The Worst Roman Emperors

Caracalla was just cruel for zero reason. He was like tiny Stalin. He murdered his brother in front of his mother for no reason. He killed thousands of people and burned down a city only because he was mad about a satirical play.

Commdus- Was living in a different reality and was a cruel, barbaric man. He single handly destroyed the Empire forever. He had a super low IQ and lived in a fantasy world where he was a mightly gladiator. He was completely reckless and only cared about his own fun and ego. He was so bad that Rome never recovered. He was a child and a meglomaniac
Caligula- had severe mental illness and was 1000 percent psychotic. He was paranoid about everyone and killed anyone for no reason. He even had sex with his 3 sisters for a long period of time .
Where's Italy's Mussolini on the list? He use give one hell of a Nazi salute back in the day.

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Many Asian and Indian rulers made the Romans and the Hitlers look like pussycats. So did a lot of 'native American' tribes. Hitler admired native Americans and Muslims. The Phoenicians were probably worse as well; they liked using babies as human sacrifices, one of the reasons Romans disliked them, same with the Druids and Celts. Life for a Roman citizen was relatively good compared to other options in those days. Sucked to lose a war against them, though.

The Roman Empire didn't fall with Commodus, only the western empire fell. The eastern empire lasted until Constantinople fell to the Ottomans in 1453 or so.
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Caligula- had severe mental illness and was 1000 percent psychotic. He was paranoid about everyone and killed anyone for no reason. He even had sex with his 3 sisters for a long period of time .
Yeah Bib Guccione made a great movie about him
They diddled around not doing much of anything for most of their reigns, while the empire disintegrated. VIII killed his best general, the one that defeated Atilla!
I would have gotten S done !!
Quasar the
They rank high on the cruelty scale.

If you’d rather consider stupidity compounded by a long reign, I say Honorius(28 yr) snd Valentinian III(30 yr).

By that time it seemed it was too late for Western Rome as the Germanic tribes had too much power

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