the year I graduated

Yep, pretty much.
People with an IQ over 90 can recognize that when someone states a simple fact, even if they don't like hearing it, that there is no other implication or opinion added to it. It is just a fact.
People with an IQ below 90 will blame the person for having said it, and attach all the reasons they don't like it to the person who said it.
People with an IQ over 90 can recognize that when someone states a simple fact, even if they don't like hearing it, that there is no other implication or opinion added to it. It is just a fact.
People with an IQ below 90 will blame the person for having said it, and attach all the reasons they don't like it to the person who said it.

That is a lot of words just to admit I was right in my characterization of your post
Went right over your head... sorry for your lack of intelligence.
If that is what you think, then your IQ is below 90.

Your view would make a great campaign ad for your beloved party...."Upset about inflation....blame the women".

I think you should send that in.
Feminism played a large role in how lopsided prices are to wages.
Women went to work, which dramatically increased the work force and dramatically increased household spending..... gee... what could go wrong?
Women went to work, which dramatically increased the work force and dramatically increased household spending.....
Women went to work in the early 40s, doing the necessary jobs their husbands left when they were drafted/enlisted.

increased household spending?

So much fun to watch people like you run from their own words when it is pointed out how stupid they were.

He didn't run, and you're still flailing. Have you always been this delusional or is it drug induced?

Not as dramatic price differences as compared to the 1960’s, but stuff was still a lot cheaper than today.
Go back to bed old man, your dementia is kicking in again.
Stating opinions, supported by facts, is dementia to you eh?

Yup, you were born that way.

Stupid, ignorant, and jealous is no way to go through life boy, make something of yourself.
So much fun to watch people like you run from their own words when it is pointed out how stupid they were.
I am not running from anything dumbass.
I said that post 1970s feminism created a massive increase in people seeking employment from the 1980s and forward. This OBVIOUSLY lowered the value of labor - it is called supply and demand, perhaps you have heard of it?
That is just a simple fact. There is no argument to it - a fact.
Only a shrill progressive dipshit reacts to facts the way you do. You can't take it.
I am not running from anything dumbass.
I said that post 1970s feminism created a massive increase in people seeking employment from the 1980s and forward. This OBVIOUSLY lowered the value of labor - it is called supply and demand, perhaps you have heard of it?
That is just a simple fact. There is no argument to it - a fact.
Only a shrill progressive dipshit reacts to facts the way you do. You can't take it.

If only those darn women had stayed at home where they belong we could still have 10 cent bread!

This truly should be your beloved parties new campaign theme.
I am not running from anything dumbass.
I said that post 1970s feminism created a massive increase in people seeking employment from the 1980s and forward. This OBVIOUSLY lowered the value of labor - it is called supply and demand, perhaps you have heard of it?
That is just a simple fact. There is no argument to it - a fact.
Only a shrill progressive dipshit reacts to facts the way you do. You can't take it.
Since there’s a huge labor shortage, with employers begging for applicants men or women, this theory obviously doesn’t apply to today’s world.

The supply of labor obviously cannot meet up with the demand.

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