The Young Turks. Gotta Watch.

You're a retarded yankee, I get it.
My family is the opposite of inbred, doof.

Have you really ever traced your heritage?
Why are you so derp?
Is it an inbred yankee thing or what?

I can repeat it over and over.
I exactly KNOW my heritage.
Here it is, defend or oppose all you want.

You ready? Accept it or not. This is My Heritage.

Norwegian 25% PGF
Swedish 25% PGF
Dutch 25% PGM
A mix of Scots, Dutch, English, Irish, and French. the other 25% PGM.

Moved to Montana.
All of Them.
Holy crap you're white.

My ancestors are French and Spanish Aristocracy.

No inbreeding

Who the fuck just goes to Montana? Where the fuck is that, even?

I tell you what, I have probably never been there. I have been all kinds of back and forth around this country, but Montana never entered the picture.

Trump has given satirists a rich vein of material, more so than any other politician in living memory. This is how Eire sees him.
If only his imbecility didnt end with a load of dead people.
Trump ignorance you fkn pos puke at least he doesnt' try to legalize beastiality you UNINFORMED SKANK ASS!
So yeah dumbass you all prove just who the RETARDS of society are.

LOL the young Turds.... what a joke. :cuckoo:

One animal fkr has got to herd thier other lovers in see how that works this ass hole who posted this article are proving what low IQ these skanks have.
I mean young Turks really the very skank who wants to fk animals yeah I really want this for my role model.
Did trump say, "You can't see the Stealth, even if you are right next to it."
Did he?
I think that's known as "hyperbole" and "embellishment". Trump does it often, like saying "you are going to win so much you'll get tired of it". Or "best phone call ever".

The only ignorance you've exposed here is your own. Hate less-think more.
Please feel free to ADD to this collection of trump ignorance. Or any other politician of any party.

That was good.

It's always fun to see the media use video to remind us of some of the totally moronic things trump has said in the last few years.

I'm not sure which is my favorite. The airports the continental army liberated or the fighter jets that can't be seen with the naked eye.

The sad thing, he's president. We have a president who barely has a grasp of reality. Scary.
LOL the young Turds.... what a joke. :cuckoo:

Yes how dare people use video of trump speaking his own words to remind us what a total moron trump is and has no problem showing the world.

The sad thing is that people like you believe the continental army liberated airports or that fighter jets can't be seen with the naked eye.

They are totally and absolutely infected with TDS.
you have it ass backwards the young turds are some of the most ignorant leftists in the media.

So are you discussing the Panel, or you actually WILLING to discuss the content?
You can't see past the PANEL.
Focus on the Content, which is LIVE Video.

Your only defense should/could be:

"The Actual Video of trump saying these ignorant things is FAKE/altered/Not Real."
are you going to say that every other president didn't make stupid quotes? just wondering where your loyalty goes.
LOL the young Turds.... what a joke. :cuckoo:

Yes how dare people use video of trump speaking his own words to remind us what a total moron trump is and has no problem showing the world.

The sad thing is that people like you believe the continental army liberated airports or that fighter jets can't be seen with the naked eye.
you too huh? so here, some perspective for you....

I know, I know, you thought he was always so smart. right?

didn't slick willie have sex in the oval office?
My ancestors built America,

Awesome, So DID I. My Family and I.
I just don't live in the South and haven't been inbred.
Well done though.

My ancestors helped liberate this nation from England.

Everyone's ancestors contributed to this nation in some way.

My dad was one of the people who designed the first generation of bombs that spewed out stuff to inflict more harm on people during the Korean War. When the war was over the Army sent him to Hanford Nuclear Facility to design bombs there. When he got out of the Army he went to work at Boeing. He designed the interiors of most of Boeing's commercial jets.

So what's the point? What does any of that have to do with the fact that trump is a total moron on a totally different level? I mean, who thinks that the continental army liberated airports? Who in their right mind would ever want to nuke a hurricane? Who in their right mind doesn't know that stealth technology only works with radar and not the naked eye?

All the Young Turks did was just take video of trump saying those moronic things and more. Then asked, what is the most stupid thing trump has ever said?
Please feel free to ADD to this collection of trump ignorance. Or any other politician of any party.

