The Worst President America Ever Had

Jackie Robinson became recognized as a great American not because of his ability to play baseball, but because of the way he handled himself as the first black player. Constantly harrassed by immature racist who were obsessed with their hatred and fear, he countered the outragious behavior with dignity and class. His unwavering determination to not lower himself to the level of his critics convinced the public that Robinson was the real man, and the taunters were cowards. This was made obvious when fans began to turn on the racist. The racism began to subside as fans challanged the cowards.
It's kind of entertaining to see todays cowards use the net to show their racism. Entertaining because they are not smart enough to understand that their racism is one of the things people will look back on and help establish the first black President as a great man for simply having to put up with the immature and hateful fools.

If President Obama were more like Jackie Robinson, both in behavior and performance, he would be appreciated and honored as Jackie Robinson.

I was going to give you a positive rep but reading your entire post I changed my mind.

My post was not an effort to compare Robinson to Obama. It was meant to be a comparison between the racist of yesteryear and the racist of today, and how racist in general influence the recording of history.
Jackie Robinson became recognized as a great American not because of his ability to play baseball, but because of the way he handled himself as the first black player. Constantly harrassed by immature racist who were obsessed with their hatred and fear, he countered the outragious behavior with dignity and class. His unwavering determination to not lower himself to the level of his critics convinced the public that Robinson was the real man, and the taunters were cowards. This was made obvious when fans began to turn on the racist. The racism began to subside as fans challanged the cowards.
It's kind of entertaining to see todays cowards use the net to show their racism. Entertaining because they are not smart enough to understand that their racism is one of the things people will look back on and help establish the first black President as a great man for simply having to put up with the immature and hateful fools.

If President Obama were more like Jackie Robinson, both in behavior and performance, he would be appreciated and honored as Jackie Robinson.

I was going to give you a positive rep but reading your entire post I changed my mind.

My post was not an effort to compare Robinson to Obama. It was meant to be a comparison between the racist of yesteryear and the racist of today, and how racist in general influence the recording of history.
Why is it that when someone opposes obamaturds destructive policies and lies they are raccists? I'll tell you why, truth hurts and all you have is the race card to defend such an incompetent potus.
Jackie Robinson became recognized as a great American not because of his ability to play baseball, but because of the way he handled himself as the first black player. Constantly harrassed by immature racist who were obsessed with their hatred and fear, he countered the outragious behavior with dignity and class. His unwavering determination to not lower himself to the level of his critics convinced the public that Robinson was the real man, and the taunters were cowards. This was made obvious when fans began to turn on the racist. The racism began to subside as fans challanged the cowards.
It's kind of entertaining to see todays cowards use the net to show their racism. Entertaining because they are not smart enough to understand that their racism is one of the things people will look back on and help establish the first black President as a great man for simply having to put up with the immature and hateful fools.

If President Obama were more like Jackie Robinson, both in behavior and performance, he would be appreciated and honored as Jackie Robinson.

I was going to give you a positive rep but reading your entire post I changed my mind.

My post was not an effort to compare Robinson to Obama. It was meant to be a comparison between the racist of yesteryear and the racist of today, and how racist in general influence the recording of history.

Then your effort failed, because the "racist of yesteryear" saw only Jackie Robinson's skin color, while "racist of today" (your words and false accusations) see the failed and destructive policies, lies and actions of the President.

Worth repeating: Color of skin has nothing to do with the well-deserved criticism.
Jackie Robinson became recognized as a great American not because of his ability to play baseball, but because of the way he handled himself as the first black player. Constantly harrassed by immature racist who were obsessed with their hatred and fear, he countered the outragious behavior with dignity and class. His unwavering determination to not lower himself to the level of his critics convinced the public that Robinson was the real man, and the taunters were cowards. This was made obvious when fans began to turn on the racist. The racism began to subside as fans challanged the cowards.
It's kind of entertaining to see todays cowards use the net to show their racism. Entertaining because they are not smart enough to understand that their racism is one of the things people will look back on and help establish the first black President as a great man for simply having to put up with the immature and hateful fools.

If President Obama were more like Jackie Robinson, both in behavior and performance, he would be appreciated and honored as Jackie Robinson.

I was going to give you a positive rep but reading your entire post I changed my mind.

My post was not an effort to compare Robinson to Obama. It was meant to be a comparison between the racist of yesteryear and the racist of today, and how racist in general influence the recording of history.

Well, in that case, in today's world, it is the "reverse racists" that are rewriting and recording history.

Yeah, what ever reverse racism is.....right? Right? Is there a such thing?

Well, it is pretty related to those individuals that make a business from classifying groups of people as the perpetual victim. You see, if they are not considered victims, the business dries up for those that profit from past grievances.

Jeremiah Wright's house, for example.


Quote from Booker T Washington.

Read, learn, know.

“There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs – partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.” - Booker T Washington 1911.

See more at: Booker T. Washington on Black Victimhood - The American Vision

Tell me. Who does that apply to today? Do you really want me to show Jesse Jackson's house? Al Sharpton?

Let me know.
Obama was a snake in the grass

Sells one thing then turns around and bites you with something else

I can't believe people fell for him..that is what's more scary than anything
Cracks me up.

Yeah, obama has dark skin by the truth is -- He is a product of White Privilege through and through.

White education, white mommy, white grandparents, white colleges, white, white, white

The only time he was ever interested in being 'Black' was when it benefited him personally.

His mommy was white, the grandparents who raised him were white, he went to white schools, dated white women, was the product of white education and never, not ever did he ever experience anything even remotely resembling the 'Black Experience' in this Country.

He's just an Anti-American intellectual who thinks he can read a few books and identify with whatever victim group he chooses.

The man's a phony. His entire life is one scam after another.
Obama was a snake in the grass

Sells one thing then turns around and bites you with something else

I can't believe people fell for him..that is what's more scary than anything

A wolf in sheeps clothing. something worse will follow him
Libtards are poorly informed and practice stupidity daily. Obamaturd is the worst of the worst because he lies all the time, and idiots on the left praise him.

He hasn't lied at all.

Probably the only President more honest than Obama was Jimmy Carter.

And you fools completely despise him.

Holy shit. The worst, most annoying part is editec thanking him and then making a comment thinking he is actually intelligent.

Editec thanked swallow, cause swallow called Obama more honest than Carter.

There are no words to describe how utterly, and thoroughly brainwashed you would have to be to read this statement and then agree with it, and then make comments saying how stupid people would need to be to not agree with this.

Here is the actual truth.

You wanting to swallow jiz hasn't made your reading any better, TheOwlFag.

My post pointed out Carter was a more honest President.

Here's what a fucking shit eating lying bullshit artist looks like:

[ame=]Telling Lies - YouTube[/ame]

He was fucking actor.
Obama was a snake in the grass

Sells one thing then turns around and bites you with something else

I can't believe people fell for him..that is what's more scary than anything

A wolf in sheeps clothing. something worse will follow him

dimocrap voters remind me of the girl with the bad reputation in High School.

Just be nice and tell them whatever they want to here and you're sure to succeed.

Every time.

All the time.

You guys seem obsessed with the black President.

Why is that?

Until Obama came along, Jimmy Carter was considered to be the worst President. He was white.

Obama beat Carter to the dubious title, hands down.

He is black, but the color of his skin is not a factor. His policies, lies and actions are.

President Carter is "rated" the worst President by folks that thing America is an empire.

Outside that cabal? Not so much.

He undid most of the destruction wrought by Conservative Stagflation.
He hasn't lied at all.

Probably the only President more honest than Obama was Jimmy Carter.

And you fools completely despise him.

Holy shit. The worst, most annoying part is editec thanking him and then making a comment thinking he is actually intelligent.

Editec thanked swallow, cause swallow called Obama more honest than Carter.

There are no words to describe how utterly, and thoroughly brainwashed you would have to be to read this statement and then agree with it, and then make comments saying how stupid people would need to be to not agree with this.

Here is the actual truth.

You wanting to swallow jiz hasn't made your reading any better, TheOwlFag.

My post pointed out Carter was a more honest President.

Here's what a fucking shit eating lying bullshit artist looks like:

[ame=]Telling Lies - YouTube[/ame]

He was fucking actor.

He had the balls to confess.

Your boy doesn't have balls, they're flaps to cover his pussy.

Too bad Reagan had to resort to tricks. If the communists in Congress, aka; dimocrap scum, hadn't prevented us from fighting the communists in Nicaragua.....

Sad that the best a scumbag like you can do is hi-lite a President trying to fight communists while being blocked from doing so by dimocrap communists in Congress.

Eat shit and die, bitch.
Holy shit. The worst, most annoying part is editec thanking him and then making a comment thinking he is actually intelligent.

Editec thanked swallow, cause swallow called Obama more honest than Carter.

There are no words to describe how utterly, and thoroughly brainwashed you would have to be to read this statement and then agree with it, and then make comments saying how stupid people would need to be to not agree with this.

Here is the actual truth.

You wanting to swallow jiz hasn't made your reading any better, TheOwlFag.

My post pointed out Carter was a more honest President.

Here's what a fucking shit eating lying bullshit artist looks like:

[ame=]Telling Lies - YouTube[/ame]

He was fucking actor.

He had the balls to confess.

Your boy doesn't have balls, they're flaps to cover his pussy.

Too bad Reagan had to resort to tricks. If the communists in Congress, aka; dimocrap scum, hadn't prevented us from fighting the communists in Nicaragua.....

Sad that the best a scumbag like you can do is hi-lite a President trying to fight communists while being blocked from doing so by dimocrap communists in Congress.

Eat shit and die, bitch.

He lied you stupid fag.

And when you tell someone to do something? You'd better have the might to back that up.

You don't.

You fail.
You all have to understand the Liberals know more than you as they were able to get you to pay for all the things they want--so you should just believe what ever they say and give them what ever they want because they were educated in the USA and you paid for it not them.
You guys seem obsessed with the black President.

Why is that?

Until Obama came along, Jimmy Carter was considered to be the worst President. He was white.

Obama beat Carter to the dubious title, hands down.

He is black, but the color of his skin is not a factor. His policies, lies and actions are.
Neither Carter nor Obama have ever been rated as "worst President". Maybe you have a source to show I am mistaken.


They'll tell you that for sure......:lol:

Carter demanded Bush Sr. Resign as head of the CIA. Thus beginning the huge feud and the rw effort to denigrate Carter that continues to this day.
You wanting to swallow jiz hasn't made your reading any better, TheOwlFag.

My post pointed out Carter was a more honest President.

Here's what a fucking shit eating lying bullshit artist looks like:

Telling Lies - YouTube

He was fucking actor.

He had the balls to confess.

Your boy doesn't have balls, they're flaps to cover his pussy.

Too bad Reagan had to resort to tricks. If the communists in Congress, aka; dimocrap scum, hadn't prevented us from fighting the communists in Nicaragua.....

Sad that the best a scumbag like you can do is hi-lite a President trying to fight communists while being blocked from doing so by dimocrap communists in Congress.

Eat shit and die, bitch.

He lied you stupid fag.

And when you tell someone to do something? You'd better have the might to back that up.

You don't.

You fail.

Any city that would put up with Bloomberg's ya can't drink what you want idea and then make it law , has reduced its status in the eyes of the rest of the country and maybe the world.
And you live there, my friend I see right thru you as I know NYC very well. Having grown up on Long Island and doing much business in the 5 borough's...Your liberal thinking always puts NYC in a big hole just like now.
But the hole you have dough today is not going to be as easy to clime out of as in 88,79,and the 30's this is much bigger and you need to realize that we will not recover because of the divide put in place with the liberal know everything (especially new Yorkers) attitude.

The USA should have never allowed the snobbery of going to college be so prevalent this is a Blue Color country even Donald Trump is Blue Color ( don't make this into a Donald Conversation).
The only thing that will fix the country is the Blue Collar people --reason is they want to go to work and prosper & rebuild America. Mr. Obama and crew do not understand this (if they are in interested in fixing the economy) . And only believe in taking from the haves and giving to the have not's. That will only work for so long as the haves will also turn into the have not's.

So because Obama does not see this and when campaigning promised to grow prosperity he has to be rated the worst president. If put to a count nation wide he would come up the worst as the only time that matters is now.
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He had the balls to confess.

Your boy doesn't have balls, they're flaps to cover his pussy.

Too bad Reagan had to resort to tricks. If the communists in Congress, aka; dimocrap scum, hadn't prevented us from fighting the communists in Nicaragua.....

Sad that the best a scumbag like you can do is hi-lite a President trying to fight communists while being blocked from doing so by dimocrap communists in Congress.

Eat shit and die, bitch.

He lied you stupid fag.

And when you tell someone to do something? You'd better have the might to back that up.

You don't.

You fail.

Any city that would put up with Bloomberg's ya can't drink what you want idea and then make it law , has reduced its status in the eyes of the rest of the country and maybe the world.
And you live there, my friend I see right thru you as I know NYC very well. Having grown up on Long Island and doing much business in the 5 borough's...Your liberal thinking always puts NYC in a big hole just like now.
But the hole you have dough today is not going to be as easy to clime out of as in 88,79,and the 30's this is much bigger and you need to realize that we will not recover because of the divide put in place with the liberal know everything (especially new Yorkers) attitude.

