The Worst President America Ever Had

Until Obama came along, Jimmy Carter was considered to be the worst President. He was white.

Obama beat Carter to the dubious title, hands down.

He is black, but the color of his skin is not a factor. His policies, lies and actions are.
Neither Carter nor Obama have ever been rated as "worst President". Maybe you have a source to show I am mistaken.


They'll tell you that for sure......:lol:

Carter demanded Bush Sr. Resign as head of the CIA. Thus beginning the huge feud and the rw effort to denigrate Carter that continues to this day.

Carter didn't need any help being denigrated. He did that all by himself.

He was, and still is, a scumbag of the first order.
Faced with a revolt in his party because of the disastrous rollout of Obamacare, Barack Obama repeatedly has argued that only people who buy insurance individually are losing their policies, which is about 5 percent of the market.

However, much like his promise that people can keep their plans if they like them, that statement, too, appears to be a lie.

Read more at ?Criminal investigation? of Obamacare sought
CNS News) Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) told a Senate Environment and Public Works (EPW) committee hearing today that the president must have fabricated two oft-repeated climate claims.

“Both statements are false,” Sen. Inhofe said of Obama’s global warming claims, since neither the EPA nor the U.N. IPCC climate group can provide any supporting statistics:

“On multiple occasions, and most recently on May 30th of last year, President Obama has said, and this is a quote he has used several times, he said that ‘the temperature around the globe is increasing faster than was predicted even ten years ago’ and that ‘the climate is warming faster than anybody anticipated five or ten years ago.’

“Both statements are false …”

Read more at ?The president just made that up?
..except to say that New York City is the best city in the world..

It is a fetid cesspool, just perfect for your ilk, Swallow.

New York sat out the War of 1812 and rioted during the Civil War, lynching Black people whenever and wherever they could catch them.

New York is populated by the most cowardly, unpatriotic, gutless motherfuckers to ever walk the Earth.

A perfect haven for dimocrap scum like swallow.

For instance, Florida has nearly twice the Veteran Population of the scum in New Yawk despite us still being a less populated State.

New Yawk has 198,000 Gulf War Vets while Florida has 431,000.

Ohio has more Gulf War Vets than does New Yawk despite having 8,000,000 (Eight Million) fewer Citizens.

The State of Virginia (40% of New Yawk's population) has more than double the number of Gulf War Vets than does the cowardly State of New Yawk.

I didn't use Vietnam Vets because of our age and the fact that most of us are better off than our draft-dodging, scum-sucking dimocrap counterparts and I didn't want to skew the results with the number living in retirement States. Something New Yawk DEFINITELY is not.

Officialist of Official gubment sites:


Stay in New Yawk, swallow. Surround yourself by the most cowardly, gutless State in the Union.

No, swallows it whole, I'm not making it up...

Percent of Civilian Population Who are Veterans statistics - states compared worldwide - StateMaster

Dead fucking last.

It's easy to hate New Yawkers. They're such scumbags
Last edited:
..except to say that New York City is the best city in the world..

It is a fetid cesspool, just perfect for your ilk, Swallow.

New York sat out the War of 1812 and rioted during the Civil War, lynching Black people whenever and wherever they could catch them.

New York is populated by the most cowardly, unpatriotic, gutless motherfuckers to ever walk the Earth.

A perfect haven for dimocrap scum like swallow.

For instance, Florida has nearly twice the Veteran Population of the scum in New Yawk despite us still being a less populated State.

New Yawk has 198,000 Gulf War Vets while Florida has 431,000.

Ohio has more Gulf War Vets than does New Yawk despite having 8,000,000 (Eight Million) fewer Citizens.

The State of Virginia (40% of New Yawk's population) has more than double the number of Gulf War Vets than does the cowardly State of New Yawk.

I didn't use Vietnam Vets because of our age and the fact that most of us are better off than our draft-dodging, scum-sucking dimocrap counterparts and I didn't want to skew the results with the number living in retirement States. Something New Yawk DEFINITELY is not.

Officialist of Official gubment sites:


Stay in New Yawk, swallow. Surround yourself by the most cowardly, gutless State in the Union.