Yes, Trump does say dumb things. You know who else does? Cenk Uygur, the guy who just lost a Congressional race in California.
When the Rock is up the ring and says can you smell what the Rock is cooking does that really mean he's cooking an actual meal in the ring?

Pure Ignorance on your part.
Fantasy versus being the Leader of the Free World.

Trump is supposed to be the Leader of the Free World.
Best Country in the World, right?
Why you let this dotard control you is a danger to the Entire World.

(D) and sensible voters, please do the right thing and END this disaster called trumpstain.

I've triggered the masses of RWI's.
Non-RWI's need to band together, NOW.
Bring it, pussies! We'll kick your asses and be home in time for lunch.

We are the people that can actually hammer a nail, dumbass.
Oh geez..tack-stripping a house..eesh!
You ever hammer nails into concrete, boy?
Tbh, I prefer to hammer nails into wood.

Oh! All of of that is beneath your ecletic leftist ass, huh?
Carpentry skills denote political acumen? What color is the sky in your world?
Please feel free to ADD to this collection of trump ignorance. Or any other politician of any party.

Yes, Trump does say dumb things. You know who else does? Cenk Uygur, the guy who just lost a Congressional race in California.

Uygur's words should be weighed on the same scale as the president's words? How far over will you bend to defend this huckster buffoon?
My ancestors built America,

Awesome, So DID I. My Family and I.
I just don't live in the South and haven't been inbred.
Well done though.

My ancestors helped liberate this nation from England.

Everyone's ancestors contributed to this nation in some way.

My dad was one of the people who designed the first generation of bombs that spewed out stuff to inflict more harm on people during the Korean War. When the war was over the Army sent him to Hanford Nuclear Facility to design bombs there. When he got out of the Army he went to work at Boeing. He designed the interiors of most of Boeing's commercial jets.

So what's the point? What does any of that have to do with the fact that trump is a total moron on a totally different level? I mean, who thinks that the continental army liberated airports? Who in their right mind would ever want to nuke a hurricane? Who in their right mind doesn't know that stealth technology only works with radar and not the naked eye?

All the Young Turks did was just take video of trump saying those moronic things and more. Then asked, what is the most stupid thing trump has ever said?
what a waste to shit on all of them and continue this lock down. huh? Trump said open it up. let's do it. let's gather back our dignity, liberty and freedom the governors stole from us. trump trump's any young turk
When the Rock is up the ring and says can you smell what the Rock is cooking does that really mean he's cooking an actual meal in the ring?

Pure Ignorance on your part.
Fantasy versus being the Leader of the Free World.

Trump is supposed to be the Leader of the Free World.
Best Country in the World, right?
Why you let this dotard control you is a danger to the Entire World.

(D) and sensible voters, please do the right thing and END this disaster called trumpstain.

I've triggered the masses of RWI's.
Non-RWI's need to band together, NOW.
Bring it, pussies! We'll kick your asses and be home in time for lunch.

We are the people that can actually hammer a nail, dumbass.
Oh geez..tack-stripping a house..eesh!
You ever hammer nails into concrete, boy?
Tbh, I prefer to hammer nails into wood.

Oh! All of of that is beneath your ecletic leftist ass, huh?
Carpentry skills denote political acumen? What color is the sky in your world?
Blue right now.
You just validated my point. Derp!
Last edited:
When the Rock is up the ring and says can you smell what the Rock is cooking does that really mean he's cooking an actual meal in the ring?

Pure Ignorance on your part.
Fantasy versus being the Leader of the Free World.

Trump is supposed to be the Leader of the Free World.
Best Country in the World, right?
Why you let this dotard control you is a danger to the Entire World.

(D) and sensible voters, please do the right thing and END this disaster called trumpstain.

I've triggered the masses of RWI's.
Non-RWI's need to band together, NOW.
Bring it, pussies! We'll kick your asses and be home in time for lunch.

We are the people that can actually hammer a nail, dumbass.
Oh geez..tack-stripping a house..eesh!
You ever hammer nails into concrete, boy?
Tbh, I prefer to hammer nails into wood.

Oh! All of of that is beneath your ecletic leftist ass, huh?
Carpentry skills denote political acumen? What color is the sky in your world?
Fact leftists can't function without Trump supporters

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