The USA should have never allowed the snobbery of going to college be so prevalent this is a Blue Color country even Donald Trump is Blue Color ( don't make this into a Donald Conversation).
The only thing that will fix the country is the Blue Collar people --reason is they want to go to work and prosper & rebuild America. Mr. Obama and crew do not understand this (if they are in interested in fixing the economy) . And only believe in taking from the haves and giving to the have not's. That will only work for so long as the haves will also turn into the have not's.

So because Obama does not see this and when campaigning promised to grow prosperity he has to be rated the worst president. If put to a count nation wide he would come up the worst as the only time that matters is now.

Where to begin..

Not really worth..except to say that New York City is the best city in the world..barnone.


He lied you stupid fag.

And when you tell someone to do something? You'd better have the might to back that up.

You don't.

You fail.

Any city that would put up with Bloomberg's ya can't drink what you want idea and then make it law , has reduced its status in the eyes of the rest of the country and maybe the world.
And you live there, my friend I see right thru you as I know NYC very well. Having grown up on Long Island and doing much business in the 5 borough's...Your liberal thinking always puts NYC in a big hole just like now.
But the hole you have dough today is not going to be as easy to clime out of as in 88,79,and the 30's this is much bigger and you need to realize that we will not recover because of the divide put in place with the liberal know everything (especially new Yorkers) attitude.

The USA should have never allowed the snobbery of going to college be so prevalent this is a Blue Color country even Donald Trump is Blue Color ( don't make this into a Donald Conversation).
The only thing that will fix the country is the Blue Collar people --reason is they want to go to work and prosper & rebuild America. Mr. Obama and crew do not understand this (if they are in interested in fixing the economy) . And only believe in taking from the haves and giving to the have not's. That will only work for so long as the haves will also turn into the have not's.

So because Obama does not see this and when campaigning promised to grow prosperity he has to be rated the worst president. If put to a count nation wide he would come up the worst as the only time that matters is now.

Where to begin..

Not really worth..except to say that New York City is the best city in the world..barnone.



Not any More was once true--now just a haven for the lower class were the rich play.
And all others think they are better than everyone else.

Oh I will take a limo to some off Broadway plays, stay at central park south and even visit the Museum of national history, and Javits center--but then I will leave and go home to white landia. (eastern Suffolk, You guessed it) And drink all the large sodas I want.

Oh by the way you really like being a NYC snob. Used to be cool but not any more the world is laughing at you ( by the way that bothers me) hahahaha
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Any city that would put up with Bloomberg's ya can't drink what you want idea and then make it law , has reduced its status in the eyes of the rest of the country and maybe the world.
And you live there, my friend I see right thru you as I know NYC very well. Having grown up on Long Island and doing much business in the 5 borough's...Your liberal thinking always puts NYC in a big hole just like now.
But the hole you have dough today is not going to be as easy to clime out of as in 88,79,and the 30's this is much bigger and you need to realize that we will not recover because of the divide put in place with the liberal know everything (especially new Yorkers) attitude.

The USA should have never allowed the snobbery of going to college be so prevalent this is a Blue Color country even Donald Trump is Blue Color ( don't make this into a Donald Conversation).
The only thing that will fix the country is the Blue Collar people --reason is they want to go to work and prosper & rebuild America. Mr. Obama and crew do not understand this (if they are in interested in fixing the economy) . And only believe in taking from the haves and giving to the have not's. That will only work for so long as the haves will also turn into the have not's.

So because Obama does not see this and when campaigning promised to grow prosperity he has to be rated the worst president. If put to a count nation wide he would come up the worst as the only time that matters is now.

Where to begin..

Not really worth..except to say that New York City is the best city in the world..barnone.



Not any More was once true--now just a haven for the lower class were the rich play.
And all others think they are better than everyone else.

Oh I will take a limo to some off Broadway plays, stay at central park south and even visit the Museum of national history, and Javits center--but then I will leave and go home to white landia. (eastern Suffolk, You guessed it) And drink all the large sodas I want.

Oh by the way you really like being a NYC snob. Used to be cool but not any more the world is laughing at you ( by the way that bothers me) hahahaha

World doesn't laugh at New York, it follows the trends set by New York.

Every big metropolitan city in the world mimics what New York already does.

Long Island is an embarrassment.

Good seafood however.
Obama will be rated in the bottom 10%. He is there with Pierce, Fillmore, Harding, Buchanan and Andrew Johnson.
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