The "you can't fight the government with AR-15s...." lie, debunked by Larry Correia.....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
I am currently reading the great new book by Larry Correia...he takes on all of the anti-gun arguments and shoots them down one at time.....and in Chapter 7, he deals with the "you have rifles we, the government have nukes...." he points out seems like the democrats are really happy about..........they kind of say this with a fond look in their eyes, a longing to actually make it happen..

Some of the points he makes from the chapter since I can't directly quote from it....

--there were around 20,000 active taliban and other terrorists in Afghanistan and after 20 years, they held of the most advanced military power in the world and now control Afghanistan again.....

He looks at a conservative guess that we would have, minimum, over 600,000 active resistors to the government....minimum.....and that doesn't include their support among the American people....

--American military bases in Afghanistan were isolated fortresses, main bases, then isolated fire very remote areas of that country....

American military bases are actually built around local communities....and the families of the soldiers who would be part of any mass murder on command of Americans are in those communities.....and most are protected at the moment by simple chain link fences.....easy access for insurgents against a leftist, blood thirsty, government....

--the people who grow and move the food in this country are not on the side of the left wing, democrat party totalitarians......

--Speaking with Green Beret friends he shoots with, they detailed, in Shooting the Shit sessions exactly how they would completely wreck the major cities if it ever came to resisting the government......attacking power and water supplies easily....

--When the democrats begin to mow down innocents with their Apache helicopters.......that would not endear the friends, family, extended family of the victims......

--the people who work on, maintain, and Apaches, Drones and nukes? Are not friends to the anti-gun democrats..........neither are their families...

Soooooo, those dumb talking are just that.....really, really dumb....

Chapter detail...

I am currently reading the great new book by Larry Correia...he takes on all of the anti-gun arguments and shoots them down one at time.....and in Chapter 7, he deals with the "you have rifles we, the government have nukes...." he points out seems like the democrats are really happy about..........they kind of say this with a fond look in their eyes, a longing to actually make it happen..

Some of the points he makes from the chapter since I can't directly quote from it....

--there were around 20,000 active taliban and other terrorists in Afghanistan and after 20 years, they held of the most advanced military power in the world and now control Afghanistan again.....

He looks at a conservative guess that we would have, minimum, over 600,000 active resistors to the government....minimum.....and that doesn't include their support among the American people....

--American military bases in Afghanistan were isolated fortresses, main bases, then isolated fire very remote areas of that country....

American military bases are actually built around local communities....and the families of the soldiers who would be part of any mass murder on command of Americans are in those communities.....and most are protected at the moment by simple chain link fences.....easy access for insurgents against a leftist, blood thirsty, government....

--the people who grow and move the food in this country are not on the side of the left wing, democrat party totalitarians......

--Speaking with Green Beret friends he shoots with, they detailed, in Shooting the Shit sessions exactly how they would completely wreck the major cities if it ever came to resisting the government......attacking power and water supplies easily....

--When the democrats begin to mow down innocents with their Apache helicopters.......that would not endear the friends, family, extended family of the victims......

--the people who work on, maintain, and Apaches, Drones and nukes? Are not friends to the anti-gun democrats..........neither are their families...

Soooooo, those dumb talking are just that.....really, really dumb....

Chapter detail...


I've said virtually the exact same thing many times here on USMB.
Dems dont have the ability to see things to their obvious and logical conclusion.
They think they can hole up in their cities forgetting that all of their food,fuel and water come from outside sources,sources controlled by their enemies.
Power lines,rail lines,bridges,water and everything else they need to survive can be cut off with relative ease.
Cities wouldnt last more than a month with these conveniences cut off.
I've said virtually the exact same thing many times here on USMB.
Dems dont have the ability to see things to their obvious and logical conclusion.
They think they can hole up in their cities forgetting that all of their food,fuel and water come from outside sources,sources controlled by their enemies.
Power lines,rail lines,bridges,water and everything else they need to survive can be cut off with relative ease.
Cities wouldnt last more than a month with these conveniences cut off.
That's why it's good that they have pretty much confined themselves to areas that are easy to isolate except by air/sea.......They might not starve but it will sure get froggy when they turn on each other. The inland blue areas surrounded by a sea of red are fucked.
After Jan 6 I think it is very obvious. If planned right, by some one very high in our government, say the POTUS, even a mob with only non firearm weapons, with enough number of insurrectionist, can overthrow the government. Or at least delay the peaceful transfer of power and with practice, might succeed someday.
Oh yea, of course. Bunch of ANTIFA and BLM guys led by some Epps guy. Sure. LOL.
And video of capitol police deliberately removing barricades and waving people in....And video of capitol police unlocking the magnetically locked doors and allowing people in....And tear gas and flash-bangs being lobbed into a peaceful crowd....And a yet-to-be-identified dude on the top of scaffolding, with a megaphone urging people to enter the capitol....And a yet-to-be-identified dude in a ridiculous red suit, standing outside one of the doors urging and waving people into the capitol....And the "pipe bombs", that were obviously inert, planted to be found, by a yet-to-be-identified individual.

You're completely unable to smell bulllshit when it's waved right under your nose.
I/6 Lasted Hours , The CHOP/ CHAZ BLM George Floyd Summer of Love lasted almost two years
In kindergarten I learned if I do something wrong, even if all the other kids doing the same thing wrong did not mean I was not getting a spanking. Do you think because some hooligans rioting the summer before made it ok for Trumpsters to try to overthrow the government? Seriously? are you really making that argument?
In kindergarten I learned if I do something wrong, even if all the other kids doing the same thing wrong did not mean I was not getting a spanking. Do you think because some hooligans rioting the summer before made it ok for Trumpsters to try to overthrow the government? Seriously? are you really making that argument?
"Overthrow the gubmint"......lmfao

In kindergarten I learned if I do something wrong, even if all the other kids doing the same thing wrong did not mean I was not getting a spanking. Do you think because some hooligans rioting the summer before made it ok for Trumpsters to try to overthrow the government? Seriously? are you really making that argument?
How many Guns & Tanks they bring in the Overthrow attempt ?
How many Guns & Tanks they bring in the Overthrow attempt ?
Simply immaterial. Look up deadly force. While tanks and guns are deadly force, so is a mass of people rioting. Bet you understood that the summer before.
Sure but the MSM & Far left & left Governors & State officials did not catch on until 1/6
Simply immaterial. Look up deadly force. While tanks and guns are deadly force, so is a mass of people rioting. Bet you understood that the summer before.
So the riots/anti-war demonstrations in the late sixties were trying to bring down the government? They were far more violent than 1/6.
So the riots/anti-war demonstrations in the late sixties were trying to bring down the government? They were far more violent than 1/6.
Ok let's say you are right. Does that make the Trumpsters any less guilty?

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