No, swallows it whole, I'm not making it up...

Percent of Civilian Population Who are Veterans statistics - states compared worldwide - StateMaster

Dead fucking last.

It's easy to hate New Yawkers. They're such scumbags

Here's the problem with you faggots.

You think everyone is like you.

We ain't.

New York is populated with plenty of heroic veterans that have served this country well.

Not only that? We also are the economic engine of this country.

As in..most of the states you faggot live in, leech off our taxes.

You are pitiful and worthy of doing what worms do..

Eating shit and dirt.

And not much else.
I'm not the only one who HATES New Yawk...

Sean Hannity to Leave New York After Andrew Cuomo's Anti-Conservative Rant

People are voting with their feet.... They're leaving.

Will New Yawk be the next Dee-Troit? I doubt it but it will become a cesspool like it was under Dinkins again. No doubt in my mind

Is that the same Hannity that promised to get tortured for charity then wimped out?

Hannity Offers To Be Waterboarded For Charity (By Charles Grodin!)

Or the one involved in ripping off charities for Vets?

Sean Hannity and Ollie North accused of scamming Veterans | Veterans Today

Hannity's a faggot worm.

Not worthy of licking the sole of my shoe.
I'm not the only one who HATES New Yawk...

Sean Hannity to Leave New York After Andrew Cuomo's Anti-Conservative Rant

People are voting with their feet.... They're leaving.

Will New Yawk be the next Dee-Troit? I doubt it but it will become a cesspool like it was under Dinkins again. No doubt in my mind

Is that the same Hannity that promised to get tortured for charity then wimped out?

Hannity Offers To Be Waterboarded For Charity (By Charles Grodin!)

Or the one involved in ripping off charities for Vets?

Sean Hannity and Ollie North accused of scamming Veterans | Veterans Today

Hannity's a faggot worm.

Not worthy of licking the sole of my shoe.

Look, cock-breath..... He said he'd let Charles Grodin do it. That's PRECISELY what he said.

Grodin didn't want to. End of story. End of challenge.

Go back to stocking the shelves at WalMart. Your fat manager is looking for you.

And do something about that breath of yours.
ya know even while most here are libs on the left so to speak, ya would think they would at least see the truth. Even if they did vote for the raciest, lier, un American traitor. If your an American you can change your mind about something and make it rite. obama is by far the worst piece of crap that ever walked into the white house.
I must have instructed you on it about a dozen times now. You know that you are just obstinately repeating what you know to be a fallacy because you KNOW you have nothing to say for yourself and no way to defend that scumbag FDR.

As I remember most of your posts claim the same thing, you defined it already. Well if you did, define it one more time, what is an argument by authority fallacy? Are you suggesting that the 238 noted historians and presidential experts I used for evaluating FDR was a fallacy because they have "no national claim to be to expertise in that matter?"

No it's the appeal to authority fallacy. Just because X number of historians say something doesn't necessarily make it true.

Of course it doesn't make it true but it does not make it a fallacy. A fallacy with authority is when the authority has no expertise in the subject. Using a movie star to promote a topic in which the star has no more knowledge than others is a fallacy. If the individual or individuals are experts in their field it is not a fallacy logic. Or as a textbook on logic might say, "The fallacy ad verecundum arises when the appeal is made to parties having no legitimate claim to authority."
As I remember most of your posts claim the same thing, you defined it already. Well if you did, define it one more time, what is an argument by authority fallacy? Are you suggesting that the 238 noted historians and presidential experts I used for evaluating FDR was a fallacy because they have "no national claim to be to expertise in that matter?"

No it's the appeal to authority fallacy. Just because X number of historians say something doesn't necessarily make it true.

Of course it doesn't make it true but it does not make it a fallacy. A fallacy with authority is when the authority has no expertise in the subject. Using a movie star to promote a topic in which the star has no more knowledge than others is a fallacy. If the individual or individuals are experts in their field it is not a fallacy logic. Or as a textbook on logic might say, "The fallacy ad verecundum arises when the appeal is made to parties having no legitimate claim to authority."

If you bothered to actually learn something about logic you might not be making such a fool of yourself right now.

