the year I graduated

Auld Phart

Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 3, 2013

How Much things cost in 1967
Yearly Inflation Rate USA 2.78%
Year End Close Dow Jones Industrial Average 905
Average Cost of new house $14,250.00
Average Income per year $7,300.00
Average Monthly Rent $125.00
Gas per Gallon 33 cents
Average Cost of a new car $2,750.00
Movie Ticket $1.25
Polaroid Camera History $50.00
Parker Pen Set $11.95

How Much things cost in 1967
Yearly Inflation Rate USA 2.78%
Year End Close Dow Jones Industrial Average 905
Average Cost of new house $14,250.00
Average Income per year $7,300.00
Average Monthly Rent $125.00
Gas per Gallon 33 cents
Average Cost of a new car $2,750.00
Movie Ticket $1.25
Polaroid Camera History $50.00
Parker Pen Set $11.95
Feminism played a large role in how lopsided prices are to wages.
Women went to work, which dramatically increased the work force and dramatically increased household spending..... gee... what could go wrong?
Feminism played a large role in how lopsided prices are to wages.
Women went to work, which dramatically increased the work force and dramatically increased household spending..... gee... what could go wrong?
women were in the workplace long before 67

How Much things cost in 1967
Yearly Inflation Rate USA 2.78%
Year End Close Dow Jones Industrial Average 905
Average Cost of new house $14,250.00
Average Income per year $7,300.00
Average Monthly Rent $125.00
Gas per Gallon 33 cents
Average Cost of a new car $2,750.00
Movie Ticket $1.25
Polaroid Camera History $50.00
Parker Pen Set $11.95
Wow. How much was an ounce of good weed?
In 1967, the minimum salary for a major league baseball player was $6,000 per year. The average salary was $19,000.
In '67, when I graduated HS in Pittsburgh, an Engineering college grad could hope to make $10k/year - about the same as his classmate who was too stupid to go to college was making in the local steel mills.

And the mill workers never let them forget it. "You wasted four years getting a degree! You idiot!"

Which is why, when the mills closed down, the steel workers got very little sympathy from the community at large.

Just thought I'd mention it.

How Much things cost in 1967
Yearly Inflation Rate USA 2.78%
Year End Close Dow Jones Industrial Average 905
Average Cost of new house $14,250.00
Average Income per year $7,300.00
Average Monthly Rent $125.00
Gas per Gallon 33 cents
Average Cost of a new car $2,750.00
Movie Ticket $1.25
Polaroid Camera History $50.00
Parker Pen Set $11.95
1966. Unless you lived in a high cost of living area like New York $5,000 a year was a middle class family income in most parts of the US. If you made $10K a year then you were really well off like a doctor or lawyer.

I remember in High School making $7 in a day picking oranges on a Saturday and that being enough money to get a tank full of gas, lunch money for the week and adequate funds for a date that night. Sometimes maybe even a dollar or two left over if the date was cheap like just going to the drive in and getting cokes.

When I went into the Army (Aug 66) my monthly pay as a Private was $89/mo.
Feminism played a large role in how lopsided prices are to wages.
Women went to work, which dramatically increased the work force and dramatically increased household spending..... gee... what could go wrong?

Damn women, it is all their fault. If they had just stayed home in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant like the Bible says they should we could still by a loaf of bread for 10 cents
I had just gotten a job at TSS in Levittown when the minimum wage went from $1.25 an hour to $1.50.
1959. Los Angeles was actually a beautiful place to be....

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