Then there were two


Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2012
Deep in the heart of Texas.
While I doubt anyone seriously cares or is surprised by this Lincoln Chafee dropped out of the race for the Democratic nomination leaving just O'Malley and Sanders as Hillarys so called challengers. So couple of questions how long do you think it will be before the last two officially give it up and will the DNC go ahead and canceall the rest of their debates given the nomination has been decided?
If only the GOP losers had enough sense to bail. You could easily cull 1/2 of them.
The Lying Hildabeast was always their pick..............the rest is just a show...........................
While I doubt anyone seriously cares or is surprised by this Lincoln Chafee dropped out of the race for the Democratic nomination leaving just O'Malley and Sanders as Hillarys so called challengers. So couple of questions how long do you think it will be before the last two officially give it up and will the DNC go ahead and canceall the rest of their debates given the nomination has been decided?
Metaphorically speaking, O'Malley will quit, the day after tomorrow.

Bernie, however, is not so easy to predict, especially given his recent rise in support at the polls.
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The Republicans seem to be getting jealous. Why else start a thread that doesn't really say anything?
Not really.

At least the Pub primary race is real, and multi-faceted, and full of drama, angst and surprises.

The Dem primary race is about as genuine as a three-dollar bill - Shrillary was annointed eons ago - and about as exciting as watching paint dry.
While I doubt anyone seriously cares or is surprised by this Lincoln Chafee dropped out of the race for the Democratic nomination leaving just O'Malley and Sanders as Hillarys so called challengers. So couple of questions how long do you think it will be before the last two officially give it up and will the DNC go ahead and canceall the rest of their debates given the nomination has been decided?
All 3 will go to the convention, and Hillary will win.

I do wonder who her VP nominee will be.
The Republicans seem to be getting jealous. Why else start a thread that doesn't really say anything?
Not really. At least the Pub primary race is real, and multi-faceted, and full of drama, angst and surprises. The Dem primary race is about as genuine as a three-dollar bill - Shrillary was annointed eons ago - and about as exciting as watching paint dry.
Your analysis is what's as phony as a three dollar bill. It's jealousy plain and simple. Tell me the Republicans wouldn't love a proven standard bearer with Hillary's lead in the national polls. Now try and keep a straight face when you say "No". :laugh2:
The Republicans seem to be getting jealous. Why else start a thread that doesn't really say anything?
Not really. At least the Pub primary race is real, and multi-faceted, and full of drama, angst and surprises. The Dem primary race is about as genuine as a three-dollar bill - Shrillary was annointed eons ago - and about as exciting as watching paint dry.
Your analysis is what's as phony as a three dollar bill. It's jealousy plain and simple. Tell me the Republicans wouldn't love a proven standard bearer with Hillary's lead in the national polls. Now try and keep a straight face when you say "No". :laugh2:
What, pray tell, is phony about my analysis?

1. That the Dems have a tiny and rapidly dwindling field of competitors; only one of which is a serious contender?

2. That Shrillary had the nomination locked-up before the primary race even began - that it was a foregone conclusion?

3. That uncertain races are far more entertaining than one-trick-pony sure-things?

All three of those salient points are accurate, in large part.

Oh, and as to 'jealousy', why in the world would I be jealous?

The Pubs are as corrupt as the Dems, and neither side is going to field a candidate that represents the best interests of the American People.

Neither side.

Get it?

That's one of the nice things about being a Centirst - you get to throw rocks at both sides - and get away with it.
While I doubt anyone seriously cares or is surprised by this Lincoln Chafee dropped out of the race for the Democratic nomination leaving just O'Malley and Sanders as Hillarys so called challengers. So couple of questions how long do you think it will be before the last two officially give it up and will the DNC go ahead and canceall the rest of their debates given the nomination has been decided?
Who cares? Hillary is on her way to the coronation (unless of course the micro slim chance she actually gets indicted for her deeds comes to pass), so it's basically a snooze fest. The only thing that would make it worth paying attention to is if Bernie suddenly remembers he's in office as independent and announces he's going to run for President as such, but I don't really think he has the integrity and self respect left to do it.

The Republican Nomination race on the other hand is still a lot of fun since they're all still busy slipping knives into each others backs and making stupid gaffes. :)
Sanders is going to the Big show If he maintains 10% of support.

That maybe good for the Clinton camp--it helps her practice debate performance.

By the way, you forgot Webb.
Here is one for you lefties tell us Hillary would still have her big lead in the primary if she had even one serious challenger? You tend to do very well in the polls when your basically running unopposed. Here is a better one strictly hypothetical but lets say Hillary was forced to drop out of the race due to accident or illiness who right now in the Democratic party could step in and be a serious threat to win the 2016 election? A bonus question if you can name someone who could do that why arent they already in the race?
What a joke this has been from this Democrat party. they are playing their base for fools. it's take who ever they give you, like it or not.
While I doubt anyone seriously cares or is surprised by this Lincoln Chafee dropped out of the race for the Democratic nomination leaving just O'Malley and Sanders as Hillarys so called challengers. So couple of questions how long do you think it will be before the last two officially give it up and will the DNC go ahead and canceall the rest of their debates given the nomination has been decided?
decided? don't be silly
...By the way, you forgot Webb.
Here is one for you lefties tell us Hillary would still have her big lead in the primary if she had even one serious challenger? You tend to do very well in the polls when your basically running unopposed. Here is a better one strictly hypothetical but lets say Hillary was forced to drop out of the race due to accident or illiness who right now in the Democratic party could step in and be a serious threat to win the 2016 election? A bonus question if you can name someone who could do that why arent they already in the race?

Sanders will end up winning if Hillary dropped out. Biden is not running, and no one is interested in becoming President besides Webb and O'Malley.

Webb would have a chance, but he is not as popular as Sanders and his conservative streak will turn lefties away. However, Webb would make a good preident, IMHO.

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