Very disrespectful.
If you are getting to old to the point where you cant do the job no more, don't just keep it because of the money and not do your job. She needs a reliable worker and get rid of him. Problem is she is out of state for the past month and for the whole month to come. She never answers and when she does she says she will talk to him. Well no one can tell if she really has.

Don't have the responsibility of maintaining another persons rental property and feel that they have to work around you and that you can fix the problems whenever he feels to be convenient for him. Theirs been problems that needed fix for the past 3 months and not 1 has been addressed. Her daughter tells us this for the first time tonight. It is freezing, and they have no heat. I gave him a call myself and no answer. We bought them a few space heaters until we can fix the problem.

They been with out heat for 5 days when its freezing out side. Is this right? I have a few words to say to this guy.

Well her daughter got her first taste of being an adult. Dealing with complete idiots that don't do their job.

couldn't this get her landlord in big trouble? I own a couple rental properties but I have a good guy maintaining m property and if something needs fixed its fixed that same day.
...on the next Judge Judy
why in the world are you talking to the repairman? not your circus not your monkeys......and why are you calling a 20 yr old a kid? they are not...why do people continue to enable their kids way passed the time they need to be out and about?
My girlfriends 20 year daughter just recently went off on her own. Her mother and I had a talk with her about our concerns that she isn't quite ready to go out on her own yet. Considering she didn't have much saved, only enough for security deposit and first month rent. The amount required for the apartment she was interested in. It took her about a year to save 1,300 bucks that she needed. So we thought that she wasn't quite ready and should wait until she was. We thought she should find a better paying job before she considered moving out. Maybe even a cheap car for reliable transportation. We even offered to buy her first car for a reasonable price. She wouldn't accept my offer because she wanted to do it all on her own to prove she can.

Well she works at a minimum wage job and its not 40 hrs a week. Her boyfriend suggested that they should split an apartment. He is also 20 years old making minimum wage with no money saved. They both were determined so we decided we weren't going to try to talk them out of it, and let them find out and learn on their own.

They ended up moving in an apartment for $551 a month plus gas, electric, and water. Their landlord is an older nice lady that is about to retire and sell her properties. She is impossible to get ahold of. She has maintenance man that maintains her properties. He is an older guy who said he is getting to old to do that job anymore but cant afford not to.

Problem 1- A light switch in the kitchen stopped working properly within their 1st 2 weeks, they told him about it still hasn't fixed it.

Problem 2- The bathroom vent started making very loud noise, few weeks after the kitchen switch. Told him still hasn't fixed it.

Problem 3- The shower head started leaking from the pipe it was connected to, still not fixed.

Problem 4- The front porch roof is staring to come down. 2 by 4s hanging and debris falling to the ground. Still not fixed.

Problem 5- Half of the basement lights stopped working, still not fixed.

Problem 6- The furnace stop blowing hot air on Monday, it is Friday now. Its fall, the temperatures freezing. We had her call him earlier, and asked if he could be there at 7, that is the time we all would be there after our little outing. He said that's to late, cant you stop whatever you doing and get home sooner. He didn't believe her daughter because according to him he just replaced the furnace last winter its brand new. Well that doesn't mean a problem wont occur.

This guy is unbelievable, he is responsible for maintaining some one elses rental property. He gets an attitude when they call and say there is a problem. He talks to them like they are idiots. Very disrespectful.
If you are getting to old to the point where you cant do the job no more, don't just keep it because of the money and not do your job. She needs a reliable worker and get rid of him. Problem is she is out of state for the past month and for the whole month to come. She never answers and when she does she says she will talk to him. Well no one can tell if she really has.

Don't have the responsibility of maintaining another persons rental property and feel that they have to work around you and that you can fix the problems whenever he feels to be convenient for him. Theirs been problems that needed fix for the past 3 months and not 1 has been addressed. Her daughter tells us this for the first time tonight. It is freezing, and they have no heat. I gave him a call myself and no answer. We bought them a few space heaters until we can fix the problem.

They been with out heat for 5 days when its freezing out side. Is this right? I have a few words to say to this guy.

