Their fear is palpable


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
For the record, I called QAnon pure, unadulterated bullshit from Day One across all platforms. Anyone who actually believed that someone with national security clearance was posting earth-shattering information on some ultra obscure website is an imbecile.

But that being said, just note how terrified the left is anytime someone rejects their official narrative - especially someone they believe should be in their corner (ie black people, hippies, etc.).
Just how deeply QAnon has penetrated the wellness world is difficult to quantify, but its effects are tangible: broken friendships and business partnerships, lingering sadness and frustration, and a growing number of spiritualists who are speaking out against the spread of the false conspiracy theory.
If you refuse to swallow whatever they put out, the left becomes absolutely terrified. They are writing articles in the Los Angeles times over half a dozen hippies rejecting masks/COVID. Just let that sink in for a moment. One of the largest newspapers in the world is dedicating print to a half a dozen hippies that they would ignore if their plight was loss of liberty.
And only a minuscule fraction of the crazy put out by the left and their propaganda outlets.

Yeah, man, I know, crazy ideas like we shouldn't let poor people die of treatable diseases or that the richest country in the world shouldn't have kids who go to bed hungry at night. Not to mention that whacky idea that if you work, you should earn a living wage. I mean, that's a lot of crazy talk, there.
Yeah, man, I know, crazy ideas like we shouldn't let poor people die of treatable diseases or that the richest country in the world shouldn't have kids who go to bed hungry at night. Not to mention that whacky idea that if you work, you should earn a living wage. I mean, that's a lot of crazy talk, there.

No poor people are dying of treatable diseases...the medical field however will accomodate with gov't to determine which group gets the wrong treatment/no treatment. THEY killed these covid victims by denying potential life saving treatment and drugs that were INEXPENSIVE. Are you telling me that with all this government school breakfast, lunch and dinner programs the left STILL complains about children being hungry.....just like they liked to claim repubs were pushing granny off the cliff? who believes a damn word the left says now. You did read that american media veracity comes in dead last didn't you? LOL Look. 15.oo an hour is not a living wage and fast food restaurants are not for careers. They're introductory jobs and people MOSTLY move on. We know where the crazy talk is coming from, bud.
And only a minuscule fraction of the crazy put out by the left and their propaganda outlets.
Are we still talking about QAnon?

That’s the group that thinks that Hollywood and the Democratic Party are harvesting children to eat?
the one thing I can really palpate is the fake outrage and hatred by retardicans, you guys are just the echo chambers for the propaganda machinery, i.e. fox, oan, the crazy fat guy alex jones, and for such a long time, the crazy, fat ,drug addicted piece of shit limbaugh. The vast majority of progressives only care about living a decent life without the constraints of a cult, retardicans are only into hate and division, they have no policies, progressives are for law and order, retardicans are for insurrection and looking the other way when it comes to all the crimes committed by pussygrabber, their cult leader, progressives are for sound and responsible financial system, retardicans are for making the rich richer, while sending our economy into recessions and depressions every time for the past 100 years. Progressives are not into personality cult, I could not care less if president biden, or the pussygrabber dropped dead right now, like they would not give a shit if i dropped dead now....

And only a minuscule fraction of the crazy put out by the left and their propaganda outlets.

Yeah, man, I know, crazy ideas like we shouldn't let poor people die of treatable diseases or that the richest country in the world shouldn't have kids who go to bed hungry at night. Not to mention that whacky idea that if you work, you should earn a living wage. I mean, that's a lot of crazy talk, there.
Again, you miss the mark by miles.

It isn't that anyone wants to let kids go to bed hungry, or that we want people to die of treatable disease. Its that the solutions that the left put out cause more harm than good.

How about some wacky idea of teaching children to hate the idea of having children before they can actually afford them. Much like we teach kids to hate the idea of killing another human being. Or teaching citizens that they need to be responsible for their lives BEFORE they go and fuck them up and teach them the value of hard work and the values of earned self-esteem.

All the lefts answer amount to giving a bottle of alcohol to an addict and claiming they "care".

Like I said, the crazy put out by the left is massive compared to a few loose nuts on the right.
Was killed by a cop. Had nothing to do with the boogerman QAnon
She was storming the Capitol because QAnon told her that they were going to overturn the election on Jan 6th. That’s why she was jumping through barricaded doors outside the House chambers and was shot by a cop.

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