The Year Nothing Worked: Stocks, Bonds, Cash Go Nowhere


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
It is a wonderful legacy that Obama is leaving. If only the press would report on him fairly it would be like the Carter malaise years. ME in flames, investments going no where, more people not working then ever, health care cost skyrocketing. Obama, you're doing a great job.
  • It's the worst year for asset allocation funds since 1937
  • A 2.2% gain in the S&P 500 is roughly the best anyone could do
The idea behind asset allocation is simple: when one market struggles, it’s OK because an investor can jump into another that is thriving. Not so in 2015.

In fact, if you judge the past year by which U.S. investment class generated the largest return, a case can be made it was the worst for asset-allocating bulls in almost 80 years, according to data compiled by Bianco Research LLC and Bloomberg. With three days left in 2015, the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index gained 2.2 percent with dividends, cash is up less, while bonds and commodities show
Trump wants a healthy economy, I do too.

Obama wants to fundamentally change the greatest, by his own words, country in the world, he is accomplishing the task. Now all we need do is have the Republicans put on their big boy pants and make him a lame duck. After all he cost the democrats all those seats, he deserves it.

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