Well her daughter got her first taste of being an adult. Dealing with complete idiots that don't do their job.

couldn't this get her landlord in big trouble? I own a couple rental properties but I have a good guy maintaining m property and if something needs fixed its fixed that same day.
Someone failed to take a proactive role in guiding this young lady into the arms of a capable man... Nearly all of these problems; with the exception of the heat... Could be resolved with minimal effort, and a meager financial burden. This is what happens when parents let young ladies couple with mere boys. Rather than perform their parental duties; and place them with capable men...
My girlfriends 20 year daughter just recently went off on her own. Her mother and I had a talk with her about our concerns that she isn't quite ready to go out on her own yet. Considering she didn't have much saved, only enough for security deposit and first month rent. The amount required for the apartment she was interested in. It took her about a year to save 1,300 bucks that she needed. So we thought that she wasn't quite ready and should wait until she was. We thought she should find a better paying job before she considered moving out. Maybe even a cheap car for reliable transportation. We even offered to buy her first car for a reasonable price. She wouldn't accept my offer because she wanted to do it all on her own to prove she can.

Well she works at a minimum wage job and its not 40 hrs a week. Her boyfriend suggested that they should split an apartment. He is also 20 years old making minimum wage with no money saved. They both were determined so we decided we weren't going to try to talk them out of it, and let them find out and learn on their own.

They ended up moving in an apartment for $551 a month plus gas, electric, and water. Their landlord is an older nice lady that is about to retire and sell her properties. She is impossible to get ahold of. She has maintenance man that maintains her properties. He is an older guy who said he is getting to old to do that job anymore but cant afford not to.

Problem 1- A light switch in the kitchen stopped working properly within their 1st 2 weeks, they told him about it still hasn't fixed it.

Problem 2- The bathroom vent started making very loud noise, few weeks after the kitchen switch. Told him still hasn't fixed it.

Problem 3- The shower head started leaking from the pipe it was connected to, still not fixed.

Problem 4- The front porch roof is staring to come down. 2 by 4s hanging and debris falling to the ground. Still not fixed.

Problem 5- Half of the basement lights stopped working, still not fixed.

Problem 6- The furnace stop blowing hot air on Monday, it is Friday now. Its fall, the temperatures freezing. We had her call him earlier, and asked if he could be there at 7, that is the time we all would be there after our little outing. He said that's to late, cant you stop whatever you doing and get home sooner. He didn't believe her daughter because according to him he just replaced the furnace last winter its brand new. Well that doesn't mean a problem wont occur.

This guy is unbelievable, he is responsible for maintaining some one elses rental property. He gets an attitude when they call and say there is a problem. He talks to them like they are idiots. Very disrespectful.
If you are getting to old to the point where you cant do the job no more, don't just keep it because of the money and not do your job. She needs a reliable worker and get rid of him. Problem is she is out of state for the past month and for the whole month to come. She never answers and when she does she says she will talk to him. Well no one can tell if she really has.

Don't have the responsibility of maintaining another persons rental property and feel that they have to work around you and that you can fix the problems whenever he feels to be convenient for him. Theirs been problems that needed fix for the past 3 months and not 1 has been addressed. Her daughter tells us this for the first time tonight. It is freezing, and they have no heat. I gave him a call myself and no answer. We bought them a few space heaters until we can fix the problem.

They been with out heat for 5 days when its freezing out side. Is this right? I have a few words to say to this guy.

Well her daughter got her first taste of being an adult. Dealing with complete idiots that don't do their job.

couldn't this get her landlord in big trouble? I own a couple rental properties but I have a good guy maintaining m property and if something needs fixed its fixed that same day.

First place is her first place. I can only speak from my own experience of being a 20 something, but when i was that age i pretty much ignored any opinion that did not support mine. So just give up on that part all together. As far as the maintenance guy, have her put all her requests in writing with cell phone pics. It will still likely not get fixed, but it could help her jam up an eviction when it comes. After the pick, have her go to home depot and buy these items,

1. Light switch for the kitchen. Typically, in places like you describe the switches have aluminium wire and pulled off the post, or they were installed sloppy. Either way, have her watch this youtube,

Document it and keep the recipts.

2. The fart fan is a tough call. Hearing that its a piece of shit, and the maintenance guy is lazy, the bathroom is likely improperly vented. You will know if water runs down the walls during a hot shower. Document it, but dont mess with that unless she works it out with the landlord. Go up into the attic and see if its vented to the outside. If it is then you can replace it, if its not vented to the outside leave it alone. Watch youtube for how to do it.

3. Spin the shower head out and wrap the threads in teflon, and screw it all back in. Easy. No youtube for that.

4. No youtube for #4. Complain every day in writhing with pictures. Thats just bull shit.

5. I assume you checked bulbs, I would leave that alone and add it in the running complaint about the porch.

6. That IS bull shit. Documented complaint on the daily.

Above all, she can NOT miss one rent payment no matter how wrong the property owner is. Hope it helps, and i hope yall enjoy her new found freedom.

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