If you tried even a little to think for yourself you might have something to say beyond the constant reliance on a logical fallacy.
I'm not the only one who HATES New Yawk...

Sean Hannity to Leave New York After Andrew Cuomo's Anti-Conservative Rant

People are voting with their feet.... They're leaving.

Will New Yawk be the next Dee-Troit? I doubt it but it will become a cesspool like it was under Dinkins again. No doubt in my mind

Is that the same Hannity that promised to get tortured for charity then wimped out?

Hannity Offers To Be Waterboarded For Charity (By Charles Grodin!)

Or the one involved in ripping off charities for Vets?

Sean Hannity and Ollie North accused of scamming Veterans | Veterans Today

Hannity's a faggot worm.

Not worthy of licking the sole of my shoe.

Daaaaat's da one!

>> The guy went on to tell me about Hannity’s “Freedom Concerts,” which are staged across the country with the proceeds going to children of slain soldiers. Of course, as the guy tells it, there’d be a lot more money every concert to go to the cause if Hannity didn’t demand–and get–use of a Gulfstream 5 plane to fly him and his family/entourage to the concerts; a “fleet” (that’s the word the guy used) of either Cadillac or Lincoln SUVs for him and his family/entourage; and several suites at really expensive hotels for him and his family/entourage. The promoter apparently values Hannity’s star demands at well over $200,000 per event. The source says he heard that Oliver North pulled Hannity aside at one of the concerts and told him that this had to stop. But that may mean that, from now on, Hannity has to fly on a G4 instead of a G5, gets only a few luxury SUVs, and two or three suites. <<
I'm not the only one who HATES New Yawk...

Sean Hannity to Leave New York After Andrew Cuomo's Anti-Conservative Rant

People are voting with their feet.... They're leaving.

Will New Yawk be the next Dee-Troit? I doubt it but it will become a cesspool like it was under Dinkins again. No doubt in my mind

Is that the same Hannity that promised to get tortured for charity then wimped out?

Hannity Offers To Be Waterboarded For Charity (By Charles Grodin!)

Or the one involved in ripping off charities for Vets?

Sean Hannity and Ollie North accused of scamming Veterans | Veterans Today

Hannity's a faggot worm.

Not worthy of licking the sole of my shoe.

Look, cock-breath..... He said he'd let Charles Grodin do it. That's PRECISELY what he said.

Grodin didn't want to. End of story. End of challenge.

Go back to stocking the shelves at WalMart. Your fat manager is looking for you.

And do something about that breath of yours.

Cock Breath? You projecting again?

The last place you were seen was in the john of a naval base in Mexico giving BJs for nickels so you could get some cheap beer.

And I saw the episode.

Hannity the faggot said he would get water boarded. He never did it. Plus, he ripped off the public that thought their money was going to vets.

And I'd give you a nickle...but I don't let fags give me BJs.

Stick to the fags in the bathroom looking for your services.
No it's the appeal to authority fallacy. Just because X number of historians say something doesn't necessarily make it true.

Of course it doesn't make it true but it does not make it a fallacy. A fallacy with authority is when the authority has no expertise in the subject. Using a movie star to promote a topic in which the star has no more knowledge than others is a fallacy. If the individual or individuals are experts in their field it is not a fallacy logic. Or as a textbook on logic might say, "The fallacy ad verecundum arises when the appeal is made to parties having no legitimate claim to authority."

If you bothered to actually learn something about logic you might not be making such a fool of yourself right now.

If you tried even a little to think for yourself you might have something to say beyond the constant reliance on a logical fallacy.

It doesn't seem like using 238 noted historians and presidential experts on rating the presidents is a logical fallacy. Certainly if I used your rating of FDR that would be a logical fallcy. By the way did you see the "Newsweek" special commerative published last year, it concerns the ten best American presidents? It used only ten distingushed historians to do their rating, not 238, but lo and behold it named FDR as the greatest. So not only is your background in logic suspect but your history. Since the distingushed historians agree with me, I'll have to give them an A plus, and since you are unable to use historians or others as evidence, who would you name as America's best president and